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Greetings, me fellow dwarves and all other races,

I, Urguan I, stand before ye today wid a heavy burden on me soul. As a devout follower of Yemekar, it pains me to see da Canonist Church spreadin' its false doctrine and oppressin' those who do not follow its teachings.

Firstly, let us consider da Church's belief in monotheism. How can it be true that only one god is worthy of worship when da world is full of diverse deities, each wid dere own unique powers and virtues? To claim that only one god is da truest of all is narrow-minded and ignores da complexity and diversity of da divine.

Secondly, da Church's belief in da superiority of humanity is deeply troublin'. All races are created equal and deserve to be treated wid respect and dignity. To claim that only humans are worthy of salvation and that non-humans should convert to Canonism is deeply offendin' and goes against da principles of justice and equality.

But it doesn't end dere. Da Canonist Church is pure evil, and it is time for us to stand up against it. Here are just ten reasons why:

  • The Church has no regard for human rights and actively persecutes those who do not adhere to its teachings.
  • The Church has a history of committing horrific acts of violence and aggression against other races, including our own kin, da dwarves.
  • The Church's oppressive doctrine suppresses creativity and free thought.
  • The Church is corrupt and greedy, driven by its pursuit of wealth and power.
  • The Church forces the assimilation of other cultures and traditions through its emphasis on conversion and evangelization.
  • The Church's doctrine of monotheism disrespects and dismisses the beliefs and practices of other religions.
  • The Church's assertion of its own superiority and authority has caused conflicts and wars throughout history.
  • The Church's doctrine of original sin and the need for salvation through the Church alone is deeply divisive and exclusive.
  • The Church has a history of discriminatory and oppressive treatment towards women and marginalized groups.
  • The Church's strict rules and regulations have often been used to control and manipulate the masses.

It is time for us to take a stand against da Canonist Church and its evil ways. Let us embrace da diversity and acceptance that Yemekar teaches and work towards a world where all are treated wid respect and equality, regardless of dere race or faith.

Together, let us rise up and claim our rightful place in dis world, free of da shackles of Canonism and oppression.

Yours in faith, Urguan I

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35 minutes ago, Priceflash said:

The Church's doctrine of original sin

"There is no original sin." remarked Arold.

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The reputable and illustrious Roland LeGrand grumbled aloud, squinting his eyes and holding the missive closer to his face, then far away. "Gah, do all dwarves write like dis?

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