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[Guide] RP Signs


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RP Signs

Plugin Guide



The tech team wants to introduce you to a new plugin being introduced to the server. Interactive signs enhance roleplay descriptions and take up less space describing scenarios. 


This overview and guide will take you through the plugin and everything you’re able to do, we’ll first go into the commands.


The interface can be opened by looking at a blank sign and typing “/rpsign”.



Continuing to write in this field and not touching the following commands will put a Minecraft text limit of 256 characters. When your message is written out and press enter, the sign will be complete, and your message will be saved.


Your chatbox will show an example of the sign's new text and an example of the characters you’ve typed. 



Presented with the interact text, you now right-click the sign to display the saved message. 



Your message will then be prompted in chat.



Further information will be listed below explaining the other commands and functions of RP Signs. The below commands would only work once an RP sign has been created.


You may add images to your text messages, and they will be presented similar to how they’re viewed in chat.



Using the previous image, we’ll start at the top and go down with the following commands, Clear, Display, Mod, Reload.



Typing in “/rpsign clear” while looking at a roleplay sign (only with RP Signs). Clears it and any saved text.



Typing in “/rpsign display” will give you several more options; all these options change the interact text listed on the sign.







The following commands will change the sign text to either a custom text you set or preset text; for example, a custom message would appear for you to write in.



Confirm your text by clicking on the sign, and the placed sign will have the text on it.



The other prompts are displayed below.



The two other commands, mod and reload, are for the plugin creators/admins only, so you will not get any information on them.


VIP Exclusive Function

Gold VIP+ Have access to coloured sign text. Simply following book formatting codes make sure you put & followed by the number, as the other symbols won't work.



Thank you for reading this overview and guide to the RP Signs plugin. We hope you enjoy it on the server.

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