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[✗] [Magic Lore] Lutauman Rewrite


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Artist Credit: Faeorain.

Shamanic Wardens of Kor.


One Magic Slot










World Lore:

Teaching Special Clause -


In accordance with Spirit Pacting Lore, A Witch Doctor or a Farseer is able to visit Kor themselves and make a Pact with Kor. A Pact with Kor will allow them to self teach Lutaumancy, granted they submit an MA and provide screen shots of the Roleplay of meeting Kor and pacting with Kor. This will follow, of course, all guidelines of any Self Taught magic. Due to the complexity of the rewrite, all FA teachers will be removed, all in possession of the current FA will now have a T5  Lutaumancer MA.  Current students can adopt the new magic with their Tiers transfering over. Anyone wishing to teach the new magic must apply for a new TA.

  Echoes of The Matumdâg


Artist Credit: Isis Sangaré



Echoes of The Matumdâg: The resource required for Lutaumancers to cast specific spells. During the Lutuamancer’s pact with Kor, The judge and guide into the gates of Stargush’Stroh takes a burning coal from his lantern and imbues it to the soul of the Lutaumancer. They now shall serve as the beacons to the ancestral realm. A testament to Kor's deific power. In return for service to this Immortal Spirit, and guiding that which should be dead to Kor’s domain, these shamans are gifted visitation to Stargush’Stroh and unique power. 


Echoes may be represented in a variety of aesthetics, so long as they are attributed to Kor, the aspects of death, or some aspect of the Stargush’Stroh itself. These aesthetic effects may change for the Lutauman as they interact with its denizens and explore its areas.

Echoes held by a Lutaumancer per tier:


T1: 16

T2: 26

T3: 36

T4: 46

T5: 56

Regaining Echoes


Artist Credit: TheMinttu


A Lutaumancers echoes fully regain over  48 OOC hours once the Lutaumancer has reached below half of their total echo pool. 


Certain actions can be undertaken by the Lutaumancer to regain these Echoes faster. 



 The Lutaumancer or Embedded is able to dedicate 1 OOC hour at a time in which their movement is extremely limited. They reside near a shrine to Kor, an ancestral spirit shrine, or similar area of religious or ancestral spirit influence. For each OOC hour, the Lutaumancer will recover 8 echoes. During each narrative hour, active praise, offerings, is conducted to the Ancestral spirit or directly to Kor. A minimum of fifteen emotes are required during this narrative hour. These emotes must take place over an OOC hour, and if the Lutaumancer reaches thirty emotes during the hour, they will not gain more than the allotted amount specified above. 


For each additional Spiritualist that helps partake in active praise, offerings, and other rituals. The emote counter per hour is lowered by {5}. This Emote Counter can not go below {5}


If the Lutuamancer spends, atleast {15} emotes constructing a new Ancestral Shrine. They regain a total of {20} Echoes. This may only occur Once in an OOC week. 


Within Gundâr Broshan, if the Lutaumancer is able to guide a lost soul to Kors Gate for Judgement, they regain {30} Echoes


If the Lutuamancer is able to willingly convince a creature of Undeath {Frost Witch, Darkstalkers, Wrights, etc} to be banished via the effects of Censers of Kor, the Lutaumancer will regain {40} Echoes. 


 If a Lutaumancer fully depletes their resource of Echoes, they are unable to cast until their maximum Echoe count is restored to its full extent. 



A successful attack with soul-altering effects (Mysticism, Necromancy, Naztherak, etc) or Aengudaemonic magics against a Lutauman will lower their pool of Echoes by one tier for the combat encounter, limiting their overall effectiveness. This effect may only happen twice within combat.  Should they not have a Tier to go down to, their Echo amount is halved, always round up.




Failure to comply with the above may result in the magic being removed from the Persona. 


Lutaumancers are not able to exceed the total of their Echoe cap regardless of actions. 


Lost Souls guided from Gundar Broshan must be willing Players who are PKing, not random NPCS


The Echo Embedded regain echoes in accordance with above, performing the same tasks should they be capable.


The 48 Hour window begins when the Lutaumancer has gone below half their total echo count in accordance with their Tier.

[T1] Incite/Incitement: Cost : {1} Echo

Artist Credit: Paul Hyun Woo Kwon



At T1 the Lutauamancer is able to incite the echoes of Matumdâg in their body. This appears in a variety of ways, through smoke like mists erupting from their form. To harmless flames which reflect their aura, in addition to the Lutaumancers veins igniting and burning brightly in their skin. Or the ethereal faces and voices of ancestral spirits in Stargush’Stroh. Or crackling ethereal energy in the color of their aura rumbles around them like lighting in a storm. 


This is done in tandem with chanting Old Blah, with initial effects beginning after the second emote, and manifesting themselves fully on the third, even if the caster should stop chanting or move. 


This effect only applies to the Lutaumancers' body during Tiers 1 and 2


At Tier 3 the Lutaumancer may have these effects spread around them within a three block range. Burning veins ignite along the ground they walk. The ethereal form of ancient spirits rises from them and the ground, or mists move up like smoke from a fire, or crackle like lightning across the air. 


At Tier 4 these can extend five blocks from the Lutaumancer. 


At Tier 5 these can extend seven blocks from the Lutaumancer.


Incitement may be performed indefinitely, so long as the Lutauman has an additional echo to cast after the third emote of performing the spell.


Certain abilities require Incite/Incitement to be invoked before they can occur, Incitement of Echoes serves as connection to the Ancestral Plane. For each emote of Incitement required in abilities of Lutaumancy, {1} Echo is spent in addition to the Spell's cost.



The cosmetic effects from Incitement must be emoted in #rp or greater, clearly visible to all around them, but the extent of them do not have to meet the block range at higher tiers, however a clear sign of connection and casting must be displayed as the Lutamancers casting Tell.  The effects of Incitement themselves are never combative nor interact with the world beyond appearance alone.

Incitement serves as the Lutaumancers casting ‘tell’


Every spell that requires incitement MUST adhere to incitement costing echoes, you cannot aesthetically channel incitement and then cast spells for free.


[T2] [Passive] Spectral Sense {1 Echoes}

So long as a Lutauman or Embedded possesses at least 1 Echo, they are capable of sensing non-tethered spectral entities, or stagnant life force within a visible four block range should they channel 1 Echo of incitement for three emotes.


At Tier 4 this extends five blocks from the Lutaumancer. 


At Tier 5 this extends seven blocks from the Lutaumancer.


 Entities enwreathed in ectoplasm, corrupted life-force, malflame in addition to non-tethered or unbound undead would be seen by the Lutauman or Embedded with a mark of blackened flame. Entities may hide their mark through the use of armor, dampening their spells, enchantments, while a husk or other similar means of disguising the corruption is capable of completely hiding the spurned.  


In addition, Lutauman are capable of identifying the manipulation of the souls through prolonged touch, and three emotes of Incitement. This may include enchantments or corrupted vessels capable of containing souls. If a Lutauman successfully identifies a corrupted object, they would then lose an Echo, the reaction burning away one of Kor’s Echoes.


This does not come with its own caveats. Lutauman and their Embedded are fully visible regardless of condition to Mystics, Wights, ghosts, and other beings with True Sight. The Echoes of Kor would radiate a bright irritating light should they encounter a Lutauman. 



A husk, armored disguise, enchantment or other similar forms of “hiding” completely negate Spectral Sense. It only has use when such effects would already be visible, or the target chose to become intangible.


A Lutauman or Embedded has no way of hiding Kor’s Echoes without losing them all.


A Lutauman's light poses no combative advantage, it merely identifies them toward their enemies.


This effect does not work through walls, windows, doors, or solid MC objects that can not be passed through with the Exception of leaves,cobwebs,etc.


[T3][Combative] Invoke Echoes: Costs {X Tier} Echoes



Artist Credit: TheMinttu


At T3 the Lutaumancer has the ability to strike targets with a manifestation of their echoes, casting a projectile capable of striking from [x tier] blocks away. This is done by invoking incitement for one emote, then  the wrath of an ancestral spirit in Old Blah for two emotes, then striking the target on the fourth. During this, the shaman has a limited range of movement, three blocks per emote. Can be disrupted as any other magic user is with the breaking of concentration via effects like Hound’s Howl, being shoved over, or extreme pain.





Physical Effects: The target, if directly struck, suffers a stinging, lasting pain akin to being set aflame that holds true for [3] emotes. If the target is struck, whilst wearing thick leathers or chainmail, they still feel pain for [2] emotes, If the target is wearing plate-mail, or other plated armors (Laminar, Lamellar, Brigandine, etc) they will find their casting disrupted for [1] Emote. This attack leaves no lasting damage to descendants and other mortal creatures, though ghosts, undead, and similar may emote the effects of Spiritual fire purely for aesthetic purposes(burned form, ashen body, etc).

Direct Effects on Ghosts/Undead: The Target becomes tangible for [3] emotes, allowing unbound ghosts to be grabbed, attacked, and wounded by mundane items/weapons. This effect on anchored/armored ghosts/Pale Knights/Pale Lords, does little but cause a lingering pain and disrupts ability manifestation for [1] emote due to the pain disrupting spell concentration. Wights/Mystics with lost souls anchored to them feel this effect to be extremely painful based upon the number of souls within their body. {This effect on mystics/wights is purely fluff, echoes will affect them in accordance with mechanics set above. Unless said Mystic/wights wishes to roleplay such as a hindrance to them.} 


Necrotic constructs, or those animated by corrupted unlife means would find this force akin to fire, though unable to be quenched by water and mundane means- extinguished by any means of magic or dark forces. 


 Combative Magic Effects: As a deific manifestation of Kor’s power bound to a shaman and their soul, it is capable of quenching malflame, burning away ectoplasm and other corrupted forms of  unlife. Harmful magical effects (physical weakness, mental anguish, etc) brought on by the perversion of life or soul can be removed from an individual in combat, though not a “heal” and merely a painful absolution when times are desperate. Targets purged of their corrupted magical afflictions would still feel the full physical effects described above.


Weaknesses: The Echoes of Kor are capable of being snuffed or canceled out by stronger or equal magical spells, especially those of mysticism, naztherak, voidal, soul-manipulating and aengudaemonic magics. A practitioner of these arts or similar who is capable of coating, enchanting, or shielding themselves, a weapon, ward, or another character with these magics or their sources of appropriate tier(malflame, ectoplasm,lifeforce, etc) is able to defend themselves. Should they cast a spell of matching tier or greater that means this requirement, or the spell is intended for defense, these forces would eat away the Echoes before they were capable of having their effect on their intended target. 



The range that the Lutuamancer can throw these echoes depends upon tier. 

T3: 3  Echoes - 4 blocks from self. 

T4: 4 Echoes - 6 blocks from self.
T5: 5 Echoes - 10 blocks from self. 


Regardless of appearance, Invoke Echoes will always travel at the same speed and  effective range. The attack itself has no concussive force, washing a target in Kor's wrath rather then throwing them back.  A target is always capable of dodging the attack regardless of its aesthetic, so long as they are able to freely move half the distance or more away from the attack. 



Lutaumancers must remain within block range of their target depending on tier by their third emote or the invokement fails and travels nowhere. 


If Invoke Echoes strikes while a Persona is casting, this will fully interrupt their casting. Ergo, after the effect  is over, they can begin casting anew.


A Lutauman is not immune to Invoke Echoes of other Lutauman, or their own when choosing to "heal" themselves.


A Lutaumancer may only use Incitement for Invoke Echoes with the intent to cast Invoke Echoes. Invoke Echoes requires Incitement before hand, and will never allow a Lutaumancer to ‘Sit’ on a casting. 


An Individual can only be struck with Invoke Echoes Thrice per CRP.


In the case of ET events. The Redline above may be bent with the approval of the presiding ET.

Lutaumancers must maintain line of sight on the target for the duration of incitement, and two emotes of chanting Old Blah.

Lutaumancers are not able to cast other Magical Abilities or make use of Active Enchantments or other Magical Items while casting Invoke Echoes.


Lutaumancers may not access their full movement while invoking echoes, limited to three blocks per emote. Moving beyond this speed breaks the Lutaumancer’s concentration.


Lutaumancers are able to decide what tier they will cast Invoke Echoes at by indicating at the start of the spell. This allows them to freely choose the range and cost of Invoke Echoes, so long as they correctly emote such.


Echoes travel to their target on the [4]th Emote.  If able to put a solid object between themselves and the manifested echo on the [4]th emote, such as a door, a window, stone, iron bars, a  tree. The Echoes will collide with such instead of them. This will pass through objects like leaves, cobwebs etc. 


[T3] [Non-Combative]Spirit Walk

Artist Credit: Ice Pick Lodge :Pathologic 2 Cover Art:


 Spirit Walk


At Tier Three the Lutaumancer is able to invoke passage to the Ancestral Realm of Stargush’Stroh. This is done through meditation for {2} emotes, invoking Old Blah for {3}, and tethering souls with {1} emote. 


Invokement of this passage will cost the Lutaumancer {1} Echo.

Each OOC hour spent roleplaying in Stargush’Stroh costs the Lutaumancer {1} Echo.


To directly manifest within a specific realm in Stargush’Stroh the Lutaumancer must burn an additional {2} Echoes to directly manifest their, and a religious fetish representing the area. 


If no direct manifestation is attempted, the Lutaumancer and those walking end up within the domain of Gundâr Broshan.

A Lutauman may bring additional members along the Spirit Walk, increasing the number of people with tier. It costs {2} additional echoes per member they wish to bring. 


Disconnection from Stargush’Stroh costs the Lutaumancer {1} Echo.

During each spirit walk Echoes may be invoked by a Lutaumancer to gain certain privileges in Stargush’Stroh. Such as freeing souls stuck in Gundâr Broshan, held captive by lessers of Kor vying for power in the outer regions of Kors Immortal Realm.

Or given to Ancestral spirits as a form of favor for knowledge, or guidance in Stargush. 


Should those spirit walking, ‘die’ within the Ancestral Realm, they remain trapped there, either to become a Lingering Ancestral Spirit, or ushered in early by Kor should they be honorable and deserving entry. Or a price is paid- all Echoes for 1 OOC week.  Kor bails the mortals out.

When attempting to find specific ancestral spirits, a Lutaumancer must have a ‘relic’ of said ancestral spirit depending on how well known, or unknown the ancestor is.

Lack of a relic will have the Lutaumancer wandering aimlessly through Stargush with no real indication where the spirit they seek is. 

Though it does not require the use of ritualistic herbs or narcotics, the shaman may implore these to ease those new to the experience.  When used, it will allow the Lutaumancer to burn half an Echo for entry, each OOC hour spent, specific realm landing, and disconnection. In addition to lowering the amount of Echoes required per person to {1} instead of  {2}. Echoes that are spent round up at the end of the Walk to the nearest whole number.


The Curse of Kor:


Aengudaemonic Magic users(Including Druids), Necromancers, Inferi, Naztherak, Mystics, Heralds, Azdrazi, Voidal Magi, Ghosts, Liches, Darkstalkers, Palelords, Paleknights, Poltergeist, Wights, Revenents, Silit, Frost Witches, other dark creatures that subvert death, or subvert the soul are unable to embark on a spirit walk, but may be brought to the Spirit Realm with OOC consent as a means of execution. Execution requires at least Three Lutaumancers of T5 or higher, or Five T3 or higher. 


If these creatures are unknowingly brought to the Spirit Realm, or do not consent with execution, Kor manifests to purge them from the realm, bestowing a curse upon them. 



Punishment of Kor invokes the Curse of Kor upon them. 


The Curse of Kor is a putrid mark that will last {1} OOC week to demean those who do not follow a divine path. To undo the affliction one must seek  soul-scrubbing magics, (Mysticism, Naztherak, Necromancy, Paladinism, etc) who will purge the Spiritual affliction. The amount of mages required to undo the curse is always the same as the amount of shamans who brought the target to the Spirit Realm. These effects can not be disguised by magical means. 


The Curse of Kor upon Necromancers, Mystics, Azdrazi, Voidal Magi, Nazarahkt, Inferi, Heralds, or creatures with flesh, and blood that need sleep, food, and water to survive:  Flesh rots from the body in flakes. Bone and raw tissue is exposed constantly. The senses are numbed. Food, drink, narcotics no longer hold any pleasant effect upon them. They taste of ash and dead waste. 


The Curse of Kor upon undead such as Ghosts, Wrights, Darkstalker, Revenents, Poltergeist, Liches or constructs such as Palelords, Paleknights, Or any soul construct without flesh or needs of eating: The Curse will cause them to be drawn to mortal food and drink. Their smells are intoxicating. The warmth and allure of cooked meals is felt by their form. Though they are unable to partake in these mortal delights. Thirst and hunger fully returns to them, and their entire being aches for the relief of mortal needs. They gain a desire to sleep, but are unable to do so. This effect may drive the undead/specter made with rage upon finding they are unable to partake. 


The Curse of Kor upon Silit and Froswitches will cause them to be drawn to mortal food and drink. Their smells are intoxicating. The warmth of cooked meals is felt by their form. Though they are unable to partake in these mortal delights. In addition, flesh or blood consumed tastes rotten, it causes nausea, headaches, and excessive feeding may result in auditory hallucinations of Kor whispering mocking remarks to them about their affliction. Taunting them and attempting to convince them that they will perish. 


The Curse of Kor will never negatively affect a Persona’s ability to cast magic or fight in CRP unless the player desires to Roleplay such. The Curse of Kor will never make a persona PK, or take steps OOC to rid themselves of their CA or Magic.  


Redlines of the Curse of Kor


The curse of Kor is merely an alternative and lasting punishment for subdued enemies of the Spirits rather than a PK, with its mental effects at the discretion of the afflicted.


Repeatedly applying the curse as a form of harassment will be seen as an abuse of the magic and a blacklist.


The Curse of Kor can be identified as magical in nature by any magical or alchemical means, but requires soul-purifying or corrupting magic to remove. Magic means of identification can recognize it as a shamanic hex, though one bestowed by a Greater Spirit. The curse removal can be a reform ritual of any kind, so long as the magic users are equal or greater to the number of shamans present who gave the curse. 


The Curse of Kor will not function upon such creatures as Atronachs or other semi-souled constructs incapable of Spirit Walking.  


Redlines of Spirit Walks


A Lutaumancer may only spirit walk to The Ancestral Realm.

A Spirit Walk is merely a travel of the souls to another plane, and so weapons, items, and other physical objects do not travel to the Spirit Realm while Spirit Walking. Items and objects may not be brought back for the same reason.


The Soul Tether acts as consent to the spirit walk. It spreads from the shaman to the souls they wish to bring to Stargush. If the persona fears the Tether. It will not connect to them, unless the target is being dragged to Stargush to purge their affliction or punish them.


Information gained from PK characters, or Kor must be approved from Staff first, unless it pertains directly to areas of Stargush’stroh. Like renditions past, Lutaumancy may be used to learn other shamanic types through OOC oversight with a consenting PKed character in the Stargush’Stroh.

Requires RP consent to use when bringing other individuals,  as the shaman is bringing a target’s soul into the Spirit Realm. When in the Spirit Realm, the nature of the soul blueprint is entirely visible. This may result in revealing disguises, the true identity of a tawkin klone, or one’s voidal/undead nature and so the target may choose to flee or refuse the tether through traditional means. 


Shamans are still capable of taking a subdued target’s soul or similar alternatives ( targets capable of being affected by curses/blessings,etc) for execution or punishment should one not consent to a PK.


The Lutauman is capable of ejecting those brought along their journey at any time through touch or chanting for three emotes asking Kor/Krug to usher them back to the Mortal Realm. This is to prevent trolls, or people from abusing the PK clause within the Spirit Realm. 


A Lutauman abusing the tenants of a Spirit Walk and killing someone within the Spirit Realm will have Kor intervene, locking the shaman away (PK), and returning the victim.


At Tier 3, a Lutauamancer can bring additional 1 person, at Tier 4, a Lutauamancer can bring  additional 3 people,  at Tier 5, a Lutauamancer can bring additional 5 people. 


If used in an ET scenario, this number can be bent with approval of the presiding ET.             


Cannot be used in Combat.


Any player character that exists in Stargush requires that person's permission to roleplay them or have them be roleplayed by said player.


To visit a specific ancestral spirit, a lone Lutaumancer must have a relic of this ancestor or have made this ancestor a shrine and left offerings over the course of {1} OOC week. Three or more Lutaumancers will be able to make contact with a specific ancestral spirit if said spirit has a shrine. This must be done for each visit to a direct Ancestral Spirit.

In the event the player is no longer on LoTC, lore holder of personas family or permission from ST is required.



[T4] [Non-Combative] Embedding Echoes


Artist Credit: Nele-Diel



The Lutaumancer, through ritual, can embed their echoes into anyone capable of learning or currently possessing Shamanism, allowing them to activate the latent effects of items from Kors forge, as well as the aesthetic effects of being a Lutauman (Incitement and Spectral Sense). This is a ritual done by the Lutaumancer through the use of a shrine and marking. The embedding of echoes must occur at a shrine of Kor or an Ancestral Spirit Shrine made by the recipient. Prospective students or acolytes of a Lutaumancer may receive this ritual as a reward for their devotion to Kor and the Spirits, or to trial them. A lutauman may only create 1 Embedded Shrine per week, and have a maximum of 5 Embedded. These Embedded Shrines are ST signed, or if more convenient marked on the Pacting subsection of the forums, with the LUTAUMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY to update who is, and is not Embedded.


Embedded Echoes serve to fill the niche of former Feat lutauman, as the more complex parts of Lutaumancy are not required for every Ancestral Spiritualist, and with the new caveats and complexities of the magic, may not be for everyone who seeks Ancestral Roleplay.



This will require the Lutaumancer to cast Incitement for five emotes, costing {1} echo for each emote of Incitement. During this time, a symbol or icon of Kor must be tattooed or branded onto the body. The target must give an offering of their own blood to the shrine, in addition to a religious craft made by them in show of dedication to Kor, or the Ancestral Spirit in question. For each echo they wish to imbue, a notch is made around on the Shrine.  


Upon the shrine to Kor, or Ancestral Shrine, the Lutaumancer must make the same mark with chisel and hammer, and cast Incitement for three emotes. Costing {1} echo for each emote of Incitement. An ethereal glow rests over this mark on the shrine. 


Those who are embedded with Echoes will be documented on the Lutaumancer's MA, the Pacting Forum, or ST signature(whichever is the most convenient).


Once a spiritualist is embedded, they and their offspring will receive visions within their dreams from whoever they were embedded to, pseudo-pact to an Ancestral Spirit or Kor itself. These visions are vague and abstract, far less worldly Farseer's prophecy, and instead a metaphorical representation of the Ancestral Spirit's intent.


Shrines are player signed, capable of evoking minor aesthetic effects akin to the echoes of the Lutaumancer who pacted with them in a three block radius. An Embedded shrine must fit within a 1x3 display of any shape or appearance so longer as they are signed. They may not be hidden behind a series of locked doors or other impossible areas to access- but may be underground. Should an Embedded shrine be destroyed, the Embedded would be unable to regain Echoes until the tool was reformed. The shrine is completely mundane, capable of being destroyed by any general means or magic.



Embedding Echoes only allows those embedded the ability to use items from Kors Forge, Incitement, and Spectral Sense.  They cannot use Invoke Echoes or participate in Banishment.


For each {1} Echo embedded, PERMANENTLY takes from the Lutaumancers total Echo pool, but gives the Embedded {2} echoes for each {1} Echo the Lutuamancer sacrifices. 


Those with embedded Echoes may invoke these echoes in the Ancestral Spirit Realm but cannot perform Spirit Walks on their own.


The Echoe Embedded may not have a deity based magic that does not pertain to spirits, {Seers may bypass this ruling}, nor practice {Have an MA} dark magics such as Necromancy, Mysticism, Naztherak, or Voidal Magic.


Those with embedded Echoes must follow all Redlines for Regaining Echoes.


The Lutaumancer may return to the shrine to revoke the echoes given to a target and must wait a week before Embedding someone else
Should the embedded shrine have more than half of its body destroyed, the echoes embedded fade away. In the case of a Embedded PKing the character, the Echoes return to the Lutaumancer.


A Lutaumancer is able to repair the embedded echoes with five emotes of incitement once the body of the shrine is restored, an Echo Embedded may never repair any object related to Embedding Echoes


The Echo Embedded must follow Regaining Echoes and all its redlines to regain their own Echoes, though certain paths of Regaining Echoes are locked to the Embedded. 


The Echo Embedded may use Incitement, and will cast this effect as if they were T2. 


The Echo Embedded may only use, not create, Crafts of Kor.


The Echo Emedded may use Specteral Sense, and must follow all its redlines. 


The Echo Emedded may not invoke the following Spells of Lutaumancy, Spirit Walk, Invoke Echoes, Banishment, Nor can they use their echoes to aid with any effect of Banishment.



[T4] [Non-Combative] Crafts of Kor


Artist Credit: Hamsterfly


Lutauman are able to permanently sacrifice their Echoes to create weapons wielded by Lutauman and those with Embedded Echoes. {This will be done via sub-forum as proof of what the Lutaumancer has spent Echoes on. Screenshotting weapons, creation RP, or expanding the submission into a narrative is encouraged.} 


  These tools can be forged at any conventional forge, though a Lutauman’s Echoes are traded in turn for access to these Ancestral Tools. 


The creation of these tools can be done at a forge that has all the equipment required for the Lutaumancer to craft these objects. Tools permanently reserve the Echoes of a lutauman to create, unable to be refilled through natural means.


 Weapons of Kor

(ST Signed)


Artist Credit: Saeed Farhangian



Weapons of Kor bound to a spiritualist with Echoes embedded in them will be documented on the Lutaumancers MA. These weapons PERMANENTLY take 4 Lutauman’s Echoes to forge, lest the weapon is broken. Weapons pose a means of contacting Ancestors within the Turu Dobu Ziimarum (The Many Fields of Tranquility), with greater weapons (MArts), capable of dragging forth the attention of Greater Ancestral Spirits.





Melee Ancestral weapons and tools are forged with the deific powers of Kor, granting them minor abilities of a Lutauman to the user. Only Lutauman or embedded spiritualists are able to invoke these weapon’s abilities. This allows prospective adherents and the spiritually devoted to be given a tool in which they can defend themselves against the darkness. These weapons are any weapon which is held by hand. {Spears, Swords, Hammers, maces, Halberds, Shields, etc} 


Active Invokement:

The Echo embedded or Lutaumancer are required over the course of {2} emotes to feed Echoes into the weapon. This will drain {4}Echoes. This applies both of the following effects. 


 An ancestral weapon coated in echoes will be able to harm and wound ghosts/undead as if they were aurum , in addition to retaining the durability of the material they are crafted with. This effect will occur with the next {4} successful strikes from this weapon. 


To invoke these effects again, more {4} Echoes must be fed into the weapon, requiring a single emote.



Ranged Ancestral weapons and tools are forged with the deific powers of Kor, granting them minor abilities of a Lutauman to the user. Only Lutauman or embedded spiritualists are able to invoke these weapons ability. This allows prospective adherents and the spiritually devoted to be given a tool in which they can defend themselves against the darkness. These weapons are any weapon which is held by hand. {Staffs, Lanterns, Torches, Bows, Crossbows, javelins} 


Active Invokement:

Ranged Ancestral weapons are capable of manifesting a single and fully covering ward of Echoes, shielding the caster or the caster’s target from a single-target ranged magic attack no greater than t3, blunting greater effects respectively. This will drain {4}Echoes upon use, and must be recast to shield from another attack. This effect must be channeled over the course of {2} emotes. If the protective effects are not used within {8} emotes after channeling, the effect must be re-channeled. This has a range of {10} blocks from the wielder.




Melee Ancestral Weapons may not be Lanterns, Torches, Bows, Crossbows, or thrown items


Ranged Ancestral Weapons follow all rules for ranged throwing items. 


Ranged Ancestral Weapons may not be Spears, Swords, Hammers, maces, Halberds, etc

Nor can they be thrown blades, or bottles. 


Ancestral Weapons must follow the ruling of the material they are composed of. Ancestral weapons may be made only with the following ST MATERIALS (At this time). Lunarite, Azhl, and Boomsteel. These metallic constructions follow all redlines of the metals base lore, and REQUIRE ST SIGNING FOR APPROVAL( Before and after enchantment). 


Ancestral Weapons do not possess infinite durability. If greatly damaged, the item requires repairs at the active cost of {8} echoes over the course of {10} emotes at a forge or respective repair station OUT OF COMBAT.


Ancestral Weapons cost a PERMANENT {4} Echoes, reserved as long as the weapon exists, to create.


Ancestral Weapons cannot be activated in conjunction with other enchantments nor spells of any magic regardless if it is of shamanism or not, and limited to 1 equipped type of Ancestral Weapon per combat encounter. No other magical enchantments can be applied to an Ancestral Weapon. Auric Oil will destroy the item. Flame salve works upon these objects so long as they follow the material's own Redlines. 

In the case of A ranged Weapon protecting against a T4 spell, half of the spell's effect travels through, making it half effective. T5 Spells, 3/4s of the effect go through, offering minimal protection from the spell's effects.

If the weapons are broken, these Echoes will return to the Lutaumancers Echo pool that had created them. 


If the weapons are stolen, to avoid players from attempting to withhold a casting resource from the Lutaumancer in bad taste, the Lutaumancer may simply revoke the item after two OOC Day and have the effects nulified. 



Mundane Items
(Player Signed) 

Artist Credit: Dani Diez



The Lutaumancer is able to craft mundane items from Kors forge. These items do not cost permanent echoes to create but their activation will require the Lutaumancer using Incitement. These items may be found below.


The Lutaumancer is able to craft three mundane items every OOC day. 


Censers of Kor: 


Artist Credit: Tony Sart



The Lutaumancer is able to imbue a crafted Censer with the Mark of Kor. With invoking Incitement for two emotes, these Censers begin to produce a deep vapor in the color of the wielders aura. For each block the Lutaumancer passes over, the Censer spreads this vapor 1x1x1 blocks from the Censer. Censers after incitement may produce these effects for ten emotes, unless combat is initiated before. In such cases, the vapor from the censer recedes rapidly into it over the course of an emote. 


The Lutaumancer may begin to shape and weave the vapor to their liking and even invoke visages of Ancestors within it, old battlefields, great hunts.


{Additionally, Haruspice may use their divine ink to add other senses to the experience by adding it to the censers during creation.}


{Effects on Spiritual Enemies(Undead, Inferi, Mystics,Frost Witches, etc) or the Dying} 


If not in combat, an extreme sense of calm washes over them, only fading if their ire is invoked. The longer someone remains in the vapor, the deeper this ethereal calm fills them. Over time, they begin to hear the soft whispers of Kor lulling them to the soul stream. The censors can be used to temporarily abate the common negative mental effects of dark magic or undead existence. A lutauman with consent may issue final rites with the censer, and bring the soul to the Stargush’Stroh immediately through the rising vapors of the censer. Kor graciously accepts these willing beings into his promised paradise.


Censers of Kor can not be used in combat.

Roleplay of creation of a Censer must be done for the item to be used.

Activation of the Censer costs {2} echoes as it takes two emotes of Incitement.

Vapor from a Censer lasts for three emotes for each emote the vapor is poured out.
(Example. A Censer is invoked for three emotes. The vapor lasts for nine)


Censers of Kor with Divine Ink added during creation are able to invoke small amounts of sounds, smells and colors during the active manipulation of the vapor. Said effect must be noted in the item description. Or state it was made with Divine Ink


Effects on Undead/Specters do not apply to Pale Knights, Pale Lords, nor Mystics. 


Effects on Undead/Specters do not work in combat. Nor do these effects make the Undead/Specter fully docile. It will however, make them calmer, and harder to upset. This does not mean that a Lutaumancer will not be able to make the Undead/Specter angry and provoke ire, it simply requires more to do so.

Should combat start within the Vapor, or an Undead/Specter grows angry enough to try and attack the Lutaumancer, the vapor recedes instantly into the Censer once more.

Undead {Silit, Frost Witches, Wrights, Darkstalkers, etc} that are willingly banished by a Censer of Kor are instantly accepted into Stargush’Stroh. They appear within Olû Tiil Frautal- The Walk to Final rest and become an Ancestral Spirit during their journey with the ferryman Matum’Lur

{OOC Notice: These Censers are designed to help Lutaumancers setup areas of banishment if they are smart enough, or meet with the Undead/Specter of even ground to try and convince them to accept Banishment, barter with the Undead/Specter, or just talk in general.} 


Ancestral Masks: 


Artist Credit: JunuArt



The Lutaumancer is able to imbue a crafted mask with an Ancestral Mark. With invoking Incitement for one emote, these masks are able to invoke the visage and voices of the Ancestor they are linked to for so long as Echoes are fed into it. The visage and voice of the Ancestral is an ethereal thing, wrapping around the Lutauman or Embedded while words are spoken through their mouth. The way in which they may manifest reflects the nature within their past life. Every {1} Echo fed into it causes the effects of Ancestral Masks to last for {5} emotes.


These items may serve as an Ancestral Relic.

{Additionally, Haruspex may use their divine ink to add other senses to the experience by adding it to the mask during creation of the mask}




Ancestral Masks do not give any combative or magical effects, protection, or advantages. 


Ancestral Masks require Incitement to be activated. 


The visage of the Ancestral spirit called upon appears as a faint ethereal form over the Wearer. The voice of the Ancestral Spirit called upon echoes before and after the Wearer in both common and Old Blah. The Wearer's voice is still heard beneath these overlapping voices. 


Masks with divine ink added from A Haruspex during creation are able to alter the physical form of the wearer of the mask to minor degrees. From tattoos appearing on the body, to wounds that wear bared. To more bizarre attributes such as horns, spikes along bones. These effects will disappear once the masks' effects cease to function. Said effect must be described in the item description, or state it was made with Divine Ink.


Masks with Divine ink will never fully alter the body, change skin hue, or the wearer’s race. They may, to those unaware of the wearer, be a thinly veiled disguise. 


Ancestral Mirrors


Artist Credit: Not found, will update when found.


The Lutaumancer is able to create two way mirrors which grant communion with an Ancestral Spirit. This can be used to temporarily communicate with Ancestral Spirits. Respectively, a Mirror is tied to a certain area in Stargush’Stroh. This will allow any who witnesses the mirror to speak to ancestors on the other-side upon its activation. 


This is done by a mirror being created within the Mortal Realm, and a mark of Kor being etched on the back of the surface. To connect a Mirror to Stargush’Stroh, the Lutaumancer must go into Stargush’Stroh, find the location of where they wish to connect a Mirror, and manifest {4} echoes, which will manifest as a crystallization and form the mirror within the Spirit Realm.


The Lutaumancer or Echoe Embedded is able to channel {4} Echoes into the mirror to check upon the location of an Ancestral Spirit. This will not give the Lutaumancer or Echoe Embedded a direct location, but will tell the Lutaumancer or Echoe Embedded, the realm the Ancestral Spirit is within. 


The Lutaumancer or Echoe Embedded is able to channel {4} Echoes into the Mirror to try and establish Contact with any Ancestral Spirit not of Notice in Stargush for upwards of {10} emotes.


Ancestral Mirrors do not act as alarms, warnings, or the sort. They will never be able to give personas information of what has happened in the world around the location of the Mirror. No information of the world may be meta gamed through an Ancestral Mirror. 


Ancestral Mirrors are not capable of tracking Greater Ancestral Spirits without a MArt or Ancestral relic.


Ancestral Mirrors may be as large as 3x5, requiring a MArt to be larger.


Ancestral Mirrors, when not used with Active Activations, will never let anyone passing by interact with a specific Ancestral Spirit regardless of the Ancestral Spirits stature. 


This is Roleplayed by interacting with Random Ancestral Spirits that pass by the Mirror. 


Should a target not be in the Ancestral Realm, or have the means to remain hidden, the Mirror would either reveal a random place in the realm, or no image at all.


Ancestral Mirrors are only capable of being created in the Mortal Realm or Ancestral Realm without a MArt.


A Mirror must be anchored to a Counterpart in the Stargush’Stroh. No mirror can be connected to more than one mirror in Stargush, or vice versa. Lutauman must make multiple mirrors to peer within other sections of the realm.Ex: (A Mirror placed in The Forest of the Grand Hunt will never be able to display any other realm but that section of the Stargush). 


Communication is bound to Ancestral Spirits that frequent that Realm and no others. Mirrors may still be able to be used to locate a realm an Ancestral Spirit is within should the ritual be conducted twice, or the shamans create a relic in roleplay to sway the Ancestral’s favor.


Ancestral Mirrors will be documented upon the Lutaumancers MA, each Lutaumancer can only make Ten Mirrors in total.

Ancestrals Mirrors are broken if their reflective surface is fully damaged or half of the total construct is broken in the Mortal Realm. 


[T5] Banishment


Artist Credit: Ian McQue



At the fifth Tier the Lutaumancer is able to banish ghosts, specters, and undead from this realm and into the Gundâr Broshan directly. Banishment is done through the creation of a Site of Banishment, which requires a ritual to produce. Depending on how many Lutaumancers are around, the ritual of Banishment itself can be shortened.


These souls are sent to Gundâr Broshan to await judgment from Kor in the Ashlandic Purgatory of Stargush. Within this land, they either earn their right for passage into Stargush, aided by a Lutuamancer to gain approval from Kor to enter.  


For any ritual of Banishment to send a soul to a direct realm costs each of the Lutaumancers involved with the ritual an additional {5} Echoes.


Some poor souls, if not aided, or not seeking entry to Stargush will remain in the Gundâr Broshan for the rest of eternity. 


Necromancers, Blood Mages, Mystics, and other realm-transporting magics are able to, through their own rituals, release Undead/Specters trapped in Gundâr Broshan if said Undead/Specter has not been guided to Kors Gate by a Lutaumancer and accepted by Kor. 


Inferi inflicted by Banishment are able to be re-summoned by their False prince in accordance to Naz lore. This requires a Lutaumancer to travel into the Nurzum, and gain the approval of the Uluamirzgai. {This will be documented on the Lutaumancers MA and requires Screenshots for proof}


Should the shamans possess a Wight’s phylactery or other means of anchoring a soul and that object has a PK clause, shamans are capable of PKing that target by sending them to the Gundâr Broshan or another part of the Stargush’Stroh reserved for its wicked.


ST creatures, special event characters,  and large/unnatural creations through MArts that contain a soul or some derivative may be ushered to Kor for purging through banishment so long as the shamans receive ST Approval for playing/interacting with the character in question or a Mart is created. Shamans may not use banishment within events without explicit permission before the event. Targets are free to resist at the discretion of ST. 


General Redlines:


Soul-bound or Soul-anchored creatures by necromancy, mysticism, or similar future magics cannot be purged from them unless the respective magic user gives OOC consent.


Physical means of destroying the sites of banishments suffice in allowing the evil to escape it, mundane tools or magic capable of undoing the seal.

This may serve as a PK if the player in question so desires it to be so.  This is done by either the player deciding to PK, or having the Lutaumancer guide the spirit in Gundâr Broshan to Kor’s Gate for judgment. This should serve as further RP and Gundâr Broshan shall act as the proving grounds if the persona will be accepted by Kor or not. 


Pale Knights and Pale Lords may only be banished if their Throne is broken beforehand. Otherwise Banishment will have no effect on them. 


By default, a banished undead or player not wanting to PK will only be bound in Gundâr Broshan for one week. If the player wishes to have the character remain longer until freed by a Mystic or Necromancer, this is perfectly fine. 


Ghosts bound to an Anchor are temporarily trapped within Gundâr Broshan for three OOC days, but are capable of being freed sooner. They then return to their anchor.


Wights are temporarily trapped within Gundâr Broshan for a single OOC day, but are free to wait longer. They then return to their phylactery.


Mystics and Necromancers, through their own ritual seance ritual, can free targets from banishment in the Spirit Realm. Though not required, it is heavily encouraged that a Mystic or Necromancer lets the Lutuamancer know OOC. Lutaumancers IRP are not aware of a Mystic or Necromancer freeing an undead from Gundâr Broshan. And will be punished if they are caught meta-gaming this information. Vice Versa, Mystics or Necromancers by default are not aware of Banishment.

Mystics or Necromancers may interact with a Ghosts Anchor or their haunting grounds to find out that Banishment has been invoked upon them. Or they may stumble across the place Banishment occurred and be made aware. 


Necromancers with Undead bound to them will be made aware that their construct has had Banishment if they attempt to call upon them, or Two OOC days have passed since Banishment was invoked. Or they may stumble across the place Banishment occurred and be made aware.


If an Inferi CA is banished, it will be unplayable for an IRL week, unless the Naztherak who bound it uses the appropriate ritual to reconstitute them manually. They will follow all redlines outlined in their CA lore. Their False Prince, will be made aware of the Banishment 1 OOC day after it occurs if they do not learn from other means or attempt to command the Inferi, as it would be unresponsive.

During the ritual of Banishment, if  more than one Lutaumancer is performing it, and one of said Lutaumancers gets interrupted, the ritual's emote counter reverts to the tier below it. 


Sites of Banishment can not be used as Meta-Detectors. Should someone try to bring an unknown or non undead/mystic, etc within the sites of banishment as a means of identifying them, they will be afflicted with the Curse of Kor themselves, and no answer will be given. Repeated infractions will lead to a blacklist. 


Banishment of an Undead with an active Curse of Kor removes {30} additional Echoes from the Lutaumancer or Lutaumancers as punishment. (To prevent harassment)


Those with Embedded Echoes may not help any ritual of Banishment in any way beyond flavor and will provide no lower cost of Echoes. 


If the Lutaumancers do not expend extra echoes outlined above to banish a being to a specific realm, they by default, end up in Gundâr Broshan. Banishment may only send beings to two different realms besides Gundâr Broshan. These are The Nurzum and Bûrgulumokh. 


Regardless of the realm sent to, any being is able to gain freedom through any of the methods mentioned above should it apply to them. 


Both Ritual and Site Banishment Sites adhere to the above in addition to their own Redlines. 


Once a target is banished, they may not be banished again for another two weeks without OOC consent.


Ritual Banishment


Artist Credit: Solfour


Each site of  Ritual Banishment requires certain ingredients to create. A Lutaumancer must gather five representative symbols of the Stargush’Stroh, whether alchemical or symbolic. The skull of any fallen creature is taken to the spot where the Banishment Site will be created.  The icons are placed around the skull. Lines are drawn around the site in the form of cobalt dust. The Lutaumancer will ignite the dust aflame. The icons will burn, and as the Lutaumancer channels, their powers seep into the skull, charring the bone midnight black. This will take a Lutaumancer {10} Emotes of Incitement to create the ritual site. Each Lutaumancer above T4 that helps in creation lowers the emote count by {1}.


Can not be lowered past {5}.


The chosen target must be presently within range of the ritual site and bound or restrained for the duration of Incitement for Banishment. Below is displayed a table showing how many emotes are required for Banishment to Occur on a target.

Through effort and planning a single T5 Lutaumancer is able to create a ritual site of Banishment. The site created reaches a 5x5x5 area of effect, showcasing Spiritual binding, an aspect of the Stargush’Stroh, or the Lutauman’s Echoes and requires a minimum of twenty emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur.. This site of Banishment will last for 1 IRL day before it fades.  {Costs Twenty Echoes}

Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With One additional Lutaumancer of at least T3 or higher, the ritual site of Banishment may increase by 1x1x1, and lowers the total emote count of the ritual to Fifteen emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. These sites of Banishment will last for 2 IRL days before it fades. {Cost each Fifteen Echoes}

Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With Two additional Lutaumancers of at least T3 or higher the ritual site of Banishment may increase by 1x1x1, and lowers the total emote count of the ritual to Ten emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. These sites of banishment will last for 3 IRL days before it fades. {Costs each Lutaumancer Ten Echoes}

Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With Three additional Lutaumancers of at least T3 or higher, the ritual site of Banishment may increase by 1x1x1, and lowers the total emote count of the ritual to Five emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. These sites of banishment will last for 4 IRL days before it fades. {Cost each Lutaumancer Five Echoes}

Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With Four additional Lutaumancers of at least T3 or higher, the ritual site of Banishment may increase by 1x1x1, and lowers the total emote count of the ritual to Three emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. These sites of banishment will last for 5 IRL days before it fades. {Cost each Lutaumancer Three Echoes}


Creation of Banishment Sites

Artist Credit: Tony Tsao



Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, with at least two Lutaumancers of T4 or higher, the creation of a Permanent Banishment Site may be created through the same effects of a Ritual site with slight changes. 

Each site of Banishment requires four great pillars wider than one block and taller than six blocks to be made around the ritual site. Ten Echoes are PERMANENTLY embedded into each pillar. 

Each site of Banishment requires certain ingredients to create. They must gather fifteen symbols of the Stargush’Stroh, whether alchemical or representative. The skull of any fallen creature is taken to the spot where the Banishment Site will be created.  The icons are placed around the skull. Lines are drawn around the site in the form of cobalt dust. The Lutaumancer will ignite the dust aflame. The icons will burn, and as the Lutaumancer channels, the power of the icons seep into the skull, charring the bone midnight black.

The site created reaches a 20x10x10 area of effect, showcasing Spiritual binding, an aspect of the Stargush’Stroh, or the Lutauman’s Echoes. A target may be brought to a site of permanent banishment after the ritual is finished, subjecting them to to ritual below should they be subdued and present for the entire banishment.

One Lutuamancer at T5 using the Permanent Banishment site requires Ten emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur.
{Cost the Lutaumancer 10 Echoes}

Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With One additional Lutaumancer of at least T3 or higher, using the Permanent Banishment site, requires Five emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. 

{Cost each Lutaumancer 5 Echoes}


Led by a T5 Lutaumancer, With Two additional Lutaumancers of at least T3 or higher using the Permanent Banishment site, requires Three emotes of Incitement for Banishment to occur. 

{Cost each Lutaumancer 3 Echoes}

Beyond this threshold the emote count can not be lowered.



Banishment Sites require documentation and ST signature to be created and used. Should one of the four pillars or more be fully destroyed the Banishment Site requires at least three Lutaumancers with the same amount of Echoes needed to repair the damages. 


Banishment Sites follow the rules of Banishment itself, it simply exists as a constant site for Banishment that does not need a ritual of creation for it to be used every time. 


Banishment Sites are capable of keeping a single target imprisoned in Gundâr Broshan, unable to fully cross over or unable to fully return without intervention.


Banishment Sites require an ST sign stating it is active and approved. 


A Banishment Site can be used twice needing a cooldown of 1 OOC week before it can be used again.




Tier Progression


Tier 1 

Tier 1, is reached upon acceptance of the MA. Has access to the following

- Old Blah

- Incitement of Echoes



Tier 2 

Tier 2, is reached Two weeks after T1. Has access to the following

- Old Blah

- Incitement of Echoes



Tier 3

Tier 3, is reached three weeks after T2. Has Access to the following

- Old Blah

- Incitement of Echoes

- Invoke Echoes

- Spirit Walk



Tier 4

Tier 4, is reached four weeks after T3. Has access to the following

- Old Blah

- Incitement of Echoes

- Invoke Echoes

- Spirit Walk

- Embedding Echoes

- Kors Forge



Tier 5

Tier 5 is reached Five weeks after T4. Has access to the following

- Old Blah

- Incitement of Echoes

- Invoke Echoes

- Spirit Walk

- Embedding Echoes

- Kors Forge

- Banishment



Writers Credit: ColonelSoberFunk, Panashea. 


Reviewer: Divinity_Of_Gaea, ColonelKuehl1,TheAmazingSewer, Evonpire, Mannamannaa. 


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9 minutes ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

A New Space Heater for Divine lore writing Basement is acquired 


I am so proud...

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wub dah zkah

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unironically so cool, I love the idea for the masks

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I am so glad to finally see this rewrite being submitted. Had a great time looking over it and I am excited to see what the Lore Team thinks of this highly essential rework to bolster the Magic. Thank you. =)


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Feedback Idea: Wanna see how people feel. 


Ancestral Weapons Echoe cost tweak


Ferrum or non ST signed minerals cost a PERMANENT {4} Echoes


Lunarite and Steel Wood costs {6}


Azhl Costs {8} 


Boomsteel Costs {10}


MArts of these items will require {15} as a Base Cost





this would keep redlines that materials not listed above can not be used in Ancestral Weapons


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1 hour ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

Feedback Idea: Wanna see how people feel. 


Ancestral Weapons Echoe cost tweak


Ferrum or non ST signed minerals cost a PERMANENT {4} Echoes


Lunarite and Steel Wood costs {6}


Azhl Costs {8} 


Boomsteel Costs {10}


MArts of these items will require {15} as a Base Cost





this would keep redlines that materials not listed above can not be used in Ancestral Weapons


I assume Aurum/Slayersteel would also be in the base tier? I personally think the scaling makes Ancestral Weapons needlessly complex, but I also do not know what concerns have been raised by staff over the stacking of materials. Also combat MArts already get a lot of scrutiny, adding that additional cost just seems like a punishment for well developed characters or groups using their assembled expertise... I personally prefer the standard base 8 cost. 

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10 hours ago, Mannamannaa said:

I assume Aurum/Slayersteel would also be in the base tier? I personally think the scaling makes Ancestral Weapons needlessly complex, but I also do not know what concerns have been raised by staff over the stacking of materials. Also combat MArts already get a lot of scrutiny, adding that additional cost just seems like a punishment for well developed characters or groups using their assembled expertise... I personally prefer the standard base 8 cost. 

Concerns have more so been from players, saying that they see no use in even bothering to make weapons. The cost is too high whilst the effects offered are no better than more durable slayer steel. 


This would give players more willingness to sacrifice their permanent echoes. The MArt is leave or stay. 


I believe by lowering the cost we will get people that make more, whilst increasing he cost on a sliding scale based on the metal keeps the balance divine wants to achieve without increasing the power of the weapons themselves. 

10 hours ago, Mannamannaa said:

I assume Aurum/Slayersteel would also be in the base tier? I personally think the scaling makes Ancestral Weapons needlessly complex, but I also do not know what concerns have been raised by staff over the stacking of materials. Also combat MArts already get a lot of scrutiny, adding that additional cost just seems like a punishment for well developed characters or groups using their assembled expertise... I personally prefer the standard base 8 cost. 

EI, making these out of Slayer steel and Aurum would be silly as it's activation only lets it act like either. 


But yes, basic non ST signed minerals would share a universal cost of {4} the MArt idea can honestly go, and Azhl could be dropped into the Lunarite {6} and making Boomsteel {8}

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This is based i hope to see this implemented 

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First looked over this and I feel some changes should happen.



[T3][Combative] Invoke Echoes: Costs {X Tier} Echoes
Weaknesses: The Echoes of Kor are capable of being snuffed or canceled out by stronger or equal magical spells, especially those of mysticism, naztherak, voidal, soul-manipulating and aengudaemonic magics. A practitioner of these arts or similar who is capable of coating, enchanting, or shielding themselves, a weapon, ward, or another character with these magics or their sources of appropriate tier(malflame, ectoplasm,lifeforce, etc) is able to defend themselves. Should they cast a spell of matching tier or greater that means this requirement, or the spell is intended for defense, these forces would eat away the Echoes before they were capable of having their effect on their intended target. 

Assuming enchanting/ward referes to the transfiguration lore, I feel such things should be removed. As currently the lore of wards is it protects against VOIDAL magic which your character has a deep knowledge (MA) in. 




Weapons of Kor

Active Invokement:

Ranged Ancestral weapons are capable of manifesting a single and fully covering ward of Echoes, shielding the caster or the caster’s target from a single-target ranged magic attack no greater than t3, blunting greater effects respectively.



While I understand it seems much easier it write it interacting with tiers of magic, it also doesn't quite work when you start to delve into the magics of different kinds. Instead may I suggest to write it equalivant of a decendent holding a shield which disperses after the first magical attack? That way it would still block most of those T3 projectiles, but it would remove weird cases where 'well water whip is a melee spell because it's a whip' sort of scenarios, yet I am unsure why would it project against all magic and not against non-magic? 

In addition on the Weapons of Kor, there is a redline I found weird. 


Auric Oil will destroy the item.

Why does it destroy the item? All other magical items only get disabled, I am unsure why it would destroy the item? It also indicates that if I have a boomsteel weapon imbued by Kor, it just melts into nothingness, so even if you wish to keep it destroying the magical powers unlike every other magic item, maybe specify it only destroys the imbuement and not the actual weapon?

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17 minutes ago, Samler said:


These are all excellent points I would like to see addressed @Panashea

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      'Thank you for pointing that out, Lord Selethen,' Halt said with icy formality.

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      动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

    • Nug

      some of you are NOT real.

    • satinkira


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