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Issued at Year 112 of the Second Age





After receiving the missive regarding our citizen, Sarah Artenin, of being a vampire, the Lubba’s Council was in shock. Thankful to the shamans that they cured her of her vile disease, however, there was another part of the missive which did not resonate with the citizens of Lurin as Sarah was made to forcefully live in Nor’asath or be hunted down and executed. The council gathered today to draft up an official response regarding the situation and express their displeasure to this foreign policy.


As Lurin does not want to waste further ink and blood on this matter, while we agree with your sentiment against darkspawn, the holding of our citizens against their will is a vile act and The Most Serene State of Lurin hereby declares a simple warning:

The attempt at a repeated taking of Sarah Artenin will result in conflict of degrees the balance of Eshtael will allow.


May the wisdom of the shamans of Nor’Asath and The Iron Horde be everlasting and conflict kept to a minimum so all our lands may experience the prosperity it deserves.




The Silver Lubba


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A certain Mali'aheral taps his chin as he reads the missive, "I wonder if they are still open to jobs regarding those who wear drapes, if enough mina is offered.." Clearly, he was formulating a plan in his mind.

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Sarah?!?! You were a VAMPIRE?“ An elf is shocked, turning to her good friend Sarah while they do the dishes from dinner. “Why didn’t you tell me?!

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5 minutes ago, Toodles78 said:

Sarah?!?! You were a VAMPIRE?“ An elf is shocked, turning to her good friend Sarah while they do the dishes from dinner. “Why didn’t you tell me?!

"I THOUGHT YOU KNEW?!?!?!" Sarah was equally as shocked, nearly dropping her mug, though she caught it before it could smash with a flick of her hand and a little magic. "WHERE DID YOU THINK THE FANGS CAME FROM!?!?!?"

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"Her voidal taint agh vampyrizm will nub longer hurt her, zhe zhould live with her mate. Zurrounded by hozh folkz of her kind… zhe waz planning to learn anyway" commented a large raguk, deciding to toss the missive into the forge with a dunk.

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5 minutes ago, Toodles78 said:

Sarah?!?! You were a VAMPIRE?“ An elf is shocked, turning to her good friend Sarah while they do the dishes from dinner. “Why didn’t you tell me?!


A Dwarf is similarly stunned, appalled, aghast, and other synonyms for surprised that Sarah was a VAMPIRE!!!

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Kor'garr the Clanless, the one who had recorded the entirety of the Grand Moot's trial, her curing, and stood as both guard and caretaker for Sarah while she and her spouse bought housing in Nor'azath, simply shakes his head upon reading the missive from the Silver Lubba.

"Tha dizrizpekt heer iz immenze, buht nub az much az der voolyshnezz. Dey kompleyn uv uz gyving Zarah agh hur zpowze'ag beddur loife, azh witnub dah weeknezz uv teyntid blud nor dah voyd? Wyn wiz kuld'av juzt exekyuted hur az'ag darkzpawn? Dehn Kor'garr wihl teyk nohtz ohn diz empti thret, zoh all mey peep der hollow'd Blah."


[OOC Translation]


"The disrespect here is immense, but not as much as their foolishness. They complain of us giving Sarah and her spouse a better life, one without the weakness of tainted blood nor the void? When we could have just executed her as a Darkspawn? Then Kor'garr will take notes on this empty threat, so all may peep their hollow words.


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"Ghoraza hopes this discourse can be blahed upon without missives. The need to slay dark spawn am far greater then politics between nations. Let uz hope this ends well..."

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The new Rex of the Horde looked at the missive 


"She decided to stay in Nor'Asath herself, to be relieved of her dark magic.. weird."


He then began to write a letter to Mika, hoping he didn't remove his drug stall because of this misunderstanding

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"Cross-Species Relations are outlawed in Nor'Asath regardless. If they do not press this issue. I do not care  But I will not welcome them back, for I had believed her and her partner where coming to Luaras light. And I was lied too


May this void blighted city not suffer the same fate as every other voidal city. Which is to say, besieged by voidal tears. "


A Ker Shaman comments as she sits near a hearth, folding the missive up. 

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5 minutes ago, DrunkPapaBear said:

He then began to write a letter to Mika, hoping he didn't remove his drug stall because of this misunderstanding

The Silver Lubba is reasonable and the stall stays regardless of conflict as trade must always flow

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The one Voice, Motsham Al-Uk'Yarsends a brief but clear letter back to the Silver Lubba 


"Perhapz deeh termz ob deeh pakt wuz azh bit konfuzin, Zhi kan goh agh bi werevuhr zhi pleazuz... bub deeh Grand Moot will perzue agh deztroi ohr kureh darkzpawn werebur dei ahm. Sarah ahm nub welkohm ihn deeh Moot territori ib zhi refuzez treadmend fohr hehr voidal taind, Wi wihl nub keeb her bub neidur wihl wi kondone hehr taint wiffin ouhr zitiez... ib zhi ztrayz agh returnz tu buurz likeh vamyrizm wi zhall nub zit idli by"


[!] The letter cordially signed and send of for The Silver Lubba

Edited by ThatDutchFellow
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