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“ Dah grizh iz powerful. Dah grizh-lady guidez uz. “

A Raguk smith, explaining Bloodsteel.


Raguk bloodsteel is an ancient smithing tradition of Clan Raguk. It is one of the specializations of the clan and their art and trade, utilizing blood and sheer willpower to work their steel and make it more powerful and more resilient than regular steel - although some say that this is not true, and purely the belief of the Raguks. The process of crafting bloodsteel involves sacrifice, offering, mixing and precise measures, so that an offering to the Mistress of Blood does not go by without attention or care.



To make bloodsteel, there are four steps, though they all surmount to the same result; bloodsteel.


Step oneis to create the mold. Weapons of bloodsteel do not use traditional sword, axe or spear molds, for they cannot be conventional weapons. Despite being as sharp and as powerful as regular steel, bloodsteel is made for ceremonial weapons, for a Raguk Warlord’s execution weapon, something that invokes fear and respect. As such, the mold must match that.


Step two, is to prepare whatever is to be offered to the Mistress of Blood. Be it a live sacrifice to the mistress, or a sacrifice of pure blood, the Redskins of Clan Raguk believe that, to make bloodsteel without an appropriate sacrifice, while it might still work, will anger Gazigash. After the sacrifice is made, the smith can move on


Step three, is to carefully place a bowl of blood and a collected bone by the stream of molten steel in the forge. The blood must heat, and the bone must slowly melt to the heat, so that they may be mixed with the molten steel and produce the ceremonial red steel. The bowl of blood is expected to be sizable, and the bone, while not necessarily needing to be that big, would be appreciated.


Step four, is to mix the half-molten bone and the boiling blood with the mold of cooling ferrum. The blood and bone mixture should mix seamlessly with the cooling ferrum, and after the last processes of smithing are done; the proper shaping, sharpening, sanding and whatnot, the steel should come out a hue of crimson; the ceremonial steel of Clan Raguk.



The purpose of bloodsteel is purely ceremonial. Knives, axes, swords and spears that will be crafted and most likely used for sacrifices, demonstrations, and since it is as durable as regular steel, it can even be used for honor klomps and small duels. It is a Raguk smith’s proof of devotion to Gazigash and Gentharuz; the ability required to forge a mold and a sword while a bowl of blood heats up without having it boil and evaporate, as well as the skill put into the sword itself


It is also a trade craft for those seeking a more.. ‘aesthetic’ blade from the Redskins of Raguk, known to be the best smiths in all the Uzg. However, the price for buying bloodsteel can be and is usually quite high, for it is an offering and crafted dedication to Gazigash and Gentharuz, and should be treated with seriousness, or the Raguks will simply klomp someone to have it back.

However easy the technique seems, it is a knowledge reserved only to Raguks. Other clans have attempted to copy this ancient tradition, to no avail. It would simply not come out red. Everything needs to be at a perfect point; the perfect point that only an authentic and trained Raguk smith truly knows.

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"Uh-Huh.. hm.. yub yub, mi ken nub reed." The olog said before going on with his day.

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7 hours ago, CamoRein said:

"Uh-Huh.. hm.. yub yub, mi ken nub reed." The olog said before going on with his day.


7 hours ago, CamoRein said:

"Uh-Huh.. hm.. yub yub, mi ken nub reed." The olog said before going on with his day.

Ja’Runk smokes cactus green



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"Mi kennub koog wibh diz.. bud ukee.." the orc replied confusedly, scratching his noggin as he was told of this by an associate.

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