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The Emerald Book: Grimdugan


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The Emerald Book:




An artist’s interpretation of Grimdugan’s earthly form.



The strikes of the Forgefather’s hammer caused sparks to light up the cosmic sky. The sparks that embedded into the cosmos turned into beautiful stars, while the sparks that sunk deep into the earth condensed into gems and ore. To protect and safeguard these beautiful treasures for the dwarven people, Grimdugan buried them in a veil of darkness. So that only the most steadfast dwarf would dare to brave the unknown and grow their hoard.

-Runes upon an unearthed obsidian obelisk.




Grimdugan The Nightbearer

Grimdugan is the Brathmordkin of Darkness and Greed. He resides in the shadows of caverns protecting telluric treasures. The Nightbearer pulls the sky to turn it into the night, revealing the many gleaming lights scattered in the veil of the darkness. Those who seek bounty in the dark, such as miners or thieves often venerate Grimdugan as their patron. In general, those who desire to grow their personal wealth and hoards through personal action rather than trade worship Grimdugan, since he is the Brathmordkin of Greed.  In many ways, Grimdugan is a source of comfort and protection for many of those downtrodden dwarves who seek to shield themselves with the cover of shadow. There are many aspects to Grimdugan, just as there many things hidden in the dark. The Nightbearer keeps them shrouded under his cosmic cloak.




The Lessons of Darkness:

These lessons exist to teach dwarves to properly understand Grimdugan better, for after many millennia of improper teachings people have grown to perceive him as the patron of criminals only. With these doctrines, the ways to properly revere Grimdugun will be revealed, as well as seldom seen aspects of him.


Dharg: The Lesson of Darkness. This lesson teaches that Darkness should not be something to be feared, but respected. Great riches lie in the dark, but so do terrible monsters. Thus, a dwarf must be courageous to enter Grimdugan’s domain. In a broader sense, The Lesson of Darkness is about the unknown. No progress or glory can ever be attained without venturing into the unknown, but of course, one must do so with the necessary preparation.


What's there to be afraid of? The hidden jewels and gems that Grimdugan has hidden for us? The creatures that lay silent in the shadows of the night? Or are you afraid because you don’t know what's there? The possibility of finding something about yourself that you despise?” 

- A quote from a passing spelunker.


Kor: Kor means Star in Dwarven. This doctrine refers to the stars embedded in the sky, and the ores and gems buried in the earth, but more broadly it can refer to anything of beauty and value. Kor teaches two things. Firstly that dwarves must seek to grow their wealth with the treasures the Brathmordkin have provided them. As well as to value and respect them.  Secondly, Kor also refers to the light in the shadows. How the stars glimmer in the night sky and how lanterns burn in the deep dark, these are all Kor. One must never fall into despair for Kor teaches us that Grimdugun always provides a light to follow in the darkness.


Many are lost in the dark, the encroaching blackness upon their senses causes them to despair even further. But fear not, for Grimdugan always leaves a glimmer for you to find.

 - A paragraph from a passage authored by Garedyn The Green, Priest of Grimdugan.


Derkalimin: or Greed in common. A dwarf’s greed is a powerful, and everpresent aspect of dwarven society. Grimdugan, being the hoarder and protector of hidden treasures teaches the dwarves to use their greed for the sake of self-progress: to enrich themselves materially, to bring prosperity to their community. Though Grimdugan also teaches temperance. One cannot let their desire for wealth overtake their life to their own detriment and that of fellow dwedmar.


If you delve too deep, to take too much you will fall into the abyss, one filled with monsters, not treasure. Temper your greed for the sake of your soul.

 - Restored text from a soggy book authored by Baldin Frostbeard, High Preceptor.


Mhornar: Mhornar means Shadow. Grimdugan, like all other Brathmordkin, serves to keep the balance of the world. He achieves this by protecting descendants with his cloak of shadows. Those who seek refuge from disaster or persecution will always find a home in Grimdugan’s shadow. Just as how Grimdugan cloaks the moon in cycles to protect it, so must the dwarf extend a helping hand to those in need, no matter who they are. Shadows don’t discriminate. Mhornar may also refer to keeping secrets, and thus those who desire to keep things hidden also pray to Grimdugan.


The shadows care not who they envelop, they do so because it is only right to provide a cloak to the lost and weary wanderers.”

- A caretaker from a lost shrine of Grimdugan




Post Scriptum:

In my view, worship of Grimdugan has always been insufficient. Many previous clerical bodies often neglected to teach about him, due to his association with dwarves who were considered to be outcasts, such as thieves and beggars. Grimdugan, like the other Brathmordkin, plays a key role in the existence of reality. Thus it is only right for him to be venerated properly. However, I do not begrudge those who could make heads or tails of Grimdugan’s aspects due to a lack of understanding, since by his very nature he is obscure. I hope these new lessons will help the dwarven people understand Grimdugan better so that people can live more faithfully by his creed.


May it be noted that this is not clerical canon, but my personal views upon the Brathmordkin. The collections present in The Emerald Book are that of my own contemplations.





Astrological studies of lunar cycles and the cosmos

The works of Norli Starbreaker

Various compilations of religious texts and prayers.

Cosmological Studies of the realms of Baldin Frostbeard.

The Dwarven Language Encyclopedia


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