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On the Matter of Richard Maximillian Hill


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A Proclamation

On the Matter of Richard Maximillian Hill



The Viscounty of Anatis has been made aware of the continued existence of Richard Maximillian Hill, a criminal sentenced to execution who is now on the run. It has also been made apparent that this man has restyled himself Novellen after being disowned and disinherited to the bastard title ‘Hill’ by the Viscountess of Anatis, Catherine Marie Huntshill.


Richard Maximillian Hill is a known criminal of the royal nation of Balian charged and found guilty of the act of sedition against the crown. The Viscounty asks that he be taken into custody and returned to Balian on sighting of this wanted criminal. Those who bring this criminal back shall receive a reward. Known aliases of this being may be, and are not limited to:


= Richard Maximillian Novellen

= Richard Maximillian Huntshill

= Richard Maximillian Huntshill-Novellen (Novellen-Huntshill)


The last known appearance of this being was in Petra. It is blonde haired, versed in medicine, and has light gray/blue eyes. It is of note that Richard Maximillian had a twin, though there are marked differences in appearance. His twin has longer hair, facial hair and is not to be harmed. 



Criminals have no place in titling

themselves Novellen nor Huntshill




The Right Honorable, Catherine Marie Huntshill, Viscountess of Anatis

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