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[!] After a long time of meditation, The Voice of the Spirits, Al-Uk’Yar appears from his tent to release the following missive across the Realm of Spiritualists. Scorthuz has Spoken




“The Voice of the Spirits has heard the Voice of Scorthuz, Spirit of Purity, Cleansing and Purging… The Lord of Purity has set his demands and the Voice has spoken them to his flock, From here on out the following corruptive magics and filthy taint shall be banished throughout the lands of the Spiritualists.”

Azh; The disgusting art known as ‘Voidalism’ or ‘Voidal Magic’ from here-on out is banished from the realm of Spiritualists, The Disgusting plague of the void shall never be accepted in our society of Spirit-fearing warriors, Any and all who refuse to be meet with a Shaman and be educated in their error shall be driven from the city, or killed if resistant.

Dub; The Disease known as ‘Vampirism’ is from here-on out banished from the realm of the Spiritualists, With this all Spiritualists are obligated to report and actively search for a cure to this wretched corruption. Any who willingly allow this disease to fester shall be killed upon sight.

Gahk; The magic known as ‘Blood Magic’ is from here-on out banished from the realm of Spiritualists, With its close ties to the vampiric disease, And the meddling the magic performs within a descendant's life, The Moot has found it wise to banish this art from its borders. These misguided individuals are to be saved, Or if they refuse, Killed.

Futh; The creatures known as ‘Frost Witches’ are from here-on out banished from the realm of Spiritualists, their wretched magics have no excuse to be upon our lands and shall be considered to be killed on sight.


H’; Both the daemonic creatures known as ‘Inferi’ and their accursed allies the ‘Nazterak’ are banished from the realm of Spiritualists, These entities have no way to redemption and are seen as Kill on Sight.


H’Azh; The creatures known as the ‘Azdrazi’ Their Heralds and their wretched father Azdromoth are banished from the Realm of Spiritualists. For the wretched crimes Azdromoth committed on the side of Iblees in the war of the Descendants this beast, And its children Are seen as Kill on Sight.


H’Dub; The Undead and its foul magics are from here-on out banished within the Realm of Spiritualists, Necromancers and Mystic’s are an instant Kill on Sight, No opportunity is given to those who would deny Kor’s will.


H’Gahk; Although the art of ‘Paladanism’ is a thing we do not tolerate to be learned and used among our Spiritualist flock, We do allow the Paladins of Xan in our domain as long as they accept to uphold our morals and values.

H’Futh; Although the Spirits view the Aspect’s as a weaker version of themselves, We, The Moot. Do accept their servants the ‘Druii’ inside of our borders. Despite this we do deny our flock to learn the art of Druidism.




[!] “I, Motsham Al-Uk'Yar, Voice of the Spirits, personally request all those who Rule the Spiritual nations, uphold these restrictions upon our flock to a legal extent. That we may be worthy to call ourselves Spiritualists and Worthy to be in the presence of their mighty Shamans.”






Al-Uk’Yar, Motsham of the Faith, Voice of the Spirits


Qudlia Jusmia, Porobmôg of Nor’Asath, Primarch of Clan Jusmia


Murdok’Lak, Swamp Goth of Clan Lak, Aengul Slayer


Edited by ThatDutchFellow
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Alara Camian gave an approving thumbs-up at the declaration!

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"Agh zo, duh Wagh begynz in fewl, agh let duh Buurzhom be banyzheed wherevuh it be fownd" The elder gob nodded alongside his old brother as he scribed his signature upon the text.

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An Elder Raguk reads the missive with a nod "Hozh. Nub need to worri about thoze bloodzuckerz animore."

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Kosher Daesmon would march across the swamps of the West, leading his men glad in Golden and Silver plate in tow towards the Badlands of Krugmar. "Welcome back to the fold of Light, brothers."

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A Paladin initiate is excited to continue the hunt in krugmar! 

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The archdruid reads over this missive just as he was about to make an entrance onto the stage of the beer garden's holiday soiree. He flashes the whites of an immaculate smile at the penmanship of the familiar Motsham, before he adjusted his outfit for perfection with a wild drive felt in his heart.

"The hunt is on, boys." he murmurs to himself, making a point to visit the Hinterlands again as he melts into the merriment of a Yuletide festival.

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Togrim reads the letter in his hands with a smile, the paladin glad that he can perhaps work with his friends in the lands towards the west.

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The blood-shaman smiles as he sees the declaration to ban most darkspawns from the Honorbound Horde's lands

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Rilka smiles the Sun's Smile.

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Kor'garr the Clanless lets out a joyous laugh as he reads the declaration, his mustache trembling with each roar of mirth. Bulky grey fists are thrown up into the air of the Betharuz Tavern.

"Vynulli! Wiz'ahr riturnyng tu dah 'hozh agh 'onurabul weyz uv KRUG!" The monochome orc takes a deep breath before rearing back to unleash a mightly bellow.


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Commander of Armies, glorious and beaming, polished hoplite of Sulianpoli. "LOK-SCORTHUZ. For we, the Blessed and Pure People, Mali'thilln of Sulianpoli and Haelun'or promote only the highest of Scrothuzian Virtue! Our High-Priests, learned and practiced in these ways. Deep within the Temples of The Pure Waters do we hold our sacred rites. Even the most impure and cursed of the darkspawn and 'ata quiver before the sacred waters for their fear of facing the tests of purity. May those impure be known as pure, learned and true. Or be cast into the immolating flames of the Brazen Bull. Ha-Qarkah! Ha-Scorthuz! Hail victory!"

Edited by SteppeNomad
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