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Sohaer Debate of 113


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The Debate 113 SA





To the citizenry of Haelun’or
Many of our blessed people have stepped forward to take the torch left behind by Kaelan Maeyr’onn, long since laid idle, extinguished. The debate for the next Sohaer will be held on this Amber’s Cold [Monday 3pm est] to find the next bearer of the torch of progress, to lead our people to a brighter future among Atrus Calith, Eistalyn Othelu’maehr and Luthien Maeyr’onn.
After the debate, an entire elven day will be devoted to voting. Each citizen would be given TWO [2] votes.
These votes can be split, abstained, they can be on the same candidate and once the voting has been done, elMaheral and elSuli’ceru will together count the votes. 





-Maheral Seth Calith.


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