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Rumination in the Moonlight


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          The moon was shining over Minitz, held high in the sky as the half crescent shape lazily made its way through the heavens. Little collections of clouds allowed for what made to be an exceptionally beautiful night. It’s waning light pierced these, and bore brightly upon the otherwise bleak darkness brought from the absence of day. 

The gleam of this light caught in the black irises of the light caught the visage of one Oyashiman woman, who sat within a quiet field nearby to the city. A thin blanket had been laid, upon which she rested. A thoughtful expression had been fixated upon her, and a soft sigh would be released from her.

For the first time in her many years of life, she had begun to find a place where she belonged. The puzzle pieces of her life were something she could never seem to fit together. A divine purpose once thought to permeate all of creation, had created these various puzzle pieces, she thought to herself. These pieces of her life had been scattered, and torn apart with the destruction of her once so dearly held home. The stars that she had once navigated by had been dimmed, and tossed aside with the losses of home and family. So much sorrow was wrought in these times, and was still felt today. 

Worse than the devastation of her home, was the loss of her clan and family. This is what caused her to lose her bearings entirely, leading to many nights and days spent so aimlessly. However, her guiding stars slowly had begun to gleam once more and to show her the way, and for this she was thankful. 

It has been only within her fellow Oyashiman that she had found guidance. A way seen only through faint patches of light, and faint clues as to what way was correct. 

And so it was that she had to choose- The Elf hummed quietly in thought to herself as she had meditated upon it. One set of choices could lead her down a path away from Kamisama. A path set into veils of secrecy, furthering goals that were far beyond her mortal comprehension. Whispers and the forked tongues of snakes tempted her towards this path. The temptations of these whispers had brought her into the power she held at this very moment, though the ulterior motives she truly was unaware of. 

Another set of choices could lead instead towards Kamisama, one of sanity and of family. This had only been revealed to her within the last year; It caused her to question the current trajectory of her choices. Aizumi had been shown and given the care of her fellow Oyashiman. The Lectors and disciples of Owyn were kind-hearted, and had illuminated this path for her. 


The moon soon came to be clear of the cloud cover, and once again illuminated her face. The Elf gave a soft sigh, as these thoughts wracked her brain. And then within a few instances, a future was seen. One where she was surrounded again by family, and loved ones. A family of her own making, and then all became clear to her. 

Her clan must be reborn, recreated from the ashes that fertilized the soil of this current moment with potential. A smile soon came to grow across her face, now that it all was so transparent. A future of rebirth was upon her, and her loved ones. 

However, roots must be planted upon these ashes in trust and strength that had yet to be gained. Her next actions were known to her, and thus lowered herself from a seated position into one of a kneeling bow. A soft prayer was muttered in gratitude to Kamisama and the night sky, before she would pick up the blanket and her belongings. A conversation of great importance to her future- Not only of hers but of her clan’s would come. The Elf had words to exchange with the one she held most dearly in her heart, and a sense of ambition filled her soul. The woman then came to set back for the city, much was to be done…


OOC: I wanted to try my hand at writing short stories once again  and I think this turned out well enough to share. Please excuse the shit formatting, I am posting this on mobile!

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