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Writings on the current state of the Mali’ker


Long has it been since the Ashen Folk saw a hegemonic power last for more than a few decades. In many regards, Nor’Asath has succeeded at withstanding the test of time. The past two groups to do so were the Renelians and the Stygian-Hollow. In some regards, the latter could be considered the direct precursor to the city-state of Nor’Asath. Hegemony over a group of Mali is something claimed easily, but rarely sustained throughout the years. Even Renelia, by many seen as the golden age of Mali’ker since the Warhawkes came to a grinding halt and eventually, a dreadful collapse. The Renelian Hegemony was less a hegemony and more a collection of Mali’ker beliefs and cultures united under a single banner. For a while, such a structure functions perfectly until the interests of those in power begin to clash.


The Temple of Malin & Nor’Asath

When cultural differences intertwine between fellow ‘Ker groups the possibilities of things being brought to ruin through internal struggles are minimal. The involvement of outside forces and religious societies not bound to the clergy of the Mali’ker state, however, should always be avoided. The recent publishing by the city-state of Nor’Asath poetically titled the Revelation of the 110th Year of the Second Era Amber Cold proved that the direction taken by the Primarch is anything but one of progress. What benefit does a pan-Elven movement bring to a state based on racial and religious hegemony? Judging by the various publications of the Temple of Malin, they have little in common with a church that sees fit to worship the Uruk spirits rather than respect their legacy. The Temple of Malin seems to be more set on expanding their religious and cultural sphere of influence at the behest of Nor’Asath, rather than seeking to protect what little integrity they may have left. By accepting this accord the Nor’Asath leadership has proven themselves not only to be absent but also gullible.


If something is to be said about the Mali’ker side of this edict, it is that the Nor’Asath religious society has based itself on branding rather than veneration. In most civilized cultures and nations a cult is considered to be foul and heretical. Here, we see that for every Ancestor worshipped by the Nor’Asathi people a cult has been established. I pray for my own sanity’s sake that this was a decision made by the Malinists and not the ‘ker. If any of them do happen to stumble upon my writings you are most welcome to provide me with an answer.


It should not be a surprise, considering all the above that even undead ghoulish hordes flock to this city engulfed in eternal darkness. How much does a Mali’ker truly care about their culture and religion if their only identity is based solely on copying the religion of a brutish, barbarian race? A race who have seen their last few cities and settlements crushed beneath vast alliances in an attempt to contain their outlandish customs. Our people have suffered enough throughout the centuries, we have been exiled and without a home many times before. When a home is finally presented to us, it allies itself with a people whose culture for most of its existence has been defined by enslaving others. If a final note with some advice is to be made to the Nor’Asath leadership let it be this:


Think carefully about the future of your citizens. Do you wish to set them onto a path of Uruk Shamanism and barbarian practices, or do you wish for your kin to reach a new age of enlightenment?



An artist's depiction of the undercity of the Renelian Hegemony

The future of the Ashen Folk

The influence Nor’Asath has on the larger scale of things should in the end be taken with a grain of salt. It is foolish to see them as a hegemonic power in any regard, as the majority of our kin do not live within their borders. Unity or the lack thereof has plagued our kin for the past centuries. Throughout recent years it has become clear that a unified Mali’ker culture and a proper hegemonic state have become distant dreams. The hope of our people lies not within Mali that have rusted into the bureaucratic inner workings of various states, but with the Ashen Folk of free will who remain separated from their like-minded kin. These Mali’ker live almost nomadic lives, searching for a place where they are safe from persecution when their beliefs clash with the heretical. Perhaps it is time our people rethink what we seek in a unified state. The last few states of our kin fell for various reasons, but cultural disunity and religious fanaticism have been consistent factors in their collapse. Our future lies not with cults and borrowing our culture from other races. Our future lies with the lost souls wandering the world. The lost souls who still wish to preserve our legacy and Mali’ker culture, without giving in to religious dogmas and laws designed to suppress any freedom of thought. The Mali’ker people need freedom and unity, not false idols and cultural melting pots.




[!] Copies of the anonymous document would be found posted up around Nor’Asath, and on various trees on the roads leading up to the Dark Elven city



Felt like writing some Delf stuff to continue with my character where most of his arc stopped

Give me rep


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A copy of this missive would blow across a southerly desert dune, into a leather-gloved hand.


Reading the document, the Maehr smiles.


'I was not wrong, was I, Qudlia? I told you our people were always meant to embrace the wastes.'


Mounting his horse, he carries on, pocketing the document. He would need it for his catechism.

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