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Pharisianism - The Faith of Purity


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I come to you, my beloved, to bring a kingdom upon the world; a kingdom much like mine in the ethereal plane. A kingdom where all traces of grime, dust, and imperfection are eradicated. A kingdom where crystalline purity beams in the hearts of all who inhabit it. A kingdom where my sword pierces the heart of all Buurz-spawn and their father, Iblees, the Captain of deceit and betrayal, and where mine children are schooled in the art of purging. Indeed, in my kingdom there are many rooms, but all of them contain virtue. I give you power over the impure of the world and their children, should you hear my call. No serpent shall tangle you, no arrow shall pierce your breast, no voice of evil fold you into its measure, nor shall any worm or dragon entangle you. Will you hear my call and beckon my blessings to establish a fount of crystalline beauty upon your world, or will you shut your ears? My vast pools of perfection wait for you, my children. My legions of crystalline warriors and divine magus stand in my realm waiting for your invocation. But it is up to you to heed my call, for if you do I shall answer.” - An excerpt from the Scroll of Pharis, translated from Old Blah into common by her shamans. 


What is Pharisianism?


Pharisianism is a rediscovered spiritual faith thought to be remnants of an ancient religion practiced by followers of Scorthuz, the spirit of purity. Pharisian lore dictates that the Scorthuz worshipers of old once used crystals to connect to the spiritual ideal of purity. Through these idiosyncratic practices, Scorthuzian shamans discovered a realm of shimmering crystal light during a spirit walk, and heard a soft voice coming from a woman made entirely of numerous brightly colored crystals; Zoisite, Wulfenite, Quartz, and Tiger’s Eye were the most pronounced of the innumerable materials lining her humanoid body. The woman announced herself as Pharis, spirit of divine purging and crystalline purity, and spoke on several matters concerning spiritualist lands, philosophy, and the world. Pharisianism is based off of several ‘scrolls’ which contain translated text from their conversations with Pharis. Several ancient Scortuzians became devout followers of Pharis after this, whereas many simply saw her as insignificant next to Scorthuz himself. For the latter reason, Pharis worship has been largely forgotten and was only rediscovered by Scorthuzian elf Agis Penweather. The scrolls have been preserved and contain the basic ‘ethos’ for Pharisian beliefs.


Who is Pharis?


Pharis is the lesser spirit of crystalline purging and divine purity under Scorthuz. She embodies Scorthuz’s emphasis on destroying impurities, through force and prayer, and she emphasizes the concept of purity through crystal metaphors. Crystals, for Pharis and her followers, are spiritual tools that connect mortals to Platonic ‘forms’ (perfect ideas) that express the true desires of purity. Crystals are often associated with light or untapped energies, all of which can be used for the purposes of purity. Pharis starts at one basic premise: everything is energy. And the difference between a spiritualist and a non-spiritualist is their recognition of their fact. Crystals, given their supposed divine connection, are conduits of this energy. Only when crystal wielders tie these tools to divine powers, like herself, can they access this universal energy.


Purging is conceptualized rather viscerally under Pharis’s philosophy. Whereas crystals represent pure uses of energy, they can also be used to clear poor manifestations of energy, such as buurz spawn, voidal corruption, soul taint, and so forth. The main difference between Pharis and Scorthuz is their aesthetics and emphasis on spiritual access. Many Scorthuzians use water and other tools as vessels for Scorthuz’s power, though ideally Scorthuz’s power can be exercised through many mediums. For Pharis and her followers, crystals are an essential part of spiritual worship, because they have their own spiritual significance independent of her; though they can only be used effectively with her blessing. Unlike most Scorthuzians, Pharis also believes crystals are not merely tools, but also gateways into higher understanding.  Thus, it is not odd for a Pharis follower to wear crystals all over their body, or use crystalline tools or weapons in work and combat. 


Pharis’s form of purity emphasizes the inherent divinity of all who seek to wield it. Mortals are merely divine spirits residing in a fleshly coil. If mortals have divinity in them, she argues, then you must remain pure of mind, heart, body, and soul as a divine being. Pharisian divinity should not be mistaken as saying her followers are Gods; far from it. Pharisians believe they are transcendent, and can overcome the imperfections of their mortal coil by applying Pharis’s wisdom and guidance throughout their life. While no mortal will ever be perfect, they can come quite close through wielding Pharis’s principles (and power) when necessary.  Those who forsake purity and give in to soul taint have lost their divinity and must be purged, lest they bring the same fate upon the rest of the world. The crystalline kingdom cannot manifest in the face of corruption. 


Tenets of Pharisianism 


Remain pure in body, mind, soul, spirit. Do not entertain to words, indulge behaviors, or even eat foods that will cause corruption to any aspect of your being. 

All buurz-spawn must face crystalline judgment. Call upon the name of Pharis as you rid the mortal plane of their influence. 


Virtue is a matter of habituation. Practice daily cleansing through water blessed by Pharis, and use crystals to meditate on matters of life and soul. Show no measure towards impurity. Any action or behavior that conforms your soul to the world or contrary spiritual powers is impure. Practicing the void, consorting with buurz-spawn, consuming substances that cause your passions to inflame - all should be avoided.


Pharis demands worship, but she is not a jealous deity. You may also honor other spirits of a similar nature to her, so long as she is glorified through your relationship with them.


Children are the most precious manifestations of divine potential in the world. You will spare them and protect them when you can. If a child is afflicted with soul corruption, you will not harm them. Bring them to Pharis’s cleansing waters.


The life of the mind feeds the soul; read and consume as much knowledge as possible, but stay wary of the knowledge of evil.


The soul is more righteous than the body; do not judge others for their appearances or identities, but evaluate their souls.


Excerpts from Pharis


On Purging:


My children, thine has gifted you the ability to tread upon the machinations of the deceiver and the impure. By calling forth my name, or any of the patrons of my Crystalline realm of purity who bear my authority, you have total dominion over all forms of corruption or taint. Let my name guide your sword and spear; may it reinforce your shield, and cover your soul from the seductions that would rend it unpleasing to my sight. Before you purge the impure, beloved, bless your blades with sacred invocations to my name, for it is the language of victory.


On Virtue


Children, are you not a spirit? You are a soul contained within a coil, not mere coil alone. As a being of divinity, you must order your soul in accordance to its measure. Meditate on my teachings; call my name in your times of curiosity and wonder; follow my tenets, keep your actions regulated by things of the spirit. Then and only then will you embody the true virtue of purity. 


On Children


All descendants are souls contained in mortal coil. But my children, none are more innocent or precious than children. The youth of a child represents their future potential; a divine spark waiting to get lit into a blazing light of growth. You must preserve the soul of a child as long as possible. If a child is afflicted by the dark one, bring them to one of my priests or my sacred waters, for that is the way of crystalline light.


On Canonism


Children, do you not know that you are all created divinely? Pay heed not to the words or deeds of those who would convince you that divinity rests beyond the world or in the numerated skies. Divinity is in you, my children, and you must call upon my name to access the Crystalline fire inside of you. Upon death you shall join me amongst my crystalline kingdom in a pure state, should you heed my virtues and remain pure. Beloved, do not fall prey to the political and social machinations of organized churches, used by corrupted men to spread impurity and destruction across the world. Follow the Crystalline light to my realms and you shall remain forever sustained, in this life and the next.  


On Sacrifice


Children, I have called you out from the practice of ritualistic and human sacrifice as a sacrament of worship. Such practices as sacraments are both barbaric, impure, and beneath my calling to you as transcendent beings. My name shall be honored by admissions of the spirit, not burnt flesh. However, it is quite righteous and pleasing to me to extinguish the impure & the wicked through such means. But this is no offering, children. It is merely a righteous act of purging in my name, and it shall be treated as such.


On Magic 


True magic, my beloved, rests in the crystalline power of my kingdom. I bequeath upon you the cleansing fire of my form, my sparkling waters of my kingdom, and the brilliant sapphire light of my throne room, upon which you can transmute and transform even the most stubborn circumstances. All authority that comes from outside of the realm of the spirit, such as that of the wretched Inferi, buurz-spawn generally, or the void, are contrary to my blessing. Avoid such entanglements lest your soul be rendered null in my eyes. 


On Aengudaemon worship


Beloved, do you not know that purity is a divine ideal? My form is established by immaculate ideals, conceptions of purity and virtue that are indecipherable to the mortal mind. If you were to gaze upon my true form, your mind and mortality would shatter into bits. Do you not know that you are inheritors of a divine ideal, moving ever-so closely towards a transcendent state through my teachings? Never shall you be greater than me, beloved; but one day shall you assume my nature, like all others who inherit my kingdom. And yet, there are those amongst you that claim the mantle for divinity for themselves. Entities such as glowing idol Xan, or the wretched Azdromoth, the deceiver Iblees, the troubled Malchediael, and others I have not yet mentioned. All of these beings presume divinity and do not recognize your innate god-spark. My beloved, be wary of those entrapped by such forces, and do not pay heed to their so-called ‘blessings’. Focus on your soul and meditate on my teachings, for they are the only true path to transcendence. 


Allies of Pharis

A set of spirits are oftentimes worshiped and invoked alongside Pharis by her followers. These spirits are not numerous and are not seen as competitors to Pharis, but forces that compliment her goals.


Okal - Spirit of the Sacred Knowledge of Crystalline Purity and The Occult - Lesser of Theruz.





And there I saw a bright light manifest in the form of a man, wreathed in flowing crystalline robes and wielding a brilliant fire in his hands. He spoke to me with a golden, booming voice and said "my brother, receive the gift of the knowledge of purity, for through it your soul shall flourish!"  And with a roaring crack of thunder my spirit was filled with pure bliss; I had received the knowledge of my future, should my soul remain on purity's path. - Excerpt from Scroll of Okal, divine magician of knowledge.


Okal represents the divine manifestation of righteous knowledge. Pharisians call upon Okal to gain more insights into purity in general, and they invoke his power against profane words and knowledge that come from Buurz, Aengudaemons, and other contrary forces. Pharisian shamans have been known to wield him against darkspawn Magi to counteract their incantations and spells with the divine might of crystalline language. Furthermore, Okal is used to gain knowledge into esoteric matters without having to resort to seers, psychics, or other beings that may not honor Pharis or her concepts. He takes the image of a magician wearing long white robes. 

Dromond - Patron of Crystalline Fortitude and Strength  - Lesser Aspect of Leyd 





And there he stands: a titan in our hearts, the giant of purity's fortitude stands at the ready upon our call. When we invoke him, our bodies become awash with supernatural strength; our spirits and morale are made unassailable; and the impure tremble in the knowledge of their eventual fate. Lo', for when I called upon his authority to best the Inferi, I saw buurz as tall as towers sputter and writhe as their infernal power would no longer work for them. They began attacking their own ranks, falling down en masse, whlist the forces of purity remained emboldened. Friends, this is the power bestowed upon us through Pharis's servant Dromond; the power over even the most intimidating of enemies. Fear no man or spirit with this bulwark of righteousness by your side. - Excerpt from the Scroll of Fortitude, spoken by an ancient Pharisian prophet.


This spirit takes the form of a hulking, towering golem made of various crystals. He is the mightiest warrior in the Pharisian canon and can be called invoked to strengthen one’s own mind against impurity, and to strike at the strongest of the impure. He promises victory to all who faithfully invoke his name. His will can also be turned directly against the impure, for he represents the might of Pharis manifest into solid form. Pharisian warriors often invoke his name during battles with mighty foes, and crystal armor may be worn to express gratitude for the spirit's protection.



Hey everyone! This is my own personal attempt at making custom spirit lore. I hope you like! If you wanna Interact with Pharisianism just message me in-game or on Discord and we'll set something up!  I intend to expand on this lore much more in the future!



Edited by Boknice275
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Wonderful post, I love this lore. Also this spirit will be included in the upcoming Compendium. =)


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