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Regarding Radzig.


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Regarding Radzig.


Hello to all that missed me, and all that didn’t,


I revisit this website hopefully for the last time as I claim to my faults regarding banned players Radzig & GeckoOp. I’d like to start out by saying that no entity or player has coarsed me into writing this out, this on my own will and out of a considerable amount of guilt / disdain for my actions and the server. 


The Ban.


Some time in June I reached out to a senior admin through the help of another player, one who will go unnamed, and expressed my worries about both Radzig and Gecko. Up until roughly a week ago I was under the impression that my photos had been sent from Radzig to Gecko, this was because of a joke made by Gecko himself.

I use joke because that's what it was: a joke. This has been confirmed.


I have since received apologies from the duo, both considered to be genuine by me. This is my apology to them. 


The Diss-Track.


In a song released by Radzig and then posted to Orenian announcements by their at the time King. He made a distasteful joke about me which was taken as transphobia by many who heard or read the lyrics. At the time, everybody messaging me and stressing about it caused me to feel more overwhelmed than I should have. It was a joke and it was immature, but Radzig is far from transphobic.


It is to note that prior to the release, I myself harassed and taunted him via iMessage and Discord DM’s due to my anger and out of spite. I said a lot of hurtful things and looking back, I can see his motivation behind such retaliation. 


My Motives & Apology.


I write this on my own conscience and as I stated earlier: guilt. I would like to formally and publicly apologise to Radzig for my wrong-doings and defamation of his character. I’m aware of the loss of many of his friends because of my messy accusations and behaviour, which later lead to a somewhat shunning. I was never doxed by him despite what you might have heard.


The worst part of this all is that my side was the one heard, when underneath I was entirely the problem. I knew mostly that when I was accusing Radzig of sharing photos that it wasn’t true, but it was convenient for me and I used the voice of respected players to carry out my misinformation. 


I’d like to thank Haense for doing what they believed was the right thing, and I’m sorry for letting you all down. 


I’m very sorry Radzig and I wish you the best.



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I'm genuinely upset to hear guilt has haunted you like this, but I am also glad you are able to get this off your chest. The situation at hand is finicky due to LOTC's black and white policy regarding these types of things. Thank you for being a bigger person in this, and I truly hope this can be put in the past in a dark closet and stay there. You will be welcomed back no matter if you decide to stay or go back into offline mode, regardless, I wish you the best of luck.

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free my boy radzig o7

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ouch 😪

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The truth shall set you free. I commend you for putting aside your pride and setting things right!

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