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Acael'Fiyemal - The Day of Reckoning


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“To bring upon the scourge of blight, a calamity far greater than the succor of civilization can bear. Judgment day will separate the weak from the strong. This is my final missive. Acael’fiyemal.”


The final notes and ramblings of the Koi Druid Valor Caerme’onn, pieced together by his final faithful followers. His descent into madness, obsessed with the true face of nature at its depths. Finally his words are transcribed, published from an unknown source. Perhaps to fall on deaf ears, the scrolls in which these words are written can be found in places you had not expected to find them.



Long have I watched and observed the pride of man and Druii alike. They take refuge in the forgiving nature of their walls and their communities. They truly do not understand the true ferocity of nature, how greatly it has been disbalanced. Nature has been torn asunder and left broken, nations drawing arbitrary lines in the dirt, as Druii fight over the righteousness of their philosophy. In the barren wake of true adversity the children of the Aspects have grown weak. I have tried to show them the Way. I have but one more ploy to elevate the strong men and annihilate the weak. Let it be known; the day shall come.




True unity and strength is displayed in those with the willingness to unite to fight the common enemy. Worry not of the ideas that have crafted me. It is my power that has elevated me above judgment. For when the day comes, you shall look to me as your shepard. There will be no deliverance. Understand that your weakness will be your undoing, as the true weight of the balance shall be dropped upon you. To those loyal to the Way, rise. Your lessons and teaching will allow you to reach heights you could not have imagined, for I have seen them.




When the blight consumes the land we rush to quench the scourge, as we see it as such. Understand that this is a gift from our Gods. We deserve this, for what have we done to prevent it? We allow those who blight our land to live, only to mitigate the chaos they leave behind. We are postponing an inevitable cleanse. I say allow this scourge to take route, even strengthen it. Allow the hubris of man to wash themselves away. Healing is not the answer. Power. Control. The blight is but another tool to a Druii. You wish to bring upon the horrors of the land? I say allow it, for I will rise to be the King of a blighted land.




Why should I wait like prey for the arrogance of man and Druii alike to bring upon my demise. I shall not be accounted for amongst the weak and unready. I shall be the one to rip open a hole in the realms, bring towards this realm a calamity greater than the Gods influence. I welcome its horror, for I have walked the abyss already, I am unwavering. The power to control the fire that will purge this world is held in the hands of those who initiate it. So I say allow me to use all my power to bring upon this great calamity as I sit at its throne of death.




First my brothers and sisters, learn to harness the power of the sundered world. I have studied the Kaitoyami as it has shown me a glimpse of the world I will bring about. If I can free myself from this self imposed prison, then when the cage bears down upon us, I shall free myself once more. Subject yourself to great horror, find strength in your adversity, so that you may walk on the bones of the weak. Let them find no succor or mercy at your feet.




Kuila crystals, blood magic, blight magic, whatever it takes. If enough magic is brought to bear then it will inevitably cause a rift between the realms. Welcome back Iblees and his followers, so that we might subjugate him ourselves. His power will not be greater than those who have mastered the blight that was meant to destroy us. With his tools of destruction usurped from him, elevate yourselves to the realm of Godhood as I intend to. If I do not survive, allow my soul to be torn from the eternal forest in this calamity. I will rule as a Lich amongst men if I must. My vessel matters little, the New World will be defined by our rules. Our sovereign rule, eternally.




Are you scared? You will read this and weep, excuse and blaspheme. I take no orders from an entity above myself, because I have witnessed true power. I will never be granted it, so I will rip it from their hands. Let the Gods understand that when Acael’Fiyemal is upon us they will be usurped. This weakness in stagnation will be made known, and those who have perfected their tools of tyranny shall rule as they have always meant to. Acael’Fiyemal brothers and sisters. The day of reckoning will come, to bring upon a calamity and purge this world with a scourge. To control it and build it anew, with sovereign rule. Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared?-



The phrase repeats in more and more chaotic handwriting until there is no paper left.



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On a tattered, uncredited scroll lies drawings of circles and runes. Not much is written on it. Simply titled ‘Balhūthruer’.







“An explosion with enough power to tear a hole in the veil, to do so would require a monstrous amount of matter to convert into a ritual. Alongside it would require many skilled mages to initiate and control its wrath. On the eve of war, where many lives will be discarded for fruitless endeavor, shall a circle be drawn with runes of great purpose.”

A diagram with a transmutation circle and many runes is drawn out, somewhat crudely. It appears as if this document was merely an unfinished draft with hurried notes jumbled alongside them.

“Allow the energy to flow to the source. As the power reaches its peak then the ritual shall commence in its full glory.”

A mock war zone is drawn, with linear divots drawn in the land leading towards the transmutation circle.

“With enough power brought together, and those with the audacity to incite it: this ritual should be enough to incite Acael’Fiyemal.”

What followed were simply proto-tests around the machinations of the individual parts of the ritual, ominously recorded as successes or failures, ‘An explosion was noted, Subject 3 died, experiment was a success’. Similar entries as logs are recorded, with parts lost due to damage.

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