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A Report of the Victory Against the Hellish Pretender




Issued by the


On this 13th day of - of 449 E.S.





Initial Brief

A detachment of forty-five Brotherhood of Saint Karl soldiers and Order of the Crow Knights gathered in Karosgrad on the 7th of the Grand Harvest's dawn.

Lord Marshal Sergei Aleksandr equipped the soldiers with Aurum weaponry while Prince Marius Audemar and Tavisha Markov gave instructions on formation and plan of approach. All thirty soldiers marched North into a barren snow waste, where they faced down twelve Inferi Brutes, two assumed 'Lieutenants', one going by the name Rokmael'Ozog "The Veteran of the Second War", aswell as a flesh and bone beast which will henceforth be referred to as “the bull”.


The Parley


    Lord Marshal Sergei Aleksandr had no intention to submit to the hellish monster’s demands of total surrender on behalf of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska but instead offered the beast a chance to surrender. Neither side backed down, and thus the battle would begin.


The Opening Phase


    The Grand Prince of Kusoraev, Georg Sigusmund took his retinue of knights to the right flank to survey the battle from a hill. The Royal Hussars followed in kind, heading much further onto the right flank to engage the second unnamed lieutenant and a band of imps to prevent a flanking assault by the hellish legion.


The main body of infantry formed a pike-and-shield wall, anticipating the first move to be made by the Bull. 


Blood on the Snow


    The Bull charged the main infantry forces with malflame spewing from its maw. The infantry rightfully broke rank, splitting into two groups down the middle in order to dodge the incoming charge. As the Bull found himself in the middle of the two columns it suddenly released a massive wave of malflame in every direction, washing the infantry ranks in hellfire. 


It was then that the infernal infantry rushed to engage the now divided forces of the Brotherhood. Behind the brutes was Rokmael'Ozog, the “Veteran of the Second War'' and chosen champion of the hellish pretender. Rokmael'Ozog wielded a blade that was capable of allowing him to phase around the battlefield, and a swing from it could ignore any and all armor, inflicting torturous pain onto its victims within its arc. 


As the two sides clashed, it quickly devolved into a desperate melee as our brave forces attempted to keep the forces of hell at bay. 


The bull then attempted to run up the hill and knock a tree down onto the infantry forces below. Ser Walton attempted to halt the beast, but despite his most valiant efforts the demonic beast succeeded, and as the tree fell, threatening to crush His Royal Highness, Prince Marius Ademar beneath it a brave armsman by the name of Tatyana Amelya Ludovar rushed forth to pull the prince away and very much saved his life in the process. As the tree fell onto her comrades and trapped them underneath, it was she who risked her life once more to pull Emil Barclay and an unnamed Bishop from under the burning tree.


Slowly but surely, our brave soldiers pushed on, slaying their foes with righteous hatred. The Hussars then rejoined the fray to assist with mopping up the few remaining inferni, and Rokmael'Ozog was set upon by a full squadron of infantry. Rokmael'Ozog attempted to detonate himself using his infernally imbued armor, but Emeric Radovanic in a moment of true bravery slayed the creature before his plan could come to fruition, saving the lives of all present.


Infantry losses: One. 

Infantry wounded: Ten or more. (First to Third degree burns, broken bones, compound fractures and multiple lacerations.)


Inferni slain: Twelve.

Enemy commander: Slain. (No body was recovered. Despite not being able to detonate, his armor still melted his corpse in a bright flash.)


Of Lances and Malflame


     The Hussars, after breaking off from the main infantry moved to engage with the hellish legion’s second commander: an unnamed fiend riding an undead steed accompanied by a horde of imps.


The commander of the Hussars: Euleriphis Livarai de Melphestaus, ordered a charge towards the foe. As the Hussars charged at the infernal host they released a volley of heavy pila at the enemy commander’s horde of imps, slaying many, but for every imp that fell, two more made it through. 


The battle quickly devolved into a chaotic mess as every man fought for his own life and for his comrades beside him. Thanks to their heavy plate-armor the hellish flame had little effect. The Hussar spared no mercy to the enemy commander, specifically his grace, Duke Wilheim Barclay and Lords Baldrum Colborn, and Ivan Jaroslavich Godunov who managed to use a combined attack to practically beat the enemy commander to death and knock him off his steed with mace and warhammer.


The infernal commander attempted to take Eulepheris’s life by wrapping his chain-whip around his head, holding him there as the infernal commander’s armor began to glow with the fires of hell, threatening to detonate himself and take with him as many good Haeseni men as he could. 


This plan did not come to pass only due to the brave actions of Giovanna Bella Ashford de Leuven, who outright trampled the beast with her heavy war-horse, sacrificing her steed and the use of her hands in the process to save her commander’s life. 


The Hussars then moved to help mop up the few remaining forces still engaged with the infantry corps.


Hussar fatalities: Zero.

Hussar injured: Three. (One broken facial plate, cracked rib-cage, First or third degree burns.)


Inferni fatalities: Ten.

Enemy commander: Slain. (Detonated upon death. No body was recovered.)






Sergeant Felix Weiss, Military Tribune and Lord Handler of his Majesty’s Duma, Banner Bearer of the Royal Hussar, Head Palatine Guard.                                                                                  AbDwKNCj3drvsHag4IjWbM5_aa4iP_P-euZ-VYW9mdeWTsTifWjAxlDpi_xyoMM1vnX9Lkf1HnGOb-YiLL9MM0R3YpyeUjZmJuYHVIftUGefzA48H_0Mqv8SH12E0iP7lWH3Gtd3yj5VcBXoMoWIegKfwk06S8Xy3acq7EqRdKYIgg2kYw0


Edited by SethWolf
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Wolfgang de Vilain, Baron of Acre, commends the Hussar for their bravery and an excellent fight.

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Mariya looked upon the missive. "Very well put together!" she'd declare.

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What a mess.

Remon ran a tired hand through his hair, deciding to speak to his Teacher about possibly aiding Haense in their fight.

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Karl III walked to a stand of armour, taking it off its supports as he prepared for battle once more. The armour was old and held the weight of all Kings of Ruska before him. That of the Bluesteel Chestplate of Exalted Sigismund. "For the next battle, I shall be sure to kill a commander myself."

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Returned home from a decently tiring journey, a certain Ruthern guardsman took his time reading through the report. Though it was a slow effort with his one hand, Emeric came to the spot where his own name surfaced, and he raised a brow slightly. He did not recall telling anyone about his actions during the battle.

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Vladrik Kortrevich sharpened his thanic steel longblade with a few passes over whetstone. He read the missive whilst his bride-to-be, Sadie O'Rourke held it for him.


"Mm, no mention of the commander ea killed, interesting." He sighed, low and deep about his conquest on the inferi scourge being once again unrecognized.

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