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The Hunt Begins


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Gwndel Vilac kept his gaze towards the piece of paper informing of the return of the Prince. he'd dip his head as the Archduke spoke looking to the Commander of the Sons of Petra ready to follow their command to ensure peace in the heartlands. 

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"This is not bad ass." Lambert would remark upon hearing the report from some Petra Patrol member. "We just made peace, we're going to enjoy it." 

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Ser Brandt Berhal frowns as the report is put into his hands by his squire.


"I pray that peace in the Heartland shall be maintained, rather than uprooted by a bid to restart Orenian Hegemony."

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"If Petra, Haense and Balian were true to their word and the core purpose of challenging Aaun was to prevent an imperial restoration then the alliance should pledge their support to Aaun in defeating these imperials." remarked Ser Walton.

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Ser Alto, the Patriot of Orenia, would sign the Lorraine as he readied the banners. "My father swore an oath to the Empire, if this man wishes to be Frederick the Phoenix then I shall ride with him."

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Kor'Garr gags slightly on the cheap tavern swill after he overhears the news from passersby, eyes widening before he pounds his own scarred chest with a bulky monochrome fist. A scrunched brow and harsh wrinkles scrunch together as his face contorts into a disgusted snarl. 

"Wub dah zkah? Kor'Garr grukk'd dah Oriniyunz wur awl vlatten'd, agh den diz 'Onurlezz Kowurd deziydz tu zhow up klaimyng dah 'Umie rexdom avtur awl deez tikz? Zog 'im, diz tinii kub uv'ag prinze zhuld gruk 'hozher dehn tu kry vor'ag krown dey ran awey vrum." An empty tankard slams upon the bar as the Orc lets out a low, rumbling groan.

"Zog mi, Kor'Garr needz anuddah grog avtur peepyng uv zuch zhaymvul akzhunz." Yet more bits of silver rattle across the countertop, and a tankard is quickly filled.


"...Nowz, wich wey iz Krugmar vrum 'ere?"




"What the [swear]? I thought the Orenians were all dead, and then this Honorless Coward decides to show up claiming the human Kingship after all this time? [swear] him, this tiny child of a prince should think better than to cry for a corwn they ran away from."

"[Swear] me, I need another drink after hearing of such shameful actions."

"Now, which way is Krugmar from here?"


Edited by Mannamannaa
Including Translations because Blah
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"Neutrality is your best bet now my friend" said Graf Leon, quoting a profound Orenian saying of old.





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John Leufroy Lewes cheered upon the arrival of the ship!

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Luisa cringes hard upon hearing the news. She threaded a hand through her salt and pepper hair, thoughtfully contemplating the situation. In the end, the aging lady shrugged and uttered the following words to her brother in law.

"Some blessings come disguised as problems. And some problems sort themselves out. I imagine he'll last for a few Saint Weeks before tiring himself out and sailing away again."



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Valentin stared down at the report, clutching it in gloved hands as a confused expression took form on his weathered face. The aged soldier had been travelling, seeing the world as he left the old country behind to stretch his legs for a few years. He had to squint hard for a moment, his eyes weren't what they used to be after all, but he could have swore he saw mention of a Novellen on his shores.

"Blimey, I thought Ol' Gustaf did away with these bastards. Where did they turn up from? A vacation resort?"

He snickered, the memories flooding back as he gazed out across the great forests of the heartlands.

"I reckon he blames himself, for Mad Freddy n' that. Don't worry son, your father didn't bite it because you abandoned him. It was fate, not a fault of yours!"

The Mareno cackled, twirling with intoxication as he sauntered down the wooded path. 

"He comes back again! Back again! Spawn o' the coward comes back again! Oh-de-do-da-day!"

And as he carried on into the woods, his crude lyrics and tone grew muted beneath the trees.

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From her residency in Branhavn, Arabella of Carolustadt curiously listened to the chatter on the street as rumors spiral. She hesitated upon what she heard - could it be true? - the arrival of her cousin, who she had figured to be dead with the rest of the Novellen at the fall of the empire's successor state. If she closed her eyes for long enough, she could still see the ruins of Vienne's palace, and hear the crunch of glass beneath her feet in the dining hall where all the stone busts of the rulers of Oren lay broken. If she tried even harder to tug at her memories, the crackle of a fireplace in the Aster Palace and her mother, Victoria - muttering off about something she couldn't comprehend.


After packing her things to go into the capital city of Karosgrad, Arabella traveled the gravel roads leading to Hanseti-Ruska's capital to hear more information on the arrival. It gave her some feeling of nostalgia from stories she heard as a child, although this was quite different. Peace had finally been made - or at least some sense of it, and the international order had been entirely shifted. 


Nevertheless, she set out to find her family. Curiosity took the best of her. 

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Cosima read of the adventurer threat, nearly tossing the parchment at her husband Peter von Azor. @MailC3p "I don't know what is with you Heartlanders and giving up what they have, but then asking for it later. The countess of Azor, abandons her keep for Petra. Then demands her title in Petra, be Azor. Now this fallen prince is coming to regain an already lost empire. I will give it to you, your people are relentless." Cosima teased her husband smiling in delight as little Konstantin and Carice entered the room for luncheon with their parents. 

Edited by Frank_Dog
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