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[Culture] Vikelian

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"Mud alone is worthless, but when mixed with water and creatively shaped, it may be used to make bricks. Those bricks can be used to build helpful buildings.



Introduction to the Culture: 

Vikelian might be viewed as a family of civilized individuals or as a community that is considerably more powerful than any one person. treating everyone as a single, huge family, regardless of their differences in race or species. Vikelian serves as the glue that holds people together. leveraging their indigenous, ancient, and more contemporary wood elf traditions to forge something that will be much more valuable to others around them.




Vikelian emerged from the ashes of a group's decisions, which were first rocky due they considered that the leadership had dealt with them poorly. However, as the legacies continued, despite the many deaths defending it, they worked tirelessly to preserve what was formerly known as Elysium. Before the glove was tossed to the ground and the civil war broke out, the ruling family declared, "Enough is enough; if we can't salvage the fading embers, we'll spark a new fire."and start a clean fire, they attempted their best to accomplish all they could to create Vikela. Despite the fact that many people still used the label "Elysium," they toiled in the background to exert their best efforts before emerging and becoming Vikela.


Using a blend of elvish and Auvergne to develop a new language that was unique to them, this new era of individuals was founded from several different historical maps and settlements. Norlands,Lunsbeck of the Aedellands, Elysium and Republic of Vikela. Though it may be confusing to hear such at first, it is used so seldom and rarely in full phrases that it is very simple to catch up on.




A combination of elvish and Auvergene combined with a slang of the words that can not be comprehended in a way to an outsider, the typical Auvergne may take the words with horrifying contempt but the others will be faced with a haunting slang of the words that may be picked up as elvish. With its few popular expressions, the language itself should be utilized modestly.



un, in - one

Dé - two

trò, trwa - three

Kat - four

Sink - five

Sis - six

Sèt - seven

Wit - eight 

Nèf - nine

Dis - ten


Common phrases 

Bonayla! - Hello

Heyalez afær? - How are things?

heya ça va? - How are you doing?

Çé ayla / Mo byin. - I’m good, thanks.

Wa plitar. - See you later.

Mo Mayli twa. - I love you.

Swènn-tali. - Take care.

Bonayla. - Good Morning

Bonker. - Good night


Common Sayings 

Une gueule de Vallitier - A mouth like holy water fountain (used to describe an ugly man)

Une figure lenpomme cuite - A face like a baked apple (used to describe an attractive woman)

Pauvres diables - poor devils (used to mock poor people)

Un berrbleur - a hot air shooter 

Un tonnerre a la voile - an unruly person

Frou-frou - giddy

Menterlien - a lie/liar

valllo toujou couri vallhiuw. - The water always goes to the river

Coupé zoré milet fait pas faesu. - Cutting off the mule’s ears doesn’t make it a horse

Compé Torti va doucement, mais li rivé coté bite pendant Compé Chivreil apé dormi. - Tortoise goes slowly, but he arrives at the barrel while Roe Deer is sleeping.

beloun conné sir qui bois l'apé frotté. - The pig knows well on which wood it will rub.

Chirr jappô li pas morde. - The barking dog doesn’t bite.

Charre brilé pair di feu. - The burnt cat is afraid of fire.

Bouki fait gombo; lapin mangé li. - The goat makes the gumbo; the rabbit eats it.

Cila qui rit Un lensuloem va pleuré a liewy’ento: . - Whoever laughs on Friday will cry on Sunday.

Craché nen laire, li va tombé enhaut vou nez. - Spit in the air, and it will fall on your nose.


The significance of a culture's language is less related to the words used and more related to the community. In a greeting, asking about your family is more respectful than using titles since it demonstrates that someone cares more about you than the formalities of your title. If something is truly important to them, they would behave accordingly rather than just say it.




Vikela has been governed by a matriarchal society since its founding, with the queen or duchess serving as the head of state. Even though the new land of their nation was originally started by a king, the work failed under his rule, so his daughters took over and did their best to create the ideal society he had imagined. a reputation unworthy of preservation.


To start with, it should be noted that Vikelian is a tanistry rather than an heir apparent. The leader of the settlement, according to a taniasry, is said to search for all noble families, specifically all living noble families, either by blood or by virtue of official titles or positions within Vikelia . The chosen one is designated as the heir and prepared to take the next crown or paramount position.






Vikelia has a wide variety of festivals that take many diverse forms, despite the fact that the way things are done may appear standard and unremarkable on the surface.


THE RIVER FEST One of the most crucial is that the water that flows through the city and its surrounding land is nourishing and offers everyone in the area fresh water, beverages, pastries, and breads, providing life to everyone in the area.


SOCIAL SEASON Ahiuw le fleuve, sometimes referred to as the social season. A straightforward metaphor with significant meaning to the populace. Crossing the river signified your transformation into someone new, the realization that you are no longer a child and may now do as you like, and it forged fresh foundational stones for your property. Marriage and love both have their own metaphorical meanings to the ever-rising river, which seldom waits. Such Ahiuw le fleuve was extremely important to Vikelians since there always seemed to be more women than men moving into the city at the same time. As a result, it was up to the ladies to court and flirt with the men in a dignified and honorable fashion. Thus, social season—a year of gatherings hosted by families of the republic to try to find matches—was created. Consider it as a prelude to tying the knot and courtship. Nothing will be finalized before the ink on the two partners' fingers has dried.  Beginning with the season's first ball, which is hosted by the following sapphire of the year, is the season of crossing the river. The men should wear a deeper shade of blue, while the ladies should all wear light tones of blue. the first and hardest portion of the season was spent getting to know everyone in order to portray the rivers of their life. Hopefully reaching the 12th ball, the Madris Ras Ball, which is hosted by the Court of River Gems and honors Chalcedony, Jasper, and Sapphire in order of lowest to greatest honor for the season. The court of River Gens is allowed to pick their theme for this party.  Ahiuw le fleuve should have many events not such balls, and if you do not find someone love it is also there so you may have a sisterhood or a brotherhood to fallback on to. 


Traditionally, the women who host the balls are the oldest women in the family, while the younger women dance to attract suitable bachelors. 

While the younger adults engage in flirting, dating rituals, and other celebrations, the older adults (those who are not single, married, or already have children) play a game called Vingt-en-un (Twenty-One).   There are a few dances that are done within the battlefield of the ballroom. Quadrilles,Valses a un temps,Valses a deux temps,Valses a trois temps,Polkas,Polazurkas




Clothing and cultural 

Vikelians are known for their vibrant clothing, which anyone can wear as long as it is appropriate.


The attire for funerals and weddings changes significantly when it comes to the conditions of clearance and time needed.


One of the oldest traditions is marriage. several traditions are passed down. 

The bridal gown is handed down from generation to generation.If a bride doesn't have a dress to hand down, her husband or companion must hunt down an animal of their choice and present it to their future spouse to be sewed into their wedding dress, which may be any tint from light pink to traditional white.For a viel for the bride, they must descend a veil made of beaded lace, each bead symbolizing an achievement the two have completed together. This allows the bride to recall each journey and beautiful moment.


A lovers' wives legend states that two people fell in love, but in order to keep their relationship a secret from those who would seek to tear it apart, they covered each other's skin with stunning eloquent designs that they themselves had made using their own flowers, symbols, or other memorabilia.

Some chose to make their tattoos live, moving and breathing with their very flesh, while others choose to weave jewels into their skin or even use nightglow ink to make it even more covert than one may believe. a love story and tradition that appear to have started the trend


There is also the bridal hunt, where everyone dresses in traditional attire, including the bride. 




A young man is watched by all the women in the home when wooing a woman. From youngest to oldest, each woman must give the potential suitor a simple task to do. The potential suitor needs to look for each one. The conventional bride-to-be is unaware of the responsibilities placed on the groom. The oldest female must be given the task of "conveying the story of the voyage you had to make to your LOVE that has to be the proposal."



Funerals are revered by people in their immediate vicinity, just like marriages.

When a member of the immediate family passes away, the bereaved family must don grand deuil, or full mourning clothes, for six months. Men dress in all-black, including their ties and armbands. When in mourning, avoid any white clothing, and women should wear black dresses and headbands. They aren't allowed to wear jewelry.

The eldest male relative is required to speak at a funeral.

Giving a detailed speech about the lives that were left to drift upon the river to their intended afterlife. 

Significant cemeteries usually include lavish tombstones above ground. The place of one's ancestors is cherished; to relocate or deface someone's gravestone or ancestral site is considered sinful. Many people have plants or seeds planted beside their body so that, should someone decide to remove it, they would have to dig through the very roots to do so.





Their culture has evolved as a result of its roots in both human civilization and anything like. Using the butterfly mani, Mani and other folklore—possibly because it stares them in the face or because of people mysteriously dispersing. However, word of the folklore god being Anasi started to spread. An extremely clever, cunning, and problematic god named Anansi was turned into a spider by his father Nyame for refusing to give up his cunning ways. Anansi tales are frequently humorous and instructive, showing us the results of our actions and that intelligence is far superior to strength.

Things like Mani and other deities like god were taught in stories around a campfire, then among a mass of silent and boring stories. These tales are recounted with a twist of fate to thrill people around them. Other than that, as long as your religious practice does not damage anyone, Vikelia has no objections.



 Random facts 


Salmon slap


a game when two people swim out to logs in the middle of a lake with uncooked fish in their hands. Then, using the salmon, they try to knock one another off. Thus, the name. It differs from shogging since the ends of the logs often face one another.


1.) you cannot go on the other person's log

2.) you cannot sit

3.) you can move back and forth on your log

4.) If you are hit and you do not fall off, the game continues

5.) There are three rounds, best two of three wins the game

6) Bystanders can use fishing rods at people


Singing this old song was very common in both elevish and auvengere.

Fais do do ~Ciw narn Go to sleep~FAIS DO DO 


♫ maloniii’goan Ciw ito narn,

Naeto valein bida Ciw ito narn 



Hae  biloksae eleWehn’


Malin ma'o 

 Lae Bikosae Vale’sukia’lento 

maloniii’goan Ciw ito narn,

Naeto valein bida Ciw ito narn 

maloniii’goan Ciw ito narn,

Naeto valein bida Ciw ito narn 

Lari’onn ma’o

hae bikosae chase

Mal’onn ma’o

Lae bikosae suika’lensuloem

Naeto valein bida Ciw ito narn 

maloniii’goan Ciw ito narn,

Naeto valein bida Ciw ito narn ♫


Fais dodo, Colas mon p’*** frère

Fais dodo, t’auras du lolo


 Maman est en haut

Qui fait du gâteau

Papa est en bas

Qui fait du chocolat Refrain


 Ta sœur est en haut

Qui fait des chapeaux

Ton frère est en bas

Qui fait des nougats Refrain


 Les gentils oiseaux,

Ont des chants nouveaux,

Pour le p’*** frérot

Qui fait bien dodo Refrain






 The one vikelian male in spoiler “we like our dishes like we like our women thicc.” 


Edited by The Republic of Vikela
appernelty i stole a anotehr culters name as my languge name from anotehr server- stupid bozzos
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you know, for some reason i feel that spoiler really wasnt necessary.

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 The one vikelian male in spoiler “we like our dishes like we like our women thicc.” 


Warhammer 40K Meme dump. WARNING: MAY CONTAIN HERESY! | Warhammer 40k  memes, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k




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They stole shogging...

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A Sheild of Itnan- took a glance at the missive of Historical and cultural specifics. She bobbed her head in approval 

"I barely show my face there, and seems that I have to rename the name on the map, new embers..."

An Elfess squints at the missive. She seemed hoenstly confused, as she kept tilting her head trying to study the missive....

"The numbers are too....Aurevuange..... though I do respect it, I do find Aure speakers quite jolly....whats this a new religion..... Oh how interesting, though I would like to say this sounds more...druidic rather than something by self...." 

The Elfess looks at the missive as she looked at the missive once more 

"At least they are trying to move past.... being called Elysians"



You guys did well but that spoiler tho....yikes


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28 minutes ago, creamynoteblock said:

no I think it was

no I think it wasn't

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2 hours ago, Crevel said:

They stole shogging...


Cultural appropriation rp let's goooooooo!

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15 hours ago, Crevel said:

They stole shogging...

footbal to soccer


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On 10/31/2022 at 3:40 AM, Tigergiri said:

footbal to soccer



I don't understand how that's supposed to help since they're exact same thing, but Americans started calling it soccer to distance themselves from Britain

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Darned big folks taking our sports again!

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4 hours ago, Crevel said:


I don't understand how that's supposed to help since they're exact same thing, but Americans started calling it soccer to distance themselves from Britain

It's more like Canadian Arena football to American football.

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