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 On the 21st of  Suns Smile, 109 of the second age.

A heaviness can be felt in many places and many hearts.
The death of  Orion Adiler has been announced, he was executed by the hands of  Templars fulfilling their duties.

The loved friend and family member will be remembered for his accomplishments and the kindness he displayed to whoever he encountered. May his soul find peace wherever it shall be.

His family would silently pray, hoping that the Adiler talonnii still has a future filled with more happiness than sorrow.
Orion Adiler 
                                      69-109 SA                               

Edited by Mockingbird-art
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Tobias was mental sitting beside his Dad's grave. He sets a booze beside his dads grave and held one himself "one last drink with old man ey?" said then finished his drink with one sip, couldnt help by crying beside there all alone.

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Dazen wept as he carried Orion's severed head back to Helious, after ensuring it was buried with his body Dazen left the grave unable to bear the sight of his failure. 

"Minitz will pay for sir, I swear it." He'd pause as he entered Orion's home... "After that, I'll protect them all." He swears as he glances at the Adiler's in the home.

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It has been many days since Aleia last seen her friend Orion, and upon her visit to Minitz she would soon learn that she would never see nor talk to him again. She was struck with grief of the loss of a good friend, once more she was alone with lack of friends and family to comfort her. If only Orion had stayed with her longer. . .

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A Mali'Ame sits in the Vale of Nevaehlen some three decades after having left the company of Minitz, and too, Orion von Minitz. She does not hear the news quickly, but when she had, a frown becomes of her face. And yet, nothing more, nothing less, the consequence of the years passing by, though plaguing the Puerokar not as she retained her youthful visage of health. Returning to her tasks, the news escapes her mind within but a few days.

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"Uncle not you too" 

Reetus said at his own Uncle's grave. Forming his own tears of sadness, he only stood by Tobias. He rest his hand on Tobias' shoulder before gesturing home

"Come on Toby. Uncle didn't want you to be crying at his own grave. Let's go home"

Reetus lead his cousin home so Tobias can eat some SOUP.

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The young 'aheral checked her mail, a single letter lay in her grip

"I'm sorry Apollyon, I've failed.. Orion & Ruthen have been slain"

Apollyon could do nothing but laugh in that moment. An ugly cackle mixed with chokes and sobs.


They have been slain by the treachery of Minitz

Apollyon raked her bloodshot eyes closed, tracing her tears with blood

Apollyon Adiler's mana burned red with hate as she fantasized burning her home down and slaughtering her father's killers like pigs



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It wasn't longer than awakening with one hell of a hangover in her room did Blume hear the news from Gregorius & Theo that her uncle was no more. But this can't be true, she thought to herself, I just saw him the other day at the celebration of his memories returning.... She tried to mention this to the two, but Theo mentioned she had been out for nearly a month, & Gregorius even mentioned he'd found her asleep at Petsch's grave. She didn't believe their words, but only said she needed to see her uncle.


Shuffling to Helious with the two she considered family did she get her answer on the matter; it was indeed true when she'd seen the graves of Orion & Ruthen beside each other, even with fresh blood upon the grass above.


"No...." Was all her pain-ridden thoughts could think of after the news began to sink in when she saw the headstones, "Nonononononono....!" Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as her body trembled in emotions, her legs giving out beneath her as the teen collapsed to the ground in a heaping mess. Her honorary brother Theo would try to pick up her pieces to hold close, but the sorrow in Blume's heart only made it crumble more; how many lives must be lost so close & dear to her?


Blume's heart didn't want to believe it when she touched the grave to make sure it wasn't a magic trick, she didn't care if her dress got dirt or blood on its fabric; she began to dig. Surely it'd be empty like Mister Bone's grave was back before the new city was built. However, when she struck upon the coffin's surface, she hesitated to open it; she hoped it were empty like Mister Bone's was but upon opening the casket lies the late Orion Adiler in one piece, other than stitches keeping his head intact to his body. She ran her dirtied fingers through his hair as she still didn't want to believe it, but her tears continued to fall relentlessly for her uncle. She had no energy to be mad at the moment, couldn't be happy, couldn't be scared or run off by the sight of blood....


Blume would merely lay down & curl up on Orion's chest & hug him as she sobbed from 6ft below the surface. Theo & Gregorius remained above the hole to watch this teen begin to unravel her mind upon this.

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The elf, after hearing about the death of the man he would ponder on what came to this situation. Thinking about the words of Orion's personal guard.
"I may not know this individual well... But I am worry about my children thoughts and feelings on the matter... From my understanding he was a good man. Seem like it too"
Vakas would ponder if Orion is resting peacefully. He seem to be wondering how Theo is taking the developement.

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