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The Maehr'uhier Seed


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Formed 13th of Malin's Welcome, 113 SA

Present Chief: Fal'leon Maehr'uhier


“Ohowaki maehran, Ellaurir ay’Ibaran.

lyun ito heya’leh orrarnan,

kaenan’leh ortilrun nae illerae

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae

Oh Ohowaki ormaehr, ehya leyuan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”


The Owl of Knowledge and Wisdom reaps the skies with silent wing beats. 

Those who follow under her masterful guidance pride themselves upon their dedication to both learning and teaching; the scholars of the world. 

It is with the Maehr’uhier that such scholars may find a home, a commune to foster their knowledge and bring unto them new heights. 






Sohae’maehr - Chief

Mar’maehr - Elder

Maehr’onn - Member

Fi’maehr - Seeker


Values of The Owl 





Trials of Initiation



Trial of Knowledge

The Fi’maehr must locate and return with a piece of knowledge not yet stored in the Maehr’uhier collection. If they’re unsure what is collected, they are encouraged to both ask and read away. The resulting piece may come in any form, from a history book to a bardic tale, however it must be documented in some fashion to be returned to in another instance.


Trial of Sight

The Fi’maehr is to find and speak to a minimum of 4 people with varying gifts or religions. They are to ask what they are, how long they’ve pursued this path, why they chose it, and (most importantly) how has it affected their world views and philosophies. Gifts may include: Voidal mages, druids, paladins, shaman, dark mages, alchemists, canonists, and any others one may find

Trial of Understanding

The Fi’maehr must find a person who they disagree with strongly in any capacity, due to personal reasons or morals, and come to a mutual agreement on something together. This cannot be something surface level like a favourite food, but rather on something deeper and meaningful. The purpose of such is to learn from those whom you do not see eye to eye, and realize value in all perspectives. 


Trial of Independence


For one year, or an elven week, the Fi’maehr must make themselves home within the wilderness. In this time, they may not speak, write, or communicate with any words to anyone. The Fi’maehr may be around others, but asking for help is prohibited. Like Ohowaki, they will be silent. Proof of such endeavors will be a record of things they see and hear during this time, all observations of descendants and nature they deem interesting enough to note.
Trial of Wisdom

To conclude the trials of the Maehr’uhier, the Fi’maehr must come to learn of the Mani in which they will study under. Return with an apt description of Ohowaki, her teachings, how to pray to her, and so forth. This final act will tie in to the following celebration of your acceptance. Continually, recitement of her primary prayer must be accomplished successfully. It is advised that items of worship are collected during this time, as they will be needed further on.


Rites of Passage





Rite of The Flesh

Ilmyumier has been adopted as part of the Maehr’uhier tradition at the time of forging and so forth. The markings are distinct in both pattern and colour, and must remain consistent. White tattoos are to be worn onto their flesh before the rest of the seed, presenting themselves to the world with the markings of Ohowaki. However, the Maehr’onn may choose the location of their markings, it is common practice to get them on the chest or dominant arm. 
Continually, those who come to be bequeathed the title of Chief are to dawn similar white tattoos across their eyes and the bridge of their nose, coming to a point to resemble the beak of an owl. Others may bare facial marks as well, however they must not resemble the chiefly tattoos while maintaining the pattern and colours.


Rite of The Talon

While combative ability is hardly revered as something sought out, the ability to navigate combat with cunning and wit is something that is encouraged within the Maehr’uhier seed. Because of such, the secondary rite of passage into the seed is to bear a custom forged blade designed by the Fledgling Maehr’onn, forged by themselves or a chosen smith. Typically, the blade is to bear the image of an owl in some form, via feathers, an owl head, or another viable option.

Rite of The Binding

An important rite of community and devotion to seedmates. Wrapping one's wrists and forearms in bandages that have been dipped in herbs of healing, this rite is dedicated not to oneself but those around them. The Maehr’onn wears these bandages to protect their most vital veins upon their wrists, they’re to be worn at all times, however may be changed and rewrapped in private. To remove such bandaging is an action of incredible importance, and is only encouraged to be done exclusively when aiding another who’s in dire need of the healing herbs that aid in recovery. 




A Fledgling Maehr'onn

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When a Fi’maehr, those who commit to taking the trials of the Maehr’uhier, complete their tasks and are fully accepted into the Seed, a celebration is to be held in honour of their accomplishments. 
A show of gratitude too for the new knowledge they may offer.


The celebration shall begin with an offering of thanks to Ohowaki for granting a new scholar to the Seed. 
Each Maehr’onn and above will gather together in silence bearing an item of offering in their hands. The ceremony is to be led by the Fledgling with the aid of the Seeds Sohae’maehr, location subject to change based on how the Fledgling wishes to orient their ceremony. 


Following the ceremony, the Seed may reconvene in another location or remain in that of their prayer. In either resulting setting, the newly graduated Maehr’onn is to share the results of their trials with the Seed so that they may provide knowledge and teach others what they have learned, displaying one of the Seeds Rites

To conclude the celebrations, the formal endeavors may break into a party. The Seed may do so in any way seen fit or preferred by the Fledgling, however the aspect in which a new Maehr’uhier is celebrated for their accomplishment is pertinent.  




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When a wedding is to occur between a Seed member and another of any origin, they may opt to take part in the Maehr’uhier tradition of an orrar’parmayilu, or in common tongue, a bridal hunt. Brought from Bwadi culture into ‘ame, the hunt is to not only act as a premarital celebration, but to build upon existing friendships between both the bride and groom’s companions and further unify the pairs' lives.
Both teams are to be in matching disguises, their appearances hidden from the opposition.


Participants may be same or opposite sex, in the result of a homosexual couple, they must agree on who is given which role.



The side of the groom is effectively in the dark, made reliant on their cunning and problem solving skills to endure the event. 
The Mal’mayilu meet in an enclosed location of their choosing to drink and plan their course of action, while awaiting the end of the prehunt time. 
Following the beginning of the hunt, the Mal’mayilu bear a single task; find the bride. However, doing so comes with challenges to be faced. Members of the Lari’mayilu may be found running about the hunt location, and can be halted by Mal’mayilu to be interrogated. The option of a riddle is presented to the hunter, however engaging in combat may also be chosen should it be wished. If either engagement is successful, the Mal’mayilu is to be given another riddle that pertains to the location of the bride. 
If the Mal’mayilu are successful in locating the bride, they must return her to the husband
In the instance that they are successful in doing so, the Orrar’parmayilu  will be completed and further celebrations such as drinking may ensue.



The side of the bride is that of misdirection, one must utilize skills in outwitting others to keep hidden. 

Prior to the hunt beginning, the Lari’mayilu are to hide the bride away in a secret location, to which they must comprise a series of hints to provide given they are beaten by the mal’mayilu. The bride herself is permitted to leave this location and join the hunt, disguised as another member of the Lari’mayilu, however must return at certain points to maintain function of the hints.

The Lari’mayilu are each given a riddle to tell if they are caught by an opposing Mal’mayilu, however are noted to be prepared for combat.  In the instances in which they are beaten in either scenario, they must both give a hint to their combattant, as well as unmask themselves so that opposing Mal’maiylu don’t pursue them a second time. 

If the bride is found by members of the Mal’maiylu that are not the groom himself, the Lari’maiylu are tasked with hindering their attempts at transporting the bride via combat or other forms of misdirective trickery! If they fail to do so, the Orrar’parmayilu will be completed and further celebrations such as drinking may ensue. 



OOC rundown:

15 minutes are given to the bridal team to hide the bride and come up with hints/riddles

Grooms team may not cheat and google answers

All members are to conceal their identities 

Teams must have equal numbers for fairness

Mal’maiylu have 3 guesses per halt

in any instance where the Mal’maiylu fails, the Lari’maiylu does not have to unmask nor give any hint

In a loss, the Mal’maiylu must wait a full minute before pursuing again

Mal’mailyu may not cheat by checking players identities by crouching 

No use of magic

Defender’s choice of PvP or CRP

For CRP: Honor

Other Mal/Lari may not join in a CRP or PvP once combat is initiated (to keep things fair and moving)





Ooc: If you take interest in joining the seed, feel free to dm me on discord! Periphonics


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Over on the Eastern shores, an avian spy returns from the west - settling back down to it's branched perch with a coo towards a horned druidess. The figure turned and with eyes aglow with the silver sun, a piece of food was offered to the owl as it's begin to chirp and hoot between munching.


Ever so slowly did the woman's brows crease, and discomfort became fury.


"Voidal scum thinks that he may even claim to create a sacred family? How deluded must he be - what sort of fumes has entered his mind?"


"... No matter."


A claw went to gently scratch under the bird's beak with a small sneer blooming across her countenance.

"Nae uvul'thrur ito Bortu illera - they will be dealt with in due time."

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 A Saprophyte's gaze shifted toward a certain druidess, "What the **** are you laughing at?"  @marslol

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