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9 years AMA. Sad. Not Clickbait.


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I have sadly reached my 9 year anniversary on the server, please ask me stuff to make the time worth something.

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how are you so cracked at building

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[A history nerd gets to pester a real life legend with questions... lets have some fun]

1) Ive only been here a year and a half, and ive only ever played 3 serious characters, none of them from birth to death. Have you played every race and CA? If so, what was your favorite moment from each that really highlighted the best characteristics as that race?

2) What are the most intense points of history over each map that you remember? [Things that I would never find through forums or wikis or in game histories]

3) How long have halflings been a thing? You seem to love them quite a bit, but how long-set in our lotc environment are they really?

4) Do you remember your first ever character? if so, id like to hear as much about them as you can remember (or that could fit in the comment box).

5) Has there ever been a time, during your tenure, when humans were not the most prominent playerbase on the map? In other words, a point in which activity, war, politics, and economy was decided more by the mali', uruk, or dwedmar, playerbases than with the human ones? (any 1 race in particular, not all of the other races as a collective).

6) What makes LOTC so interesting for you day in and day out? 9 years is a long time. Your lotc account has outlived marriages, lifespans of every fish ive ever had, and is older than my nephew. Why in the world after all this time do you keep coming back? Do the reasons change? If yes, how often, and how many times have they done so?

7) Who are the 9 most important people to your overall LOTC experience? They can be for any reason, just your top 9 peeps who have contributed most to your enjoyment of this server oocly, irply, spiritually, mechanically, metaphorically, theoretically, and magnanimously.

8) What texture pack do you use, and do you have shaders? Would you consider either stopping or starting?

9) How much longer do you plan on being in LOTC?


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2 hours ago, Lomiei said:

[A history nerd gets to pester a real life legend with questions... lets have some fun]

1) Ive only been here a year and a half, and ive only ever played 3 serious characters, none of them from birth to death. Have you played every race and CA? If so, what was your favorite moment from each that really highlighted the best characteristics as that race?

2) What are the most intense points of history over each map that you remember? [Things that I would never find through forums or wikis or in game histories]

3) How long have halflings been a thing? You seem to love them quite a bit, but how long-set in our lotc environment are they really?

4) Do you remember your first ever character? if so, id like to hear as much about them as you can remember (or that could fit in the comment box).

5) Has there ever been a time, during your tenure, when humans were not the most prominent playerbase on the map? In other words, a point in which activity, war, politics, and economy was decided more by the mali', uruk, or dwedmar, playerbases than with the human ones? (any 1 race in particular, not all of the other races as a collective).

6) What makes LOTC so interesting for you day in and day out? 9 years is a long time. Your lotc account has outlived marriages, lifespans of every fish ive ever had, and is older than my nephew. Why in the world after all this time do you keep coming back? Do the reasons change? If yes, how often, and how many times have they done so?

7) Who are the 9 most important people to your overall LOTC experience? They can be for any reason, just your top 9 peeps who have contributed most to your enjoyment of this server oocly, irply, spiritually, mechanically, metaphorically, theoretically, and magnanimously.

8) What texture pack do you use, and do you have shaders? Would you consider either stopping or starting?

9) How much longer do you plan on being in LOTC?


Alrighty cool imma do my best.  Apologies for any grammar mistakes, I ended up spending two hours typing this out lmao.

1.) I've played every one of the descendant races except for orcs simply because i've always struggled to read, let alone write blah, I also played a Kha'Cheetrah back before they were a CA race, helped playtest sprites when they were still being drafted, and had a hand in the formation of musin. 

  • Elves - I applied as a wood elf and Malinor was the first culture I dived into on the server and it cemented my love for RP.  I like to make fun of some of it now but in all honesty I think the seriousness many elven roleplayers have when it comes to different aspects of roleplay is astounding.  I remember first getting online and just being blown away seeing people have almost full conversations in elvish, I really admire it and it adds a lot of depth to the world of lotc.
  • Dwarves - Crafting and trading RP is some of my favorite types of RP to interact with on the server and the dwarves never lack in this.  Even now on my current characters when I need something made I immediately head to the dwarves to get it done, just the care they put into their crafts, rp items, and descriptions is very cool.  Also I could talk about how cool runesmithing is for hours, like seriously f me up.
  • Humans - Politics and Religion, this is in a somewhat similar vein to the elves.  I sorta group humans and elves into the more 'serious' category of roleplay groups on the server and I believe they really drive just so much of the history on the server.   I think the world and map would be so dull without the conflict that humans constantly interpose into foreign relations, and I mean this as a good thing.  As a halfling main I don't often get to see these more hardcore aspects of RP and popping over to a human city to catch up on the servers drama is so much fun.  Also guard RP'rs crack me up, I love them so much. 
  • Orcs - While I haven't played an orc I have interacted with them quite a bit, the care and effort they have put into sculpting a unique culture with some kick ass religious lore is so much fun to learn about.  I honestly think Orcs and Halflings have a lot in common in this way as both groups have taken such strides to sorta preserve their respective cultures and traditions even as nations rise and fall around them.   Spiritualism is my favorite religious system on the server and watching it grow over the years has been so ******* cool.
  • Kha - Cat ppppplllllllll!!!!!!! In all seriousness I didn't play a kha for very long but I really enjoyed them offering a sorta alternative to the typical European medieval setting while still feeling like they belonged within it.  Tbh it may just be my nostalgia for skyrim but idk, I love Kha and I think they offer an lovely niche group for players to explore and interact with. 
  • Sprites - Feral... and I adore them.  Playtesting these in like 2015ish was probably my favorite period of time on the server, I just got to cause chaos all day.
  • Musin - Very similar to kha, I really like having niche groups and cultures for players to interact with and musin just sorta fit that vibe for me.  Friendly mice people living underground is just very much my vibe.
  • Halflings - My actual angels, I made my first one in 2014 and they are the only community I have consistently stayed active in for my entire time on the server.  I just love the slowed down, more laid back vibes the Halflings offer; however, the thing that has kept me within the group for so long is just the sense of community.  Once you get into the Halfling circle you sorta just never leave, like many of us go and play other characters but the Halfling community has always just felt like my home within the server and I know i'll always be welcomed back into it no matter how long I stay gone. 


2.) For most of these it's going to be skewed to the Halflings PoV because they were the community I was involved with for the majority of my time here.  I'm also just going to mention the maps I was super active in here as while i've seen every map since I joined I didn't really get integrated into all of them.  Also keep in mind that up to Vailor imma be a bit hazy, I was a very young child who was just trying to learn to roleplay without embarrassing myself.

  • Anthos - My first map bb and the only one I wasn't a Halfling for the majority of.  The tension for this one came towards the end of the map after the Elves had started breaking off from Malinor.  When I joined the majority of the Mali had been living united in Malinor, though it did not take long before a certain wood elf who will not be named invited me to join a settlement called Leanniel which was supposed to be for the wood elves to be independent.  Shortly after another elven settlement called the Conclave (I think I wasn't really involved with it) was founded,  we had spread ourselves thin and then the end of the map event line started and we had to deal with the scourge with our resources spread out.  It just felt tense, but I sorta dipped out of it as this was getting heated so the details are very hazy for me.
  • The Fringe - .... it was a temp map that went on far too long, the entire time was tense.  I just remember the Halflings having multiple famines during this time and struggling to feed ourselves.
  • Athera - Not around for much
  • Vailor - The great Halfling / Orc war of Willow Hollow.  This is really just an legend passed down with the Halflings and wasn't really a war, but for literal irl months there was a rogue group of orcs that kept raiding our village every day and it ended up changing how we operated as a people.  Before this time we had been largely isolationist, keeping our village somewhat hidden was a big part of our survival as we simply did not have defenses in place to fight on top of us just not using weapons in general.  However, we had to adapt to being constantly raided every day and it lead to us developing a really fun science aspect to our rp as well as defense tactics we still use to this day.  We literally still build our villages around defenses we first formed during this time period.   The war finally ended when one of their ologs stomped into the village during a feast and the entire village swarmed and killed him, it's one of my favorite memories on the server as messed up as it sounds.
  • Axios - Just so much political turmoil within the Halflings.  Towards the end of Vailor Halflings started changing political systems so quickly I could barely keep up.  I don't really know a start and end to this but for a couple months multiple villages were started and then abandoned as groups kept trying to break off to start their own thing but it never really worked out.  There is one group in particular I remember who really caused a lot of strife as they consistently came into the village and tried to snipe players from our already struggling populace to come live in their village and it was a lot to deal with.
  • Atlas - AFK
  • Arcas - Our village got destroyed towards the end of the map and we got moved to a human place called Fort Hope to live, there was so much drama as those in leadership did not want us to get settled but half of the populace wanted to live in burrows again and a civil war almost started as we fought for the entire end of the map over whether or not we should have settled down in fort hope.  We ended up settling however and it split the community big time, the village was called Bloomerville and it was probably my favorite village we've ever had though.  Though the halflings were at each others throats the build was so freaking good. 
  • Almaris - The drama from Arcas continued over to Almaris for the first little bit and we got a reputation for being a bit toxic (we were during this time).  Another splinter village was formed and it really hurt our player base as we were just spread out too thin and half of us were trying to go back and forth.  This got sorted though and we ended up entering a 'Halfling Renaissance' where we had the most activity I had ever seen in my 9 years on the server.  Once that all was worked out we really thrived for a while.

3.)  Honestly I'm a bit hazy on this as I know they were formed before I joined; however, to the best of my knowledge they were started in Asulon by a group of staff members (Praise Petyr the salmon druid) and were a staff only race for a short while before being opened up to the player base.  By the time I joined in Anthos they had a huge village (like the biggest we've ever had) right next to Malinor.  I actually discovered them because of how close their village was to Leanniel when we broke off from the main elven group.


4.) My first character's name was Floragain Florame and I still think about him to this day, he was the Wood Elf I applied with and lived in Malinor for a while before moving with the other Mali'ame over to Leanniel where he became the Secretary of the Interior.  He was in charge of building, distributing, and keeping track of housing as well as taxes for the city.  During this time he also ran a pet shop within the city (which you can still find in the museum server as well as his old house) while also being a dedicant training under the pine druid, though he never finished his training he was going to be the gorilla druid because he was 4'8 and I thought it was funny.  There are three memories that really stick out to me though;

  • Someone invited all the nobles in Leanniel to a tea party where they proceeded to lock us in their basement, ss block us, and set it on fire so we all burned to death.  I have no idea how we weren't forced to PK.
  • A group of dwarves broke into his shop and held him down before cutting off his ears because elven ears were super valuable ingredients. (I'm not sure if they still are)
  • Floragain finishing his first dedicant task, he had to write a poem about nature and wrote it about a frog sitting on a log just watching the wind blow through the trees.

Floragain stayed with Leanniel until things began to go south and then he changed his position to be the official 'ambassador to the halflings'.  I moved over and ended up just never coming back.  I did end up making one of his descendants last year though and played them for a bit in the Vale, it was pretty fun.


5.) This is another area where I cannot give a 100% for sure answer as I've just been in my isolated group for such a long time; however, I really think when I first joined the power was much more spread between the descendant races.  If I recall correctly there was more of a sorta 'why tf would you play a human in a fantasy setting when you're a human irl' sentiment when I joined, but this may have just been from my PoV within the elven community as it was all I really interacted with for a while.  I do know by the time I came back for real in Vailor the humans had secured their position on the server and it hasn't really slipped since.  Honestly as much as I love Anthos that map was just disorganized and messy in general... which was so much fun for what it was.

6.) I literally come back every time for the community, I adore the connections I have made on this server.  Many of which I don't even consider online friends anymore and simply just friends.  These are people I have grown up with, watched graduate highschool and now college alongside myself, I've seen them get into and out of relationships, been with them through late nights when they just needed someone to talk to, hell I watched on of them get married the other day.  I won't get into it but in the most literal sense the Halfling community saved my life in 2016 when my mental health was hitting it's lowest, for which I am still grateful to this day.  While I am in a much better place now, this server was instrumental in shaping me growing up and I appreciate it so much for it.  I've tried getting into other games, but I have yet to find a group I have felt so at home in anywhere else besides here. I know it's cringe but it's true and 🤷‍♂️

7.) Alrighty lets go;

  • Josie_Exotic - One of my best friends since I met her in 2015 and we still talk actively to this day, this girl will not stop sending me tiktoks.  Help.
  • Func_Soap - I love my angry british man, he has been such a steady person for me throughout various things that have happened on the server and his ability to let me just rant at him to get out my thoughts so I can go back to halfcord and keep up a fairly positive vibe is astounding. 
  • Tha_mystery_man - I love Mystery and I don't know if I would have been able to integrate so easily back into the server during last map if he had not been there to help push me.  He gave me a reason to keep roleplaying and it helped lead to some of the most activity we have ever had.
  • Cooliomafia - While I haven't talked to him in years, coolio was apart of Josie and I's group in willow hollow and the memories I made playing their siblings helped shape my opinion on roleplay and the server as a whole.
  • MyNameIsMason - Also apart of coolio, Josie, and I's group during the 2010's and after knowing this man for almost 6 years I still have no idea what is going to come out of his mouth next.  He is so good at reminding me this is a pixel game and I need to get out of my feels. 
  • Wrynn - He played Knox during willow hollow and helped create some of my favorite rp moments to this day.  Some of the best Knoxmas's I can remember.   Also his ability to craft an emote needs to be acknowledged. 
  • MonkeNotic - Fake here was one of the first friends I made when I came back after my hiatus and she honestly gave me hope I could get the halflings back to the place I remembered them.  She is aggressively kind and uplifting and I appreciate it sm.
  • Jumperhand3 - My favorite little manic halfling, this man seriously keeps the community going and I have no idea where he gets the energy to do what he does.  
  • _Jandy_ - He really helped cement my love for Halfling rp, he showed me how you can have fun while staying within the Halflings traditions and really set the foundation for most of what I believe when it comes to halfling rp. 
  • Honorable mentions: Zarsies, Barbog, Legokid, and Imcookiie.  I love y'all sm.


8.) I actually just use the vanilla one, I used to use some random medieval one but with the amount of building I do I try to stick to the base game so I can make sure things look good to everyone.


9.) I honestly plan to stay until it doesn't feel like familiar anymore.  My life is completely different then it was 9 years ago, I applied when I was 14 and I'm now 23 and have graduated college.  This server is one of the few things that has stayed consistent and I know it'll be here when I just need to escape real life for a couple hours.

5 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

how are you so cracked at building

I found 3 tricks to make things look good and just spammed them over and over again lmao

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4 minutes ago, salamanderfantasy said:

Question: fae have you slept yet

Answer N/A as it does not relate to server. :)

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9 minutes ago, UnusualBrit said:

Thoughts on Biggun traps?

traps designed for bigguns: +1
traps designed by bigguns: -1

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7 hours ago, TakeMeT0TheFae said:

started in Asulon

Didn't halflings start in Aegis with the release of subraces? Halflings already existed at the start of Asulon. There were some halfling villages on Aegis such as Dunwood, for example.

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2 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

Didn't halflings start in Aegis with the release of subraces? Halflings already existed at the start of Asulon. There were some halfling villages on Aegis such as Dunwood, for example.

ye that sounds more likely, like I mentioned, I am in no way an expert in the founding of Halflings as it was before my time.  I mostly know about it being staff only for a bit before being opened and the fact they were already an established race by the time I joined.

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