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The Bogatyr test of Vladimir var Ruthern

The Knights Table

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On this 12th day of Yula ag Piov of 447



Over ten years ago, I had the pleasure of accepting the chubby-cheeked Vladimir var Ruthern as my page, unsure if he was a good fit but willing to put him to the test. Throughout his time as a page under my rutledge he showed immense commitment to the tasks set out for him, he did not let the other children bully him over his porky stature and with this showed to me that if I simply pushed the boy to his limits, he would reach his true potential.


So with rigorous training, both physical and mental, Vladimir turned to the path that will forever shape the rest of his life. After losing his baby fat and pushing himself to the limit he requested to advance to the position of squire to which I gladly agreed to take him on, and Ser Conrad agreed to accept him into the ranks as a squire. Now as a squire the boy would have his resolve tested even further and despite his many hardships and troubles, he continued forward with the age old Haenseti proverb that made him who he is today : ‘I would have perished had I not persisted’.


And now, having pushed through his misfortune, family dramas and adversity he has proven himself a valuable asset to the Crown. It is therefore that I am proud to send Vladimir out on his Bogatyr trial to test everything he has learnt.

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