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Parable of Knowledge | HAWAYANISM


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في البداية لم يكن هناك سوى النار. كان هذا نور الخالق نفسه. كانت قوية.


ألقى شاكرته في أعماق العالم. أعطيت جميع حيواناته الغرض ، لتحقيقه بدلا منه.




Lord Eye


The Owl wandered the halls of the elusive library, one filled with knowledge bequeathed by the ancient celestial lord. He was known with many monikers; the Great Owl, the Wise Lord, and he who knows a hundred-thousand things. His wise, knowing eyes remained fixated on an empty book, which could only be read by him. Hrhm… - how interesting.” The Owl muttered to himself.


From the ends of the hallway, the Monkey came swinging into view. He used the shelves to leap from place to place, before landing before his angered brother. What are you reading, brother Owl?” His aged voice held something jovial.


The flaring wings of the Owl swept downwards, as he placed the book back onto the shelf. You would not understand, chimp. The breadth of my knowledge cannot be compared, for I know a hundred thousand topics.” He flaunted, as the beak of the Owl opened to sprawl a horrendous tongue of gold.


As the Monkey leered at the Owl, he came to a conclusion: the devious celestial lord wanted to test his wise brother, to see the extent of all knowledge. Yeah? Tell me then, what are the stars?” The Monkey questioned, limping on his golden staff. 


With primordial ego, the Owl cackled, and responded with contentment. The stars are small lanterns that fly in the sky. What else would they be?” The Lord of Wisdom answered, as golden blood seeped from his leftmost eye.


Slowly, the Monkey clawed at his fur, and scratched it vigorously. Hm… and what is a soul?” He inquired, peering over at the Owl with intrigue. 


Once against, the Owl scoffed and answered with hubris. The soul is primordial water that flows through all creatures. In the waters, it carries their life-force. However, the soul can bleed out like water, and the water transforms to become spectres!” Lord Eye blared, as the shadows began to twist and contort at their lord's knowledge.


The Monkey did not stop, and continued to prod on further, to steal his brother's knowledge. And where do children come from?”


With a raised talon, the Owl pointed towards the Monkey. Within all women, there is a portal. An angel creates the baby out of mud, and pushes it through the portal. That is how children are made.”


At that moment, the Monkey realized that, though his brother was wise, he was not all-knowing. 


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Deep in the infernal pits, a writhing mass of bronze came into shape and reflected upon that Owl. The Brazen Bull's claws tore into a foul imp before grinding it down between its jaws. Though it knew only hunger, a yearning for answers soon filled its burning stomach.

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