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Little over 4 months in Haenser, AMA.


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Figured I'd do one of these because why the hell not. Ask away if you care to! :)

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5 minutes ago, ColdestPepsi said:

why do we do this to ourselves?


just to suffer!

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ur one of the coolest new people ive met


whats ur opinion on the performance of darktide at the current stage

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where else have u played and why is it worse than the great dual-monarchy of hanseti-ruska....

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1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:

ur one of the coolest new people ive met


whats ur opinion on the performance of darktide at the current stage


Thanks man! You too! 


Performance-wise on a technical level, it's pretty good. I have a 2060 and I get a solid 60 on medium if I turn off ray tracing. But even then, medium still looks fantastic. The graphic design team clearly put a lot of work into player-friendly optimization. 


 If you mean how's it doing overall, I'd say Darktide is probably the best 40k game to have ever come out. I hope it'll bring a lot of new people to 40k and give studios more of a reason to make more games in the genre. 


12 minutes ago, PerfectlyPeachy said:

where else have u played and why is it worse than the great dual-monarchy of hanseti-ruska....


Good question! 


Favorite places, from greatest to least (The ones at the bottom are places I still like but somewheres gotta be on top.):


1. Haense. 

2. Hyspia.

3. Celianor.

4. Sedan.

5. Balian.


Major critiques of numbers 2-5 are that there's not enough Carrion Black and red bricks. 

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What's your general opinion on the current state of the server from your point of view? It's typically easier for older players to have more negative views of the server's state at times due to experiences during old eras, so it's always refreshing to hear the opinion of someone with a fresher mind in relation to LotC like yourself

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10 minutes ago, Fionn__TWG said:

What's your general opinion on the current state of the server from your point of view? It's typically easier for older players to have more negative views of the server's state at times due to experiences during old eras, so it's always refreshing to hear the opinion of someone with a fresher mind in relation to LotC like yourself

who sends regular messages in times new roman lmao

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43 minutes ago, Fionn__TWG said:

What's your general opinion on the current state of the server from your point of view? It's typically easier for older players to have more negative views of the server's state at times due to experiences during old eras, so it's always refreshing to hear the opinion of someone with a fresher mind in relation to LotC like yourself


This is a great question and I hope I'm smart enough to answer it coherently. 


Well, overall I think LotC is generally pretty fantastic. Roleplay aside, it's the community that makes it for me. I've had maybe one bad spat with someone in the four months I've been here. Everyone else has been nothing but open and friendly to me. People are always asking to play games, hop on and roleplay, and people are extremely accepting of you if you're willing to open up a little and make friends. 


Before I joined, I was warned that NLs and royalty were going to be the most awful, cliquey and snobby people I'd ever meet, but I've yet to meet someone high up in the social ladder that hasnt been anything but friendly and welcoming to me, infact more than a few of them I now consider my dear good friends. I've only been a Haenser, I don't know what it's like in other nations but I'd wager that the same is true for them aswell. 


I do have a couple issues though; not saying there's a fix cause I sure as hell don't have one but they've been consistently present during my time here. These are: 


 As it stands, I think people are way too fast to allow for character bleed-over. In-character conflict can quickly spiral into ooc toxicity. It really is a massive pain in the ass and these people are the worst part of the server for me. They don't bring anything to the community except headache. Now that is just my own personal opinion, and I'm typically very quiet about it.


  People are also very scared to lose and are quick to call the mods if something they wanted to do doesn't work out.  I'm sick of doing guard roleplay and having to rule-lawyer with a mod for two hours to arrest a guy that tried to do something illegal in public in the middle of Karosgrad square and he gets angry and calls for the jannies. Like, my guy you just tried to stab me infront of the entire city with like seven eye-witnesses and you're trying to 1v4 a bunch of heavily armed guards, just take the loss and move on. 


Finally I think the server is ruled a bit too oocly. I'm actually perfectly fine with a little ooc stuff, but it's very noticable when there's too much of it. I don't think implementing rules banning things like ooc trade will help at all. People will just make private servers and not tell the mods about it. 



That's my like, 'review' of LotC as it currently sits. Hope it was insightful! 

Edited by SethWolf
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