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Corpses in the Commonwealth


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Corpses in the Commonwealth

My fellow citizens; commoners, knights and those of the Old Regime. As I am sure many of you have noticed, over the course of the past year there has been an excess of mysterious deaths in the countryside of our little nation. So far there have been documented 23 cases of dead bodies being found along the country lanes, forest paths and fields of grain. Many of these deceased were commoners from the outskirts of Valfleur and Petra's hamlets, among the dead being several shephers, farmhands, maids who tended lifestock and even children like the seven year old boy found dead up by the ruins of the old military fort. On top of this, a further five individuals have been reported missing from across the Commonwealth with no bodies thusfar having been found. 

I reach out to you, fellow citizens, for information. As of yet, we do not have any knowledge regarding who or what is the culprit of these poor souls' demises. If anyone has any knowledge regarding the cause of these deaths, even the slightest lead or suspicion, I ask it be reported to me, Commander Lambert or Ser Brandt. The same goes for knowledge of any new deaths or missing persons. As for what we currently know, who- or whatever is the killer, seems to tear up the victim's bodies to a point where their skin is shredded or mangled. In many instances, the corpses are partly eaten, though we do not know if this was done by the killer or some animal that stumbled upon the corpse. Lastly and most notably, the victims either carry serious wounds to the neck or are completely beheaded, suggesting a vicious attack to the throat to be the main pattern.

Lastly I wish to issue a warning. While the recent summer months have seen a lull in the number of attacks, there was an exceptional frequency the past winter. Now we are once again heading into wintertime, with the night - the apparent time at which attacks take place - getting longer and darker. I seriously  advice against leaving the confines of the estate or place of residence at nighttime, and if one does, they are to do so in the company of others. Never alone. Additionally, during the daytime, do not venture out far into nature where assistance is out of reach.

In the name of the Lord, let us pray we overcome the horror that plagues our land.

Master of the Hunt Artiev Colborn


[[OOC: This post is part of an eventline I am hosting, signifying the next stage of said eventline. Interacting with the story will have results and keep an eye out for further progress.]]

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