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[Order of Malin] Malin's Will on the affairs of fi'Malin'or


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Malin’s Will on recent affairs of fi’Malin’or



sirame ito kae'leh, nae oroment, llir'Malinor. Many are quick to shield themselves with the blanket of our Father, for there is none more wise and powerful than him in their bestowal of authority upon those Mali that led them. I have watched carefully the development of fi’Malin’or since the time of its inception - and while I knew at its heart this fi’Malin’or was built on the blood of fellow Mali and a rejection of the necessary communities of the Druii and Mali’thill of Haelun’or,  it was my hope that violence and pride would have been subdued in the prospects of a grande elven future based on a magnificent past. So, it seems we return to our way of pride once more, yet let it not become the way of blood, but instead a time of new leaders and new opportunities for a new High Prince to be found amongst Malin’s children.

Yet we must be clear - the temple of Malin alone is the keeper of Malin’s will and his word. While the Princes may make their secular proclamations, to invoke our Father’s name invites scrutiny to the merit of one’s claim. To speak on his Kingdom as a whole call into question a Prince’s authority, for no Prince may impose themselves upon all of Malin’s people without the rightful inheritance of High Prince of Malin'or.


 As a simple Mali, I am content to live amongst all Malin’s realm and enjoy his peace with his people. I have pilgrimed to the great ancestor shrines of Vortice, shared amphoras of wine with Silver elves from Sulian’poli to Haelun’or, studied in the ruins of the Warden's tower of the Pale, lived in merriment under the shade of Amaethea, befriended Princes and citizen alike from Celia’nor to Nor’Asath, and paid ancient respects to the wise Druii of the Vale where many elder Mali now reside - all truly, the full breath of Malin’or. We love all of His children and their realms, each contributing great measures of preservation and protection of His people.

Yet at the request of Malin’s disciples, of whom you have written to me to bring the weight of Malin’s discernment on this matter, I shall do so out of obligation and respect. As his saneyir, and leader of His Temple, I am obligated to break my public silence on the political matters of the Princedoms - against heresy and blasphemy of His name and His Kingdom when evoked.


We know no King but Malin!


I -oem

On the claims of Earendel Ibarellen

  1. Claim to High Prince of Malin’or. At this time, we see public proclamations amongst the recognized Princedoms of Nor’Asath, Elvendom and Celia’Nor that have declared the seat of the High Prince of Malin’or to be in dispute. Further, the City State of Haelun’or and the Druidic realm of the Vale , who make up the full coalition of all who must contribute to the choice of such a position as their ancestors did in the time of Malin, further have not recognized its authority since the inception of fi’Malin’or.  Thus, the Temple considers the seat of the High Prince to be in abeyance.  We eagerly await the hope of a new ascension of a great High Prince, who shall wear Malin’s mantle, to bring the return of our King.

  2. Claim as Heir of Malin. This statement is true, in so much that all of us are heirs of Malin - and any who sit upon his council may be called Prince or Princess. There are no noble bloodlines for the Malin’onn, only those chosen by our people or our King to serve as first among equals.


  1. Claim as Saneyir of Malin. As I currently serve as Malin’s Saneyir, passed to me in succession by the Saneyir before me, bestowed by the thrice blessings of Thill Arcane Magic, Ker Ancestral Power, and Ame Aspectral blessings and sealed by the awarding of an artifact of Malin himself and then affirmed by Malin’s disciples, I declare this claim to be false.

  2. Claim as Heir to Celia’nor. It is not our duty within the Temple of Malin to interfere in the matter of succession of the Princedoms. As we remained neutral in the matter of Haelun'or to choose its Sohaer in a time when the rest of the Mali world demanded intervention in its domestic affairs, it is the Order of Malin's strict policy to remain neutral in the domestic affairs of the sovereign nations of the Mali realms. We are all heirs of Malin, all worthy of Princely titles, and thus these matters remain out of our purview. Unless the Government of Celia’Nor explicitly desires us to investigate this matter, which we do not expect, the crown of such a Princedom is a domestic affair.


  1. Claim as ‘Fist of Malin’or’. We have scoured the historical records for such a title, none have ever existed in any realm called Malin’or. However, we deem that a High Prince of Malin’or would have the authority to create such a title on behalf of our Father and our people. Thus this bestowal is in dispute until such time as the title of High Prince is settled.


II -niut

On the claims of Acanthus Onar Daesmon Silma and Alaesia Prisgoth Ithelanen

Claim to the tite High Prince of Amaethea. Malin’or has but one High Prince, but we must affirm  there is no dispute for the Princes of Elvendom to carry such a title as is their local custom amongst this Princedom. This matter is therefore, despite the concerns of those who have written, not a concern for the Temple of Malin - the Crown of Amaethea is a sovereign Princedom of the Kingdom, and may stylize its leaders as they see fit - other than the obvious offense of declaring themselves Malin, King, of all Elves.

All other proclamations by the High Prince of Amaethea remain a sovereign matter not within the purview or care of our Father. We bestow our blessings, as we did at their coronation, and hope they rule wisely and justly over their realm.


III -hael

Concluding Thoughts

We lament the sad return to Mali fragmentation, the return of subracial Princedoms, and an Elven return to ancient pride. It is not our Father’s will that the Princes return to practices that caused the initial fall of Malin’or and thus we shall return to our ancient endeavor to advise, to speak truth and to encourage the Princedoms to unite once more to usher in an age of Mali power, prestige, and success.

We encourage our disciples to recover those artifacts that capture the most recent incarnation of the realm of Malin'or for safekeeping unto the return of its next High Prince. The Temple of Malin shall record that the last rightful inheritor of the title of High Prince of Malin'or is
High Prince Vyllaenon Daemyr, and that the seat of High Prince remains vacant and in abeyance until the next great conclave of Mali, with the guidance of Malin's court, determine who wields His mantle and authority as His High Prince or Princess. 

We remain humble servants to our King, and those Princes who serve him, and are available for summons at theirs - or any Mali's - request.

For we know but one King and his name is Malin



As authored by
saneyir of the Malin’onn
Leader of the Order of Malin

The Authentic Texts of Malin
The Way of Malin and his Teachings: Part I
The Way of Malin and the Five Instructions: Part II
The Way of Malin and his Venerations: Part III






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1 minute ago, Ankan said:

"Read the term 'Royarch' and immediately wanted to kill myself," says a roleplay character in roleplay and not james2k

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"We are Blessed Peoples, to hold one over another is the way of valah, ne the way of mali. May the fragmentation of the elven city-states come to something better. The Malenites shall have their temple." an elven Hoplite, amongst the ladly citizens of Sulianpoli raises his spike firstly. 

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"I can't believe he'd suggest we require the Haelun'orian 'ata to join us to truly be Malinor, given that they, you know, bent the knee to valah and uruks. Unbelievable." Remarks Jhaeros as he tunes his lute, shaking his head. "But, of course, you're the exception." He'd assure the yellow eyed elfess he spoke to, recalling her familial ties. 

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"The least amongst lessers would read this and not understand that the Druii and those Beautiful and Purest of 'thilln of the Silver Citystate would need to at least recognize a wholesome Malinor to exist, rather than to see those Free and Ever-Perfecting peoples join this 'Malin'or'. May the Malinites have their temple, and may they know much victory! Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya!" A beautiful pure elf, Hero of The High-Walled Cihi, patriot, who kept his Citystate free, smiles brilliantly! "Saneyir, may your words be heard and actions bold!"

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"I speak for Malin, no I speak for Malin!" Talim feigns a conversation by opening his hands as if they were mouths as each Elven politician speaks.

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8 hours ago, Minuvas said:

Malin’or has but one High Prince

"Malin'or is dead" 

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