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Missive of Mayoral Nomination 113 S.A.


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Missive of Mayoral Nomination

6th of Snow's Maiden, 113 S.A.

Written by: Boots Anarórë



Issued by Clan Anarórë

I, Sir Boots Anarórë, Laird of Grenzstadt, Founder and Chieftain of Clan Anarórë (including titles associated), Carrot King, former Ashguard Warden of Alisgrad, Dun'rath, and Grenzstadt, Regent of The Barrel Court, Barrel Brother, Elysium Noble, Rozania Noble, Norland Laird, Honorary Ludovar, Friend to Barclays, Honorary Hyspian, Champion of The Grand Northern Race, Puncher of Cloudbreaker, Savior of the Burned, The Last of His People, Renowned Blacksmith, Swordsman Instructor, Tailor, Farmer, Medic, Miller, Fisherman, Soldier, Mercenary, Author, Painter, Son, Father, and Grandfather, nominate myself for mayor of Vikela.

If I am elected mayor I will carry through on forgotten promises, instate reform which will see Vikela rise to previous highs in both reputation and prosperity not seen since S.A. 38. I have a multi-stage plan on how to achieve this in my four years, and plans to lay the groundwork for the following four years assuming I am elected twice.

I meet all requirements for nomination and candidacy, I have been a citizen for nearly 80 years as a respected member of the community, and my intentions are to restore Vikela to its former glory.




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"Boots would be great for Vikela, he's already don' so much for the Anarórë clan and I'll support him through thick and thin."

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Leika weighs her prospects before writing Boots a cease-and-desist letter and some official communication. "Please do not use dissolved titles. - Good luck on nomintions" 




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