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On Belka’s dominion over the Stars


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On Belka’s dominion over the Stars

Work of Asketil Blackroot, Seer of Hefrumm, and Prophet of Belka.



[!] Depiction of Belka guiding sailors.


Recently I had a discussion with the Prophet of Dungrimm. He said he never heard of Belka’s relation to the stars. I was surprised at first, but it should not be, many dwedmar have a slightly different interpretation of the Brathmordakin. This piece is in his honor, may the Brathmordakin guide him and allow him to continue to do his good works, and I hope it serves as an informative piece for anyone else.


Belka is one of the Brathmordakin, created by Yemekar. Like all other Brathmordakin she holds dominion over a precera of domains: passion, beauty, travel, weather, the sea, etc. While these are generally agreed upon by anyone that walks the streets of any dwarven city worth its name, there are other dominions that are not generally known or are in dispute. The source of this dispute is the lack of awareness of different perspectives of the Brathmordakin between different dwarven clans. The domain we are here to discuss today is the dominion over stars.


Any dwarven clan or group that has a culture of travel or sailing, domains generally attribute to Belka the dominion over the stars. After all it is the stars that guide them and hence the connection. It is sensible to believe this and not wrong.


On the other hand, dwarven clans that are more sedentary, that do not rely as much on sailing and travel tend to see the stars as the domain of Grimdugan, the lord of darkness. This also makes sense, the stars happen to be in the dark sky, and those that fall into our plane hold ores and other materials attributed to Grimdugan.


Really this is not a debate where one is right and the other is wrong. Both are realities based on the material surrounding and needs that Yemekar gave each group. Hence, for each group a different Brathmordakin is ruling the domain. In the same way that when a smith works on a sword they work in the domain of Yemekar, while if they are wielding it to defend their land they wield it in the domain of Dungrimm.


However, as a ardent follower of Belka, a do think that this matter could serve as an inspiration for a great poem about Grimdugan and Belka, with the lord of darkness giving her part of his hoard as a sign of respect for her power and beauty, so that she can guide her worshippers through any road and any seas even in the darkest of nights.


This is not a canonical work, unless the clergy decides to make it so. It is more of a socio-religious analysis of folk’s relation to a religious topic. One that can still teach about the faith in the process, after all knowledge by the blessings of Ongradhad is a holy thing.


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