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Issued at Year 110 of the Second Age





With our move away from Lubba's Keep, we sadly enough could not bring along the majority of our livestock, this included our most esteemed purebred white horses that the band has used in every battle they have faced. Recently we have discovered that some of our mercenary hires kept these horses from our days of conflict and quickly pooled them back together to raise the next generation of Lubba Chargers for our guardsmen, workers, government and citizens to use.

The Sale of Lurin’s Excess Horses

With this discovery, we soon found ourselves with an excess of horses capable of aiding our citizens and breaking even on the less desired horses which are noted down as Lubba Palfrey. Lurin hereby is selling parts of the excess horses for the following prices:


For Citizens:

Lubba Palfrey: 10 mina

Lubba Charger: 30 mina


For non-Citizens

Lubba Palfrey: 20 mina

Lubba Charger: 30 mina


Saddles sold separately at the price of 10 mina.


Centurions of Lurin will be provided with armour for their horses upon the purchase of a saddle for their Lubba Palfrey or Charger in the good will of these horses being used in the defense of the state. The continuous loss of one’s horse as a Centurion of Lurin may result in being barred from becoming part of the cavalry in future conflicts and will not be granted this good willed horse armour.


Additionally, those who are deemed the most loyal of citizens who might find themselves without proper transportation have the chance to be gifted a horse to ensure their travels are safe and swift.






The Silver Lubba


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Edvard Kervallen still thinks Lubban Purasangre is a better name for the horses, he also does not have all the golden carrots.

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