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Stripping of a Raguk Name


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Stripping of a Raguk Name


[!] A missive is sent and can be seen throughout the spiritualist settlements.


As many of you have heard by the recent Grand Moot, conducted by the Motsham himself with the presence of the Dominus, one of our own has been corrupted by the very thing we seek to destroy. Kul ‘The Worm’ Raguk has been marked with the title of not only whitewash, but as a darkspawn as well. I know I am not qualified to declare such an order belonging to a Wargoth, but there are no other Raguks of status here in the Iron Uzg which can execute this. With a heavy heart, I declare the following:


Kul ‘The Worm’ Raguk is hereby stripped of all Raguk titles and benefits which come with those titles. The trinity of Gentharuz, Gazigash, and Leyd have judged Kul as unfit for the clan of Leydluk’Raguk, the clan of Skalp’Raguk, and the clan of Grizhluk’Raguk. 


With my authority as elder, may the spirits act.



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The Motsham nodded in a approving manner "Perhapz nohw kan Raguk bi riborn intu greytnuzz"

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"Mi gruk lat betrayed da Ragukz by tryin' tu zell da raguk port tu da ztoutz, lat nub Raguk." A true son of Nagg utters.

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Kor'garr the Clanless nods in approval upon seeing the quickly issued announcement stripping the unworthy of a clan name. He ponders in thought, rubbing a large underbite with his bulky grey toned thumb and forefinger.

"Perhapz dah Ragukz ahr zhedding dah uld kursez uv diz'onur. Mey Gazigazh blezz dehm wit' nobul grizh en diz nu era vor der klan." 
The mustached orc continues his preparations to hunt down the newly banished cultist, a gleam of contemplation stirring within his crimson pupils all the while...

Edited by Mannamannaa
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