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The Pact of Wisdom and Steel


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The Pact of Wisdom and Steel

10th of Malin’s Welcome, 100 S.A. // 10th of Jula ag Piov, 449 E.S.

2qECWBHeg9RiLXPwhsrzRDZwr2w6G-Tqu4TWMo1nyjwi4iacga4cpZXyrhgknFpf4H_CAMyRVP8f2TvUqIghqhq41LyrpAqambvDkNI8ln-XqHz3PJqg9ly-gEcEzBnV0kY63iHPUh589rAEHysRc6XHdIGVmJ0Zi6nCAR5XZPV0sNENWASd7Vn9LA    LvW-tYlRXjjZxqWTSXmBqqhA68zFvdZpr2vUPR4HPD9_BcV0bcsErsQmvm9fC8SVdYf68agdNrxsCZK_JMlhoWMiDRUCHGI64bAI1NbTgEhfwRZFYe81VCgKqj_PQJV6wwTKATKbdzIV1J7Vf36RxICBCQPVbfuyrQKxzXgdOb12lB5PXKfISOb1Ag


The parties of The Principality of Celia’nor and The Kingdom of Haense, henceforth referred to as the signatories, hereby agree to an alliance in full, the duration of which will last ten years. Additionally, the signatories will adhere to each of the following articles stated within this agreement.

Terms of Alliance


I. The Signatories will adhere to an alliance between their realms, and will not incite conflict between them. The signatories agree that they are willing to aid each other militarily in times of distress.


II. The Kingdom of Haense and the Principality of Celia’nor recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective monarchs, and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them.

A.) The signatories recognize the respective claims of governance, namely that Celia’nor has the right to govern all high elves and that Haense has the right to govern all highlanders.


III. The Signatories agree to engage in trade with each other, whether it be through monetary exchange or bartering.


IV. The Signatories agree to participate in exchanges of culture between the Princess and Prince of Celianor and the King and Queen of Haense to expand the knowledge between both realms.


V.The Signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations.




Iv Joveo Man

His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.

Her Excellency the Aulic Envoy, Esfir Amelya  Rose Kortrevich




Valyris Ibarellan, Princess of Celia’nor, Queen of Gladewynn, Princess of the Alders, Princess of Alderyn, High Empyrean Princess,  Sole-Proprieter of Gladewynn,  Evarir of the Aurumwoods, Protector of the High Elves, High Magus of the Arcanic Court, etc.


Virar Aestenia Aevaris, Laurir of Fi’andria, Virar of Starpool, Court Botanist

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[ ! ] Dracomir Rorikov crumbled up a copy of the pact upon reading it  "It can't be... my beloved kingdom.... allying with elves?!" he exclaimed, his face covered in sweat. 

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“And so such falls nicely into place.. just as expected.” Valindra mused, nodding once in approval.

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Petyr, a proud Haeseni farmer, would praise his King for his governance for establishing such an important pact.

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"How unexpected." a certain councilor who totally just didn't teleport out of the room where the treaty was written said, as he stepped out of the rift he created.

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The retired Monarch smiles at the missive before he gestured Indris to help him get back into his wheelchair.  "Mal'onn, should make some tea with your exotic flora as celebratory drink." The older Ibarellan would commented back at @JuliusAakerlund

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"Wonderful." Spoke an elf in his office, reading the missive as the delegation team came galloping back into the city of Celia'nor.

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"Progress." A red-haired Mali'thill said within the library of Celia'nor whilst books floated back and forth in the air, sorting themselves into place. "All is as it should be." The Laurir Draoi commented thus.

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A particular 'Thill of white hair and blue eyes would hear of the pact. Further into a bottle he would drown himself, alone with the sea. Dreading what was likely to be. 

No more conflict...




The Silver Isles.

No more...

No more war...

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A crazy peasant screams loudly and obnoxiously. WAR! WAR'S COMING! INVEST IN SWORDS AND OTHER SHARP THINGS!

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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