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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [LadyVermin] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason




What circumstances led to this ban?


I am not certain the events that led to my ban, but I know of encounters that happened in the days or weeks before. In one instance, I developed a close friendship with another play, which ended after I had a delusional breakdown in private DMs with them. I was blocked, and I apologized the next day. They requested I did not talk to them, and so I did not contact them further. In another instance, this played out again almost exactly. I developed a friendship (though not close in any manner of speaking) and had several delusional breakdowns in private DMs. I apologized each time after, and these apologies were accepted in DMs. Some days later, maybe a week later, I was banned. Since this has transpired, I have been re-medicated for my schizoaffective disorder. The disorder, which causes me to spiral often in delusional episodes (such episodes often had me speak of nonsensical things such as angels, religion, and inherent worth), is now medicated, and I have not had an episode in several weeks. This disorder though cannot be completely to blame, and I acknowledge my poor choices in the matter, such as attempting to develop close friendships in the first place and exposing these friends to things better fit for a therapist.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


Though I agree that my actions were worthy of punishment, I would disagree that I harassed anyone as the ban reason states. In all instances when I was asked to not speak with someone, I listened. I also believe, with that in mind, that a permanent ban is harsher than necessary.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


There are very little creative venues like LOTC. It offers a unique experience of high quality roleplay within a medium that facilitates decently paced responses, which is something I simply have not found anywhere else.


Attach other relevant information.


There is nothing more that I can think of.

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It's an admin ban so they're going to deny this regardless of what you put because you're supposed to appeal directly to the admins.

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I assumed an admin ban was something else, that is my mistake.


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