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Time for a little work [PK]


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A grizzled vagabond rests easier in his grave. He felt mercy by a kind hand and it was fair and good; warm winds upon him.

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A soft sigh escaped Estellise as she read over the letter in her hands. 


"I will see you again one day, Hareven." She murmured, not taking her eyes off of the parchment. Another moment or two, before she pulled out a piece of paper of her own. And began to write...



"Hareven, I hope this letter finds you. If my letters to Taal could make it to him in Athera nearly two hundred years ago, then this should be able to find you.


I will find you when the time comes. When Taal and Rhae want to go, I too will go. But, until then, I made a promise to Rhae to always be there for her, no matter what. And I made a promise to Taal, the other half of my being. So, I will stay here.


You've taught me more than you know. And I will be forever grateful to you, my brother."


The letter is signed 'Estellise Tathivr'.


As Vienele read the letter, a slight smile came to her face. 


"You deserve to finally rest, brother. And to just enjoy what life has given you."


The Lilac druid dug out her own paper to pen a letter of her own. 



"Hareven, it's about time you took a break. You've been giving so much of yourself to everyone else for so long... That it's finally time that you think of yourself. Be happy with your wife and the rest of those with you. When Cal decides it's time, we will join you. Until then, I do also have to keep an eye on Nen. You know how reckless she can be."


The note is signed with a lilac, growing by a river's stream.


It was a surprise, when Rosalia opened her door that day to find an eagle there. Even more of a surprise the words that came from it.


"We are bonded now, and I will stay by your side til I am sent to the next." 


Confusion was evident on her features, but she brought the eagle inside with her. The eagle offered her a letter.


"Haelun, what's that?" A voice called out, icy blue eyes landing on Vaki. "Is that an eagle? With a... Letter?"


"I guess so..." She took the letter from the eagle, opening it to read the contents. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took in each word.


"Haelun?" The voice softened, upon noticing his mother's reaction. He moved closer, so he could catch a glimpse of what was making his mother tear up. "What's wrong?" A slight glare was sent the eagle's way.


"It's fine, Arradian." She murmured, lifting a hand to her son. "It's Vaki, Hareven's staff..."


"But it's... Not a staff.." Arradian begrudgingly pulled his gaze away from the eagle at that, attention on his mother once more.


"You learn to get used to it with anything involving Hareven." Rosalia sniffled a little, as she held the letter closer to her chest for a moment. "I guess it's mine now though.."


"Alright.." Arradian nodded slightly, watching as she pulled out her own piece of paper to pen a reply.



"Hareven, I never knew my Maln, as you know. He left when I was really young, so I never knew what it was like to have one. Or someone who could be like one for me. Someone who was that for me. Until I met you that is. You opened your arms and let me in, even though you didn't really know me. You were there, no matter what I needed. You gave me a way for my son to be able to know his father, more than just words and stories. But to actually experience what he was like. I don't think there's any way I could ever thank you enough for everything that you've done for me. And for him.


I will send as many letters as I can to you."


It's signed with the starting of a fire, slowly beginning to burn from cinders. Just beside this was 'Rosalia and Arradian'.



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