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The inflicted wound


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The Inflicted Wound


Josephine’s heart had been hurting for too long, she was fifty now and had been wandering for twenty years. 


Josie’s heart ached, she missed her husband, someone she had loved so dearly.


Jo’s heart had grown weak, every day was a struggle and she doubted she could live another ten years.

“Lucien!” A tall teen calls over to her friend, rushing over and grabbing his arms “We should get married!” She squeals and he laughs at her before nodding “I know a priest.”


The girl’s eyes light up, nodding frantically “Balyzm! Let's get married, Lucien.”

“Come on Josie, you’re almost there!” The piercing sound of a cry broke the tension between the nurses and the couple.


A couple of moments later and the single cry was joined by two more. The young couple had triplets. She looks at each, her face flushed and sweaty, but a smile breaks her tough exterior “Oh Godan…look at them, Lucien.” 


They were all perfect and she was happy. He was happy.

“We don’t just sit in a church side-by-side without arguing for nothing. Ea sensed it. The feeling lingers in the air, the feeling of losing something soon. It’s cold and damp.”


“Huh.” The girl’s father looks at his hands for a bit, spinning a ring that lays on his finger “The feeling of losing something..”


“Can’t vy feel it?” The woman reaches her hand out, touching something that wasn’t really there before allowing it to drop by her side “Ea felt it the day Ea found out Lucius died.”


They conversed some more, talking before her father stands.


“Dravi papej.”

“So…just eam and vy.” She looks towards the grave, it was most likely empty, the body probably moved with the family that owned the burning buildings around her. This place used to be her home once.


She remembers talking to her brother often when she married Lucien when she had her triplets when their father disappeared. Only one of those was where he was alive, the others she just talked to dirt.


And she talks to him now.


“What do vy think Lucius? Did Ea do well?” She smiles gently, breaking a piece of bread in half and placing a piece atop the upturned dirt. She bites into the other half, sighing slightly “Vy hurt eam a lot vy know? Vy just died on eam one day, what was Ea to do? Vy missed the birth of mea triplets.” 


Her bottom lip quivered, only she knew how much she missed him.


“Lucien, Ea really needed vy. Vy helped eam with papej, vy protected eam that day.”


A pain shot through her chest, her system jolting before she keels over, her head slumped on the grass next to her older brother’s grave.

A letter was sent to her children, whether they were alive or not.



Dear triplets,


When I last saw you, you were still young. I’m sorry I left you and didn’t return. I needed to be alone, I couldn’t see your face when you looked so similar to your father. I take pride in whatever you wish to do, whatever you’ve done.


Be well and have a cookie.


I didn’t play Josie much, but I enjoyed the limited time I did. I ended up pking her because rp wasn’t as fun as it used to be. I first played her when she was five and now, she’s fifty and I think it’s time to let her go. I wish I could’ve done more for her, but I just couldn’t. Thank you to everyone who rped with her! Goodbye.

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