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Carolean Guard of Alstion


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Declared and published in the year of Our Lord, 1902





“The walls have fallen, the defenders are slain, the enemy is here! It is the end and the death, my brothers - the end for our tale, and death to the usurpers! Raise the Dragon Banner one last time, for the Prince, for Alstion!”

-Ulrich Lothar Alstreim, before the final charge of the Nauzicans during the Siege of the Hero-City of Haverlock, 64 SA



“Alstion! Alstion! Alstion!”

The soldiers of the Nauzica after having listened to the Captain’s speech, 64 SA



The Carolean Guard | Soldiers of the King



The Black Dragon Banner of House Alstion



A call of service and duty


For too long has the House of Alstion and their Princely Crownlands gone without proper guard and safety, having to depend on the numerous peerages of Aaun for the protection of said crownlands. No longer! With the patronage of the Sovereign of Aaun and Prince of Alstion, Charles I, the formation of the Carolean Guard of the Crownlands is hereby declared, to serve as the personal levy and guardforce of the Royal House of Alstion, as well as the policing force of these Crownlands of Aaun. 




 A cause of honour, justice and loyalty


Service directly under the patronage of the Prince of Alstion is a great honour by itself alone, but there exists a higher cause of righteousness in service to the Guard. When the Crownlands come under attack, the men of the Guard are the first to its defence When the faithful servants of GOD are threatened, the Caroleans are the ones to see GOD’s will be done. The Crownlands have been in turmoil for decades, and it's our duty to see stability restored, so that those who come after us never again need suffer the devastation of war and civil strife.


Benefits of serving as a Carolean under House Alstion;

  • A discount of 5% from the price of estates and housing in the Crownlands with an increase to 10% at the rank of Sergeant.
  • The handling tax in housing and estates paid fully by the House of Alstion
  • The standard kit of a Carolean free of charge, as well as yearly upkeep of said gear.
  • Minae paid yearly in accordance with one's achievements within the Guard.
  • The honour of serving directly under the King Alstion for the Crownlands and Charter.
  • If the Carolean were ever wounded in service to Alstion, their medical care will be paid for in full.




For without discipline, come the end and the death


The Guard’s hierarchy is separated into two parts; there are the ranks of foot, those men who excel in fighting and combat, but are either yet not ready or willing to take up the mantle of leadership. Then there exist the ranks of command; men who are leaders of the Caroleans, who’s authority and knowledge in matters of combat, strategy and leadership are absolute. The rise through the ranks is an arduous one, as only the best are fit to lead the King’s men.




The armour used by the Captain and the Lieutenants, with the purple sash as a symbol of their authority and prestige.



As the Commander-In-Chief of the Carolean Guard, the Prince of Alstion exercises absolute authority over the entire guard and all of its members. The Prince has the sole authority to appoint a Captain or other de-facto leading figure for the group, and as well holds the right to release anyone from their sworn oath to the Guard. As the Patron of the Guard, the Prince is also responsible for the payment of soldiers and upkeep of their gear and bases of operation, though these tasks may be delegated as well.



The Captain is the de-facto leader of the Guard, and responsible for its well being, the training and recruiting of soldiers and promoting those of lower rank. The Captain acts with the authority and blessing of the King of Aaun, and thus his authority in matters relating to the Guard and safety of the Crownlands is absolute, only surpassed by the King himself.



Lieutenants are the officers of the Guard - those men and women who have proved themselves worthy of the mantle of leadership. The Lieutenant has the authority to command ranks of lower status and take part in the military council of the Crownlands whenever called. While a Lieutenant has great authority in the Crownlands, they do also have a great amount of responsibility granted to them. It’s usual for a Lieutenant to be in charge of an aspect of the Guard, such as training the Guardsmen, recruiting or handling the armoury and arms of the Guard. The road to becoming an Officer is a hard one and takes years, but once reached it’s a status of great prestige and honour.




The armour used by the Recruits (Left) and the Caroleans and Sergeants (Right)



Sergeants are veterans of the Guard - those men who have seen their fair share of battle and are preparing to become a Officer, or for one reason or the other have chosen not to pursue such. Despite their placement in the ranks of foot, Sergeants may from time to time with the authorization of a Officer take up a position of leadership, and when no Officer is available, they may give orders to those of lower ranking than themselves. In addition, Sergeants have the right to levy out fines if a situation breaking the Crownlands evicts occurs, but is not worthy of arrest. Sergeants are also given a slightly larger discount on estates in the Crownlands than Caroleans.



The backbone of the army, the Caroleans are the rank-and-file of the Guard. After having completed their basic training and served in the Guard for a fair amount of time, a Recruit may finally take their Oath to become an official Carolean of the King of Aaun, a hardened soldier and protector of the Crownlands. Caroleans have the right to arrest persons who have broken the law in the Courlands, and may levy fines if a man of upper rank is present. The Caroleans are also afforded a small discount from estates from the Crownlands as a sign of gratitude for their service and loyalty to Alstion.



Recruits are those who have just enlisted in the Guard, with little to no previous experience in warfare and combat. To become a recruit, one must be a citizen of Aaun and adhere strictly to the Holy Canonist Faith. If one wishes to join but is not a Canonist, they may convert and be allowed to join thereafter. Recruits don't yet have the right to arrest or fine in the Crownlands, nor are they granted the best of weaponry until their basic training is completed. After such, the Captain will judge the recruit worthy and they may take their Oath to House Alstion and the Crownlands and become a fully fledged Carolean of the Guard.




For every man who puts their oaths first has achieved the finest of triumphs worthy of the finest of commemorations.



Once a recruit has completed their basic training, they may be brought in front of a member of House Alstion, usually either the King or the Crown Prince, and there they may take their Oath, finally becoming a Carolean. The Oath is sacred, and once taken may not be broken except with the acceptance of the Prince of Alstion and the Captain of the Guard. May those who break the oath be named oathbreakers and traitors, and be dealt with according to such.


Before the eyes of GOD, before my Prince and Captain, I place my blade beneath their feet, I swear my oath with this creed;


O’ Lord, let my hand be just and brave,

O’ Lord, let my eyes be keen and bright,

O’ Lord, let my feet be swift and free, 

O’ Lord, let my heart be strong and true,


For my GOD, For my Prince Alstion, for my Comrades, and for no-one else. 

With this creed I so swear my oath, and let my blood run cold if I am to ever forsake it.



As a Recruit becomes a Carolean, it is customary for the other members of the Guard to gather together after the conclusion of the Oathing ceremony in celebration, where good wishes are brought to the newest member of the Guard by each individually, either in words or paper. These words are meant to symbolise the bond of camaraderie and friendship between the older and newer members of the Guard.


After the death of a Carolean, those who brought them wishes may lower themselves before the funeral pyre of the bygone one and whisper these wishes anew in prayer, symbolising their gratitude of times spent and hopes of meeting again in GOD’s eternal Skies.



In addition to acting as commemorations of one’s service to the Guard, the awards also act as the payment of one. Each Carolean is paid 5 minae weekly, with the base going up by 5 minae with ranks, with the base of a Lieutenant being 15 minae weekly. This does not however make up the majority of one’s pay, but it's rather determined by their awards, which are granted yearly per a soldier’s acts during said year. Contrary to most other militaries, the value of awards is not considered in how high of an award one gets, but how many they have.


The Star of Service; Once retired and after having spent the minimum of 25 years in the Guard, a person is entitled to the Star of Service, which will guarantee them a pension of 40 minae yearly for the rest of their lives, as long as they continue to reside within Aaun. 


Star of Saint Lothar; for those who performed a miraculous action in battle to save the unit from dire circumstances, the highest of Carolean awards. 200 minas.


Embroidered Cross of Saint Felder; a golden cross embroidered with various gems for those who performed extreme acts of heroism in accomplishment of a military goal or objective. 100 minas.


Ruby Bracer; an engraved ruby medallion awarded to soldiers for drawing first blood in an engagement. 50 minas.


Pin of Justice; a polished iron pin with a depiction of a sun and its gleaming rays forming the top of it, awarded for those who have successfully detained a criminal and seen that justice is delivered to them. 40 minas.


Tears of Saint Daniel; a silver bracelet engraved with a depiction of enemy fortifications, awarded to the first

soldier to charge. 30 minas.


The Hand of Iron; a steel medal depicting a hand awarded for gathering the weekly materiel quotas. 25minas.


Saint Andrik’s Sword; a metal brooch in the shape of a blade awarded for each individual kill acquired by a Carolean during battle. 20 minas.



Those wishing to enlist in the Carolean Guard are advised to seek out or send letter to its current Captain, Johann Ritter von Barclay.



If you’re interested about joining the guard or learning more about it, feel free to shoot me a dm or come find me ingame! Frymark#3075


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