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"'Hozh grub, 'hozh grog drynkin, hozh parti..." The tavern crawling orc crumples the paper slightly as his meaty fist raises the text closer towards his squinting crimson eyeballs. 

"Wayt, dey nub blah anityng 'boutz'ag 'hozh Klomp! Kor'Garr beddur goh dher agh vix daht vor dem. Nub parti iz kompleet wit'nub anyazh ztartyng'ag bar'fyte..." Kor'Garr's lips curl around thick tusks, forming a distinctly jolly grin beneath the looming bristles of his finely waxed handlebar 'stache.  A deep chug of cheap ale is taken as the orc's brow furrows in thought.

"Wut tu bryng az'ag gyvt dehn? Keh, kuld alweyz mayk'ag propah ztabbah..." He draws out some charcoal and parchment before sketching designs for some kind of spiked orcish monstrosity of a weapon. A blacksmith's mind is always busy, after all...

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