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[!] A missive would be posted throughout the lands of the Iron’Horde and Almaris


An Uruk by the name of Kul’Raguk, has been found guilty of aligning himself with the buurz, as he joined the ranks of Iblees, to aid them in the destruction of Almaris and the nations that inhabit it. In addition, he has also committed crimes against the Spirits by dishonoring them, spitting in their face and physically disconnecting people from a Spirit walk.


Therefore, by the order of the Dominus and the Motsham of the Iron’Horde, the orc formerly known as Kul’Raguk, is to be whitewashed from the lands of the Uruks and its vassals, effective immediately. For those that wish to hunt him down, you are free to do so. Kul’Raguk can be identified, by a mask that he always wears, when he is out in public, as well as, should his mask be removed, he can be immediately identified, since he does not have both of his tusks.




Madoc’Lur, Dominus of the Iron Horde


Al-Uk’Yar, Motsham of the Faith, Voice of the Spirits


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Sigurd would grumble loudly as he rips up the missive "SKAHIN GLOBS, WUB DA SKAH AHM DEY DUIN BUURZ'MOJO?" he screams


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Motsham Al-Uk'Yar The Voice of the Spirits jots his signature down upon the document spitting in shame of Kul "Hi haz denied hiz redemptziun, Agh nohw hi zhall bi huntehd agh flattehd. Mai Kor judgeh hiz zoul."

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Kor'garr the Clanless snarls as he dons himself with glaive and quill, both being his preferred weapons to challenge and slay his enemies. The greyskin, usually jolly, wears upon his face an expression of righteous fury while stomping about in his oddly silent chainmail boots.


"Zoggin' vormur Raguk wytewazh vylth. Kor'garr wihl 'av tu zpred dah Blah uv dehm zoh dey kan pey vor der krymez!" Swift steps out of his tower lead towards the nearby aviary, intent on beginning communications for a widespread search. thick grey lips curl gutturally around bulky tusks as flecks of premature bloodrage spark within crimson eyes.


"Mey Zcorthuz agh Votar azzizt en dah zwift vengeanze upon diz trazh. Kor'garr goez tu hunt!"

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