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ADDITION: Cleansing Clap - T5

A Templar who wishes to expel a curse upon another may do so with righteous fury. Upon swelling their very beings with holy wroth, the Templar would send the back of their hand towards the face of their desired target with the force of a hammer. Upon striking the individual, the aura would transfer into the individual with the sensation of purgation and fire. Wretched dark afflictions would be expelled from the target's body as the raw and erogenous touch of Malchediael batters their very soul for but a moment. 

This spell takes five emotes to cast: the first emote is to concentrate upon the courage within a Templar; the second emote is to draw Malchediael's light about the Templar's hand; the third emote has the Templar verbally perform a litany pertaining to the expulsion of curses and the opposition of evil; the fourth emote has the Templar wind their body back in preparation for the slap; and the fifth and final emote is to deliver the divine clap upon the target's cheeks.

Redlines -
- Cleansing Clap is capable of purging any and all curses, including those wrought upon by Djinn and Druids.

- Cleansing Clap will strike a target with the force of a swung hammer and is capable of cracking skulls, breaking jaws, etc. 

- Cleansing Clap is incapable of affecting most Dark CAs given that they do not possess souls. Dark CAs currently unaffected include: Nephilim, Siliti, Frost Wtiches, Werebeasts, Kharajyr, Inferni + Naztherak, Undead [Dark-Stalkers/Liches/ETC.] Epiphytes. This said, Wights, Haunts and other spectral beings would perish in one hit if touched by the Cleansing Clap.
- Cleansing Clap will shatter the Templar's hand if struck incorrectly or used in a punching capacity. Only a backhand constitutes proper form.

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uh.. i dont know what to feel about this one 'Only a backhand constitutes proper form.' because you feel more like a pimp than a templar.... should be a cock-punch instead, and the scream lets the curses out

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Not sure how I feel about it being better than paladin curse removal


but I concur w/ spoons, the ol' **** twist is the only proper form for this spell. Much approval, much love. 

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I concur with the other two people, in that this doesn't really feel like it matches the "honourable warrior" that Templar is supposed to embody. I'd be fine with another holy having a purging spell, or it being a baseline thing for deific connections. But, this doesn't seem like the right way to do it. And, it shouldn't be better than Pala-Purging, as restoring someone's soul to a curseless or orderly state kinda falls under Xan, yunno?


I am willing to admit, i got baited

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This is inaccurate because dark cas have all those souls they stole from other people. Expecially those epiphytes, don't trust them...

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Paladin cringe remove weird artificial reliance-placing upon them and let the slapping begin

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I strongly disapprove of this amended lore for Malchediael's Radiant Templars. While I understand the intention of having a powerful purging magical ability, I have a few serious problems with it. Firstly, this is far too far-reaching and powerful. Cleansing Clap has the potential to break skulls and shatter a Templar's hand when improperly used. Furthermore, the power of this ability means it can remove curses, even those put on by Djinn and Druids. This completely eradicates their intended power and would severely diminish them as a legitimate enemy. Lastly, I cannot agree to the idea that it affects most Dark CAs as there would be serious balance implications involved in bringing down such creatures with so little effort. All in all, this is far too powerful and should not be incorporated into the lore.

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I strongly approve of this amended lore for Malchediael's Radiant Templars. I understand the intention of having a powerful purging magical ability, and I do not have any problems with it. I like this lore because firstly, it is not very far-reaching and powerful. Cleansing Clap has the potential to break skulls and shatter a Templar's hand when improperly used. Furthermore, the power of this ability means it can remove curses, even those put on by Djinn and Druids. This completely eradicates their intended power and severely diminish them as a legitimate enemy, which I think should happen. Lastly, I agree to the idea that it affects most Dark CAs as there would be no serious balance implications involved in bringing down such creatures with so little effort. All in all, this is not too powerful and should be incorporated into the lore.

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Yeah back hand me :)

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Michael smack the evil out of this one! LORD CREATOR HAVE MERCY.



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I strongly approve of this amended lore for Malchediael's Radiant Templars. I understand the intention of having a powerful purging magical ability, and I do not have any problems with it. I like this lore because firstly, it is not very far-reaching and powerful. Cleansing Clap has the potential to break skulls and shatter a Templar's hand when improperly used. Furthermore, the power of this ability means it can remove curses, even those put on by Djinn and Druids. This completely eradicates their intended power and severely diminish them as a legitimate enemy, which I think should happen. Lastly, I agree to the idea that it affects most Dark CAs as there would be no serious balance implications involved in bringing down such creatures with so little effort. All in all, this is not too powerful and should be incorporated into the lore.

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when you said you supported corporal punishment I didn't think you meant this literally

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