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Budaya ditemukan melalui pengabdian kepada leluhur anda dan melanjutkan warisannya melalui cara Anda menjalani hidup anda sendiri” - Akhyar Bintang










The Bintang are a culture of people who are deemed as nomads who had been made through the combination of both Qalasheen and Li-Ren cultures. The Bintang are people who have adopted the faith of Cahayanism, and worship a God named Cahaya. Through a Dukun (Shaman), they are able to communicate with their forebears and those who are in direct connection with Cahaya. Though, there is a minority of Bintang who follow the religion of Iman Rashidun and use Dukun as an extension to connect with their ancestors, often stirring up some controversy with their fellow tribesmen regarding their beliefs. Currently, the culture is being led by the same family that founded the culture; led by a man named: Fadhlan Bintang.

The cultural system of the Bintang is as following


1. Pemimpin Suku (Tribe Leader)

2. Ketua (Elder)

3. Dukun, Kependetaan (Shaman and Clergy)

4. Pengikut (The Followers)


The Pemimpin Suku is tasked with encompassing his tribesmen across the human realm and to secure their people so they might prosper and live according to their faith


The Ketua are those who council the Pemimpin Suku in his decisions and are a council selected by the Tribe Leader


Dukun and Kependetaan are the people tasked with guiding those of their own faiths; where one his Cahayanist or a Rashidunist; they are all equally treated in their faith and can determine by themselves what faith to follow as both are equally as important to every Bintang or its sub-groups.




The main religion, Cahayanism, is a religion founded by Nabi Akhyar dari Bintang, who was born in a group of nomads in a tent  who once saw a dream of the God worshiped in Cahayanism called Cahaya. The story begins where Cahaya took Akhyar into heaven and Cahaya took one of the Roh’s (Evil Spirits) to him and said Anda hidup di alam semesta yang sama dengan saya, Dia yang telah menciptakan Anda. Adalah kemampuan saya untuk memaafkan dan melupakan, dan karena itu Anda akan bergabung dengan saya sekali lagi. He took those souls which were deemed as evil and gave them a chance to redemption to protect humanity and those who follow him. Inevitably turning them into “Aenguls” as Canonist doctrine would describe them. There are however a thousand Roh’s and a million Malaikat (Angels) who fight against each other every sixth hour of the day, after which both are going back to their tasks set by Cahaya.



Nabi Akhyar and the Roh who was shown to him by Cahaya, Akhyar placing his hand on the shoulder of it as it begged for forgiveness.


After some time in the said dream, Nabi Akhyar heard chanting from the skies - above him within his tent. The chant went as Mendengar! Mendengar! Mendengar! Cahaya telah memberkati Anda untuk mengajar!was the message that Akhyar received and thus began to educate those around him by telling them the dream that he has seen that Cahaya is capable of forgiveness of sin and will welcome everyone into the Realm of Light where He himself resides. 


It was that same day that he again saw a vision, where he saw the Cahaya fighting against the Exalted of the Church of the Canon, according to Nabi Akhyar a sign of a soon to be conflict between the different beliefs as he also saw the different other Gods of other religions in Almaris fight against each other where the different faiths are to clash against one another whereas Cahaya selects his most zealous worshippers to fight them all on his behalf. 


The Message that Cahaya will give to his zealots goes as following:

Kalian, para fanatik, adalah perpanjangan pedangku di alam manusia. Tunjukkan kepada mereka, bahwa meskipun kami telah memberi mereka kesempatan untuk bertobat; kami juga dapat menunjukkan hukuman apa yang diterapkan pada mereka jika tidak.


When that message is heard, the world will become a dark place for all of those who continue to worship their false Gods; where faith will battle faith and where one must prove themselves in their life for their own good deeds so there is still a chance on redemption for their own souls; and to rescue them from the fires that will await them in the Neraka (Underworld). With such a mission, Akhyar was tasked to create followers of Cahaya; who eventually took his lastname Bintang. And so the House of Bintang was established, of which descendants live today; who now lead the group of remaining Bintang and that of its sub-groups such as the; Bintang-Cahaya, Bintang-Joyo and Bintang-Jiwaya.


In order to prevent the punishment of Cahaya; a worshiper is required to bow down onto the ground before a statue or painting of Cahaya and recite the following words


Cahaya, Dewa yang hidup dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda di alam abadi, awasi kami saat kami menjalani hidup sesuai dengan kata-kata Anda. Jadilah Itu.


As far as the preaching of Cahaya is concerned, there are two ways of doing so. One, is to create masks of each individual mentioned in Kitab Cahaya and use them to portray the story in a dance. The dance is getting the people into a trance-like behavior and telling the story through the said dance. The second way of doing it is through simple preaching, use your own words and examples to preach the Kitab Cahaya; use an approach understood by both parties by communicating in their own language. 


The overall faith in Cahaya can be seen as guidance to lead a good and peaceful life, or it can be seen as a faith that exists to connect with the spirits of the dead forebears of the Bintang for wisdom and knowledge. Worship to Cahaya can be done anywhere within the nature, as nature is seen as the direct connection to Cahaya and is his creation. Whereas official worship takes place in presence of Ketua and Dukun.




Bintang fashion varies depending on what religion one follows, if one follows Cahayanism; they wear tribal clothing much connected to their own culture and forebears. They also wear masks often resembling a creature from Bintang folklore. If they follow Iman Rashidun, men wear turbans and a Qamis which resemble their connection to the origin of the Iman Rashidun faith in the Qalashi culture, females of who follow the Iman Rashidun faith cover their hair, legs and arms.



Cahayanist Fashion depicted in their cultural dance 



Bintang Rashidunists depicted whilst sharing drinks.



The Bintang use the Berkata language, a language that has evolved through Li-Ren Sub-Culture language elements and that of various Qalasheen sub-cultures. A language that is written in the common script and does not have any difficult symbols to write. 




Selam - Peace, Hello

Apa kabar - How are you?

Saya senang sekali dapat bertumu - I am very happy to meet you

Terimah kasih - Thank you


Ya - Yes

Tidak - No

Mungkin - Maybe



Cuilah - Lord

Nona - Lady

Pak - Sir


Ayah - Father

Ibu - Mother

Nenek - Grandmother

Kakek - Grandfather

Mas - Brother

Mbak - Sister



Satu - One

Dua - Two

Tiga - Three 

Empat - Four

Lima - Five

Enam - Six

Tujuh - Seven

Delapan - Eight

Sembilan - Nine

Sepuluh - Ten




Bintang names can vary upon the religion that one of the cultures follows, one can be traditionally Cahayanist and one can find its origin in Rashidunism which involves the use of Qalashi names.


Cahayanist Names:


Cahayanist Male Names:

Adika, Aditya, Agun, Bagaskoro, Bakti, Berkah, Chahay, Fadhlan, Joyo, Vikal, Soleh, Pratam, Wijaya, Keris, Akhyar


Cahayanist Female Names:

Amisha, Anind, Bethari, Bulan, Citra, Dewi, Kemala, Kemuning, Sarwendah, Pushpitah, Ningsih, Lestari, Guritno


Rashidunist Names:


Rashidunist Male Names:

Abas, Adit, Aditya, Adya, Akhmad, Faisal, Fausi, Mahmud, Omar, Asraf, Haafidheen, Haajeeth, Haalik, Maalik


Rashidunist Female Names:

Saluhah, Fajar, Annisa, Farah, Amisha, Bulan, Nur, Aabha, Aabida, Aabis, Sischan, Aadina, Aafi

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1 hour ago, sashimichopped said:



Budaya ditemukan melalui pengabdian kepada leluhur anda dan melanjutkan warisannya melalui cara Anda menjalani hidup anda sendiri” - Akhyar Bintang










The Bintang are a culture of people who are deemed as nomads who had been made through the combination of both Qalasheen and Li-Ren cultures. The Bintang are people who have adopted the faith of Cahayanism, and worship a God named Cahaya. Through a Dukun (Shaman), they are able to communicate with their forebears and those who are in direct connection with Cahaya. Though, there is a minority of Bintang who follow the religion of Iman Rashidun and use Dukun as an extension to connect with their ancestors, often stirring up some controversy with their fellow tribesmen regarding their beliefs. Currently, the culture is being led by the same family that founded the culture; led by a man named: Fadhlan Bintang.

The cultural system of the Bintang is as following


1. Pemimpin Suku (Tribe Leader)

2. Ketua (Elder)

3. Dukun, Kependetaan (Shaman and Clergy)

4. Pengikut (The Followers)


The Pemimpin Suku is tasked with encompassing his tribesmen across the human realm and to secure their people so they might prosper and live according to their faith


The Ketua are those who council the Pemimpin Suku in his decisions and are a council selected by the Tribe Leader


Dukun and Kependetaan are the people tasked with guiding those of their own faiths; where one his Cahayanist or a Rashidunist; they are all equally treated in their faith and can determine by themselves what faith to follow as both are equally as important to every Bintang or its sub-groups.




The main religion, Cahayanism, is a religion founded by Nabi Akhyar dari Bintang, who was born in a group of nomads in a tent  who once saw a dream of the God worshiped in Cahayanism called Cahaya. The story begins where Cahaya took Akhyar into heaven and Cahaya took one of the Roh’s (Evil Spirits) to him and said Anda hidup di alam semesta yang sama dengan saya, Dia yang telah menciptakan Anda. Adalah kemampuan saya untuk memaafkan dan melupakan, dan karena itu Anda akan bergabung dengan saya sekali lagi. He took those souls which were deemed as evil and gave them a chance to redemption to protect humanity and those who follow him. Inevitably turning them into “Aenguls” as Canonist doctrine would describe them. There are however a thousand Roh’s and a million Malaikat (Angels) who fight against each other every sixth hour of the day, after which both are going back to their tasks set by Cahaya.



Nabi Akhyar and the Roh who was shown to him by Cahaya, Akhyar placing his hand on the shoulder of it as it begged for forgiveness.


After some time in the said dream, Nabi Akhyar heard chanting from the skies - above him within his tent. The chant went as Mendengar! Mendengar! Mendengar! Cahaya telah memberkati Anda untuk mengajar!was the message that Akhyar received and thus began to educate those around him by telling them the dream that he has seen that Cahaya is capable of forgiveness of sin and will welcome everyone into the Realm of Light where He himself resides. 


It was that same day that he again saw a vision, where he saw the Cahaya fighting against the Exalted of the Church of the Canon, according to Nabi Akhyar a sign of a soon to be conflict between the different beliefs as he also saw the different other Gods of other religions in Almaris fight against each other where the different faiths are to clash against one another whereas Cahaya selects his most zealous worshippers to fight them all on his behalf. 


The Message that Cahaya will give to his zealots goes as following:

Kalian, para fanatik, adalah perpanjangan pedangku di alam manusia. Tunjukkan kepada mereka, bahwa meskipun kami telah memberi mereka kesempatan untuk bertobat; kami juga dapat menunjukkan hukuman apa yang diterapkan pada mereka jika tidak.


When that message is heard, the world will become a dark place for all of those who continue to worship their false Gods; where faith will battle faith and where one must prove themselves in their life for their own good deeds so there is still a chance on redemption for their own souls; and to rescue them from the fires that will await them in the Neraka (Underworld). With such a mission, Akhyar was tasked to create followers of Cahaya; who eventually took his lastname Bintang. And so the House of Bintang was established, of which descendants live today; who now lead the group of remaining Bintang and that of its sub-groups such as the; Bintang-Cahaya, Bintang-Joyo and Bintang-Jiwaya.


In order to prevent the punishment of Cahaya; a worshiper is required to bow down onto the ground before a statue or painting of Cahaya and recite the following words


Cahaya, Dewa yang hidup dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda di alam abadi, awasi kami saat kami menjalani hidup sesuai dengan kata-kata Anda. Jadilah Itu.


As far as the preaching of Cahaya is concerned, there are two ways of doing so. One, is to create masks of each individual mentioned in Kitab Cahaya and use them to portray the story in a dance. The dance is getting the people into a trance-like behavior and telling the story through the said dance. The second way of doing it is through simple preaching, use your own words and examples to preach the Kitab Cahaya; use an approach understood by both parties by communicating in their own language. 


The overall faith in Cahaya can be seen as guidance to lead a good and peaceful life, or it can be seen as a faith that exists to connect with the spirits of the dead forebears of the Bintang for wisdom and knowledge. Worship to Cahaya can be done anywhere within the nature, as nature is seen as the direct connection to Cahaya and is his creation. Whereas official worship takes place in presence of Ketua and Dukun.




Bintang fashion varies depending on what religion one follows, if one follows Cahayanism; they wear tribal clothing much connected to their own culture and forebears. They also wear masks often resembling a creature from Bintang folklore. If they follow Iman Rashidun, men wear turbans and a Qamis which resemble their connection to the origin of the Iman Rashidun faith in the Qalashi culture, females of who follow the Iman Rashidun faith cover their hair, legs and arms.



Cahayanist Fashion depicted in their cultural dance 



Bintang Rashidunists depicted whilst sharing drinks.



The Bintang use the Berkata language, a language that has evolved through Li-Ren Sub-Culture language elements and that of various Qalasheen sub-cultures. A language that is written in the common script and does not have any difficult symbols to write. 




Selam - Peace, Hello

Apa kabar - How are you?

Saya senang sekali dapat bertumu - I am very happy to meet you

Terimah kasih - Thank you


Ya - Yes

Tidak - No

Mungkin - Maybe



Cuilah - Lord

Nona - Lady

Pak - Sir


Ayah - Father

Ibu - Mother

Nenek - Grandmother

Kakek - Grandfather

Mas - Brother

Mbak - Sister



Satu - One

Dua - Two

Tiga - Three 

Empat - Four

Lima - Five

Enam - Six

Tujuh - Seven

Delapan - Eight

Sembilan - Nine

Sepuluh - Ten




Bintang names can vary upon the religion that one of the cultures follows, one can be traditionally Cahayanist and one can find its origin in Rashidunism which involves the use of Qalashi names.


Cahayanist Names:


Cahayanist Male Names:

Adika, Aditya, Agun, Bagaskoro, Bakti, Berkah, Chahay, Fadhlan, Joyo, Vikal, Soleh, Pratam, Wijaya, Keris, Akhyar


Cahayanist Female Names:

Amisha, Anind, Bethari, Bulan, Citra, Dewi, Kemala, Kemuning, Sarwendah, Pushpitah, Ningsih, Lestari, Guritno


Rashidunist Names:


Rashidunist Male Names:

Abas, Adit, Aditya, Adya, Akhmad, Faisal, Fausi, Mahmud, Omar, Asraf, Haafidheen, Haajeeth, Haalik, Maalik


Rashidunist Female Names:

Saluhah, Fajar, Annisa, Farah, Amisha, Bulan, Nur, Aabha, Aabida, Aabis, Sischan, Aadina, Aafi

((Very nice, I love you mentioned Rashidun 

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