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Urguan I, a mighty dwarf clad in a full suit of black armor, would stand before the square of the capitol on a podium, his guards standing at arms next to him.


"Dear Fellow Dwed,


I, Urguan I, come to ye today wid a heavy ‘eart an’ a burning rage in me soul. I ‘ave seen da ‘orrors ov Canonism firsthand, an’ I can nay bear da thought ov any ov me kin sufferin’ at da ‘ands ov dese false gods an’ dair twisted followers.

Only yesterday, da Canonist Inquisition wrongly slaughtered a group ov our kin, da innocent children ov our race, whom dey thought to be vampires. Can ye even fathom da cruelty ov such a deed? Can ye imagine da pain an’ anguish ov da parents who lost dere beloved offspring to da fanaticism ov da Canonists?

No, dere is no end to da chaos. No end to da sufferin’. No end to da destruction wrought by Canonism. It is time fer us to take a stand, to let da light ov Yemekar guide us to peace an’ holiness.

Yemekar ‘as spoken wid me personally, an’ ‘e ‘as called upon us to destroy da Canonist Church once an’ fer all. ‘E will save us, if only we can eradicate Canonism completely from dis land.

I call upon ye, me fellow dwarves, to join me in dis righteous cause. Togeda, let us take up arms an’ fight fer our kin, fer our race, an’ fer da god we serve. Tolerant we will no longer be. No longer will we stand fer da radicalism ov Canonist humans. Deir time is up. Dey must be destroyed.

Join me in me organization, da Black ‘And, da ‘and ov Yemekar who will destroy all enemies ov Urguan. Togeda, let us rise up an’ claim our rightful place in dis world, free ov da shackles ov Canonism an’ oppression.

Yours in faith,

Urguan I"


A separate flyer would be distributed throughout the land to those far and wide, and all those who may have a hatred for canonism in their hearts.


"Attention, noble races!

Do you feel the weight of Canonist oppression bearing down upon you? Do you tire of living under the rule of false gods and their cruel followers? Then it is time to take action!

Join us, the Black Hand, in our mission to rid the land of the Canonist plague. Led by the fierce and devout Urguan I, we stand united in our fight for justice and freedom.

With Yemekar as our guide, we will strike fear into the hearts of the Canonists and show them that they are not welcome in our lands. No longer will we stand by and allow them to oppress and deceive our people.

If you are ready to join the fight and make a stand against the Canonist threat, then contact us and become a member of the Black Hand. Together, we can bring an end to this dark chapter in our history and forge a brighter future for all.

Join us, and let the light of Yemekar guide us to victory!"





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Cardinal Viktor squints at the missive placed before him by a wandering friar, scratching his bald head "Oop." He smiles weakly, putting it aside and his feet up on his desk "Funny little blokes"

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Grand Inquisitor Kazimir var Ruthern scratches his head. Where were the Vampiric Dwarven children, that his order had supposedly slaughtered?

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Ledicort Vuiller peers at the missive as he walks into his office, a small grin gracing his face "Rather amusing behaviour, I'm sure the Grand King doesn't support this"

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A young Inquisitor reads over the missive, his marred visage contorting into a grimace, as he crumpled it up and placed it into the fire to act as more fuel. "Filthy heathen, it's one thing to claim our grand order did something such as murder the young, and another to put such disrespect to GOD and his flock." The hateful highlander would continue to stoke the flames, knowing full well the grand duty of the Holy Orders cause. 

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In Minitz, an Owynist Knight briefly pauses his fortifying of the local church to ponder the declaration in confusion.



In Urguan however, Jorvin Starbreaker, a veteran of the Long War, offers his heartfelt support, and attempts (and fails) to hobble out from his tower to join these valiant warriors.

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In Adria, Sir Phil the Righteous, a member of the LORD's holy inquisition and protector of the lands, receives a copy of the missive and reads over it once. Once finished, he exhales loudly and places the missive on the table, then moving his gloved hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. His face reddens with annoyance.


"I do not remember slaughtering innocent Dwarven children in any capacity. Too many fall prey to propaganda attempts like these. May Holy Owyn dispel these lies with the FIRE of God!" The Knight boomed, crumpling up the paper into a ball and tossing it into the fireplace. A look of satisfaction emerges upon the Knight's face as the flames flare, and the paper transforms into a charred mess.


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Thalgrim Goldhand reads the notice with interest, wondering what the Grand King would do, and waited to consult with the Rhun Prophet.

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Azketil Blackroot Seer of Hefrumm and Prophet of Belka of Da Kirkja Dverga reads the letter. He would chukle before placing the document into a box filled with other satirical records as he sighs.


"Thes es why mi an mi folk 'ad to take time off frem our duties en 'efrumm to teach en tha capital. Seems like tha current Kirkja Dverga 'as in'erited a bunch ef work tha the previous clergeh failed to do, like educating tha beardlings. Poor missguided lads, ef onleh they wer given a propah education. Well, when they come back from their raids en tha 'umans we will be able to educate them. 'ope they do net get 'urt er kill themselves, loss ef dwed life es vereh tragec. Will see ef tha Council ef Prophets ef tha Kirkja Dverga to 'av tha church ef canon return these lads safe ef they are tu be captured."

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On 12/17/2022 at 5:38 PM, mateolog said:

Azketil Blackroot Seer of Hefrumm and Prophet of Belka of Da Kirkja Dverga reads the letter. He would chukle before placing the document into a box filled with other satirical records as he sighs.


"Thes es why mi an mi folk 'ad to take time off frem our duties en 'efrumm to teach en tha capital. Seems like tha current Kirkja Dverga 'as in'erited a bunch ef work tha the previous clergeh failed to do, like educating tha beardlings. Poor missguided lads, ef onleh they wer given a propah education. Well, when they come back from their raids en tha 'umans we will be able to educate them. 'ope they do net get 'urt er kill themselves, loss ef dwed life es vereh tragec. Will see ef tha Council ef Prophets ef tha Kirkja Dverga to 'av tha church ef canon return these lads safe ef they are tu be captured."

urguan 1 coughs and says aloud to himself in a monlogue "Ah, ah'm glad o'im older t'an Heffrum!"

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