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Brandt Barclay looks towards the horizon atop his horse, returning form one of his many searches for these men, who have eluded him after murdering his kinsman. He prays that they present themselves before justice. 


"Blood for Barclay."


He mumbles as he continues his patrol.

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"To arms mein kameraden! Blood for Barclay!" Yvian would bellow raising his blade high as various arms & armour would be dispersed for the sons and daughters of Reinmar from the forges of Minitz. The hunt was on, and the Order of Saint Tylos, at the forefront with their liege lord, to avenge the fallen Ritter of their order.

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Vanhart the Carrot's sole regret was that Little Manny would be too young to partake in the hunt.



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Sir Laurens laughed manically, "I would love to put my cousin's head on a pike. Fuckin' rebel scum. BLOOD FOR BARCLAY!" he says, spitting at the ground and watching as his children played amongst themselves in the halls of Artois. A smirk creeps upon his visage at the mention of avenging the people of the River Petra.

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A rising sun templar raises his katana into the air.



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"Blood for Barclay." the Prince of Sutica stated to a servant who read the missive aloud to him, the man hard at work in refining his smithing craft. "Ein eye for ein eye may make the world go blind, but it ensures the lesson is learnt."

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"Blood price to be paid.." he mumbled to himself after reading the missive, "Somehow this dishonorable cur bears the ancient name of Vilac, yet shows no traits of his honorable ancestors in both looks and actions, shameful." says the Count of Vaška whilst reading through his book on the histories of his house finding a section dedicated the Vilacs and their ancestry.

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Sir Gwendel Vilac tilted his head seeming confused "Who the **** is Teft?"  he shook his head "It seems my sestra's illness as spread to lies.. I wonder what she might have done to the poor man to blame it upon her own blood.. one thing is clear, she's no Vilac"

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Siegfried Barclay reminisced about how he lived with his kin, Teft Barclay, in a small village surrounded by vast forests and rolling hills. Teft was like a brother to Siegfried, and the two of them had mutual respect for each other.


The news reached Siegfried during the Moot of the Reinmaren. He was filled with anger and despair, for Teft was one of his kin.

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Valentin read the paper with a smile, resting his hand loosely upon his sword's pommel. 

"I did tell them didn't I? It wasn't just us going hunting! Vilac, fallen so far."

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"Blood for Barclay"


Ottomar Barclay would continue his patrol alongside his brother Brandt Barclay @MadOne. He'd grip the pommel of his longsword eyeing his surroundings.

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"Verily, Teft Barclay shall be avenged." The Lord Vandalore spoke as he readied his weaponry for the incoming hunt.

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The Duchess of Adria watched as her husband signed the document, nodding swiftly “Blood for blood.”  

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