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ito maehr elthilln annilerih


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"Misunderstanding and ignorance births wars. They that detest conflict show wisdom in their disposition, however to permit truths to be hidden behind falsehoods or to deprive them opportunity to be free of dissent and violence is an affront to wisdom." 

- Malaurir Dio Astóre



ito maehr elthilln annilerih
’May the silver be guided to wisdom’




12th of Snow's Maiden, Year 113 of The Second Age


BLESSED CITIZENRY OF HAELUN’OR, This is a step I’ve long deliberated, and as the cogs that have since faltered begin moving anew, it is time that the first stride is taken.

Throughout the years, decades, I have watched our home evolve through many stages; I watched it thrive, crumble, and ultimately resurface into the beautiful Cihi we call home to this day. I witnessed our people beneath the thumb of violence and tyranny, and through it all persisted alongside them.
For too long, did this dark period of our history last, and for too long have we fallen victim to stagnation - a congruence conceived from the very peace we fought for.

The title of Sohaer has traded hands from the moment we first stepped into this very land, unable to find an adequate place of rest. The responsibility that leading our people and their council entails was never meant for a single ‘thill, and it is time the burden is once again shared between two as was meant to be. 


I, Luthien Maeyr’onn, announce my intention to challenge the mantle of Sohaer. And though I cannot possibly address all the possibilities, with this missive I intend to shed transparency on my most urgent intentions.




To Maintain:
It is the very foundation of our history that legitimizes our purity as Mali’thill, something that for long we have neglected. In the pursuit of empty progress, we have forgotten the importance of maintaining those very ideals that fuel our desire for knowledge and longevity. For the sake of betterment - of progress - we must first conserve the ground on which these pillars stand.


[I] Education has from the beginning been a vital piece of our pursuit for progress. In order to maintain the integrity of Larihei’s teachings, all who seek citizenship within our silver walls - regardless of race, gender, or species - will be under obligation to attend a lecture before being granted permanent residency. During this disquisition, they will be educated in the way we function as a society; our laws, social culture and etiquette, as well as Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. The purpose behind this decision lies in the idea that we cannot expect one to respect and understand - let alone adhere to - our societal standards without first being taught. This will otherwise serve as a reminder to returning Mali’thill.

Just as preserving our history is of utmost importance, we must not forget to ensure the present and future well-being of our citizenry. An open ear must be extended in light of their concerns, for we cannot thrive in the misery of our people. In order to address this matter, public meetings with the mandatory attendance of all members of elHeial’thilln will be held once every elven month. At present, such gatherings are few to none, and so we will strive for an organized and consistent schedule. During this assembly, the concerns of any and all citizens will be addressed and deliberated upon. Should one wish to remain anonymous in their complaints, steps will be taken so that they may be submitted privately.


To Reform:
In reformation lies progress. One must take that which no longer functions and mold it into something new. It would be dishonest to deny that we as a community have disregarded change when established systems were shown to malfunction. From the beginning, we have held onto discrepancies which have served as the catalyst to long neglected issues. In adapting our policies, we find ways to lead a fluent life as a community. Rather than ignoring hurdles, we shall address them as they beckon for our attention.

[I] During my tenure in the council, I observed many ways with which we could improve; ways in which we could strive for a more efficient conclave, one that works with clarity and in collaboration with the Mali’thill that form its very structure. A change that I find imperative, is nothing other than the redesign of our council, something long overdue. Addressing each fragment of its skeleton, I seek to condense, redistribute and redefine each role that composes its anatomy. By clarifying and reassigning responsibilities, we will procure a composition that will harmoniously function. In the process, it is my intention to extend more opportunities to the common citizenry, so that they may involve themselves in the pursuit of progress.


[II] There have been times, even recently, where a lack of clarity within our Silver Laws has been the cause of toil. Not only our laws, but the very policies that comprise our government. By dissecting each article, each constitution and system, I seek to expand upon and make additions to the legislations that protect us, and in addition define what their violation entails. In flexibility, we will find the possibilities of addressing what deters us from the adherence to progress and health. 


To Progress:
Progress is one of the two legs on which our ideals stand, never has it failed us, only the way we interpret and choose to pursue it. This is where we have failed; for long we have looked only to a superficial idea of progress, and in the process have neglected a bigger picture. At last, we must finally take a glimpse past our hunger for only knowledge and utilize our tools to forge a legacy, a strong, reliable structure that will ensure the longevity of our society. To seek true progress and see to its success, we must not account only for the present, but most importantly the future and what it might presuppose.

[I] It is imperative that we no longer ignore the urgent need to clarify and establish our relations with foreign nations. Holding grudges, regardless of how warranted, will only weigh down any attempts to move past the margins that bind us. Henceforth, Haelun’or will seek to establish its neutrality and resolve long unidentified bonds. With urgency, we will officialize alliances and at all costs refrain ourselves from being involved with adventitious conflict, lest it entails a collective threat.

[II] In maintaining collaboration and order within elHeial’thilln, will we find productivity and thus subsequent progress. As a collective, we will not stop seeking ways to improve and move forward without the regression we have often faced in recent years. I seek to create a community that is perpetually evolving, offering a bounty of opportunities to those that seek them. 



It is here that I choose to conclude my missive. Having offered a glimpse into my mind and the most pressing foundations, all that is left is to await as time unfolds the steps to its conclusion. To my opponents and those that may come in the future, I look forward to our debate.                                                                                       







Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


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"Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya." Curunir Maeyr'onn said aloud upon this proclamation.

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"Well, I suppose they won't even bother counting the ballots, then." An elf said simply.

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Pamphilos toils away in the beetfields of the 'aheral colonies! He has no idea what luck all his political rivals have without him there!

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Elarhil eagerly awaits the debates.

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Anara Elervathar smiles upon reading the missive, declaring "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, kaean'leh cerun il'hae'leh maehr lente karinto."

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"If I were still a citizen, she would have my vote." Says Aobh Grey with a smile, approvingly of the wonderful elfess. "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."

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Finnadh Uradir supports the rightful Sohaer of Haelun'or.

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