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Transcript of the Sohaer Debate of 113


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Transcription of the Sohaer Debate, 6th of Amber Cold, 113 SA






Moderator: Seth Calith


          Speaker 1: Atrus Calith

          Speaker 2: Eistalyn Othelu’Maehr

          Speaker 3: Luthien Maeyr’onn

Stenographer: Anara Elervathar


Seth Calith: “Miss Anara will take notes to be on display for those unable to make it today.”
Seth Calith: Initially, I do have questions for the candidates, after such has been answered in an orderly fashion, we should have time for questions between the candidates to each other and from the citizenry. If someone is unable to abide by the rules of requiring permission to speak, on the second offense, they will be escorted out. With that said, let the debate of the year 113 of the Second Age.” And then he added quietly. “And 1.909 In the true age..” He cleared his throat.

Seth Calith: “Begin. The first question is related to a topic I have spent too much time on lately since the retirement of Kaelan, the last Sohaer. That of Foreign Diplomacy. What path should Haelun'or take and why?” He gestured to Atrus.


Atrus gives them a firm nod “As for Diplomacy, an embassy structure must be manufactured, through gathering the most socially skilled citizens and educating them the current interest of the Realm and our Motherland. The ambassadors might be a useful tool in spreading our Will to the outer world. As we all know, the Realm could always collapse, but that only means we must stay strong with our allies. That is my thought.”

Seth Calith gestured to Eistalyn. “And your thoughts on the matter, Eistalyn?”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr cleared her throat, as she shuffled her pile of papers - each meticulously filed. “Isolationism has served Haelun'or well for many generations, hence why it still stands today. However, it has become a more frequent occurrence for citizens to seek knowledge and items from beyond the walls of our blessed city. Just as it has become more common for lliran from other states to visit us.” She would gesture to Obok, if he was still present. “However, I strongly believe this decision should lie in the hands of the citizenry - and not one Mali'aheral. However, if I am required to speak my personal opinion: I would suggest trade routes of varying natures, as well as potential defensive alliances, all in the best interest of the Silver State.”

Seth Calith bobbed his head. “And Luthien, speak of your thoughts before I ask some enlightening questions to delve deeper into the plans the three of you have hammered out.”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “Foreign Diplomacy is a subject I've long deliberated on. Over the past elven week, I have taken this time to nurture our alliances with foreign bodies; let that be proof of my testament today,” Luthien cleared her voice, fingers positioned at either side of her podium, as she would lean forward ever so slightly, “Alas, I believe deliberating with those outside of our Cihi is vital to the flourishing of our nation. Though we, as Mali'thill, should strive to take a stand of neutrality where possible. It is imperative that we strengthen our position and show respect for our teachings. As such, I believe in re-evaluating our pact with Balian, and from there on establish friendships with other foreign allies. Though these agreements will prioritize the mutual exchange of knowledge, it would be foolish to turn our nose entirely at the subject of war and conflict. We will attempt to avoid involving ourselves in a foreign conflict, we will not instigate conflict lest it is absolutely necessary. However, we will have cushions to fall back on. With transparency, our intentions will be made clear and pacts of mutual benefit will be established. In seeking the aid of others, we will provide our own.” She cleared her voice, “That will be my part,” she noted, nodding to Seth.

Seth Calith: “Mhm. Atrus, you spoke of increasing relations. Eistalyn wishes to increase the number of defensive alliances, Luthien, while strengthening our relations, wishes to stand as a neutral bastion, avoiding foreign conflicts. What are the goals of your diplomatic bases in foreign nations?”

Atrus: “To keep in touch with the politics around the realm. Besides Balian there are many more nations, who we could act as allies with. That doesn't include only the War Terms, that is also to surpass the economics. You may not stay neutral while an undead worm is about to consume our world. To produce and sell the Alchemy Wares is what could help our allies to defend the realm and to increase our treasury's wealth. I am done” he stands down.

Seth Calith bobbed his head. “Eistalyn. You wished to increase the number of defensive alliances. Any specific nations which you wished to reach out to?”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “Ne. I am currently unaware who I would align Haelun'or with. That is something that would require intent research and heavy consideration….”

Atrus: “That is why we need ambassadors” he'd nod at her commentary.

Seth Calith bobbed his head and focused upon the last elf! “Luthien, you spoke of neutrality. Such is something which many citizens can raise eyebrows at. As if the threat of war came to Haelun'or, we might not have defensive pacts to pull on. How would you seek to mitigate this?”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “As I said, war and conflict is not a matter we would neglect. While we would attempt to stand neutral in the petty conflicts of foreign bodies, we would establish cushions upon which we could fall, in the case the need arises within our very walls,” She rose a finger, “As such, I implied the establishment of defensive pacts that would be beneficial to both ourselves and our allies. We cannot expect to take without giving, but neither can they. Something, such as the agreement we have created with Balian, is ultimately unacceptable.” Clearing her voice, Luthien would further elaborate, “an article in the mentioned missive states, that while we are expected to aid them in the conflicts they have instigated, whilst they are not expected to return the favor. How can we possibly be perceived as equal if we cannot stand our ground?” Drawing in a deep breath, she would pause for a moment, “But I digress. The very foundations of these friendships I seek to establish, I believe will play a role in the willingness of our allies to take a stand at our side in times of need. After all, would one not defend a friend should the need arise?” She concluded finally, “Establishing superficial defensive pacts will not guarantee longevity, good relationships will.”

Seth Calith: “Eistalyn, there have been many vacant positions within the government. It has hindered the internal progress in recent years, truthfully the council still bears wounds from the time of the island, prior to your return to your home. What, if anything, would you do to the internal government to solve such a problem? The same questions will be asked to you as well, Luthien and Atrus.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “The Silver Council has remained a functional part of the city for the majority of its history. However, for that majority the council has been prone to complacency and tends to disregard ‘Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya’.Whilst some use their motivations to aid the state, others simply wait for another to uproot a prevalent issue that they had initially observed but had otherwise overlooked despite their position.” The elfess’ gaze would drift to her left, before returning to Seth.  “I believe positions must be reviewed more frequently and thoroughly, should one fall victim to burn out, then other members of the council - especially the Tilruir, who’s positions are notably absent. In conclusion: For the council to work effectively, I believe all positions must be filled and work together collaboratively to share the burdens they must carry.”

Seth Calith bobbed his head as she spoke. “Luthien.”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “I believe a primary problem lies in the responsibilities expected of our councilors. I am of the opinion that some of the positions that comprise our government are unnecessary. Namely, I would seek to absolve the position of Okarir'maehr, and Okarir'hiylun. These two positions would be reformed beneath elOkarir'mali, and granted a role akin to Tilruir, who would in turn function as a group of advisors to the council; an outside opinion of sorts, mind you, from those outside of the council. I believe this would significantly lighten the burden on the council to fill its seats while giving the position of Tilriur a more significant and active role as a counterbalance,” she paused, the pads of her fingers tapping at her podium. “Our Okarir'mali would be expected to ensure these new positions are filled. As one would with any other Tilruir. It is my intention to review the anatomy of our council more thoroughly, and I can promise further changes than discussed today once it is thoroughly dissected,” she raised a finger, “In addition, it leads me to another matter. One I briefly addressed in my opening statement. By clarifying the responsibilities of each and every government-aligned position, we guarantee only organization and a more efficient system. In light of this, Responsibilities will be clarified, expanded upon, and ultimately changed.” Ending her statement there, she nodded to the Maheral, indicating her silence.

Seth Calith: “And Atrus, speak of your thoughts on the matter as well.”

Atrus hums out, nodding “Before Government solves the problems within the Motherland, one must solve the problem within the Government itself. I believe the structure of Okariran must be completely reworked, as it mostly follows the ideas of the past. And don't get me wrong, traditionalism is what keeps us Mali'Thilln, yet having some of the council roles just because they were once relevant, does not mean they should be used today. I believe my statement only approves the thoughts of my opponents. Yet, the role of Okarir, or their Tilruir, does need to receive enough motivation for the greater good. Giving everything to our Motherland is clearly a pure deed, but what Motherland will give Us, really? The answer to that is my long-time project.” He'd give nod as he has finished.

Seth Calith: “And with the matter of Diplomacy and internal government being asked. We are as always supposed to seek the new ways of building on top of the old, improving the life of the future. Are there other new projects you would bring to the city? Luthien, we will start with you.”

Nodding, Luthien would clear her voice, clasping her hands upon the podium, “A project I have, for a time, deliberated upon, was the establishment of a harsher process to our citizenship requirements. Should one wish to be granted such permit to reside within our walls, they will be required to attend a lecture on our societal norms, culture, history and etiquette. Regardless of race, subrace, gender or age, they will all be extended the same opportunity. How can we expect those who are newly arrived to understand if they have not been taught? In order to nurture respect, we must first educate. Only upon the completion of this lecture, will they be granted citizenship. That, I believe, Is a project I have made known in my missive,” Though for a moment, Luthien would pause, the Mali would swiftly proceed into a separate answer, “Of course, that is not the only project I've in mind. That brings me to the matter of taxes,” Luthien began, “Throughout our history, we have provided for our people housing with no charge. Should they lose their home, unable to upkeep these payments, what would then occur? Would they be forced to live in the street? To depart from our Cihi - their home - and live amongst lessers just so they are afforded a bed to sleep in?” After allowing this to sit for a passing moment, Luthien would proceed with her closing statement, “Ne, we should not expect that of them, their protection is why our silver cihi stands in the first place to provide both a home for our kin, and a place where they may freely adhere to Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. What I imply is working towards the removal of taxes, if at least for Mali'thill.” Once more, she nodded, “That is all.”

Seth Calith bobbed his head. “Atrus, please enlighten us of your answer to the same question.”

Atrus: “Let's see” he hums out “I do have a few social projects I have been working on for a while. One of them, for example, is a social-point system, for the generous motivation of our people, as for every citizen must benefit to our most blessed Motherland. We wish for ne unemployed parasites to taint our society. Every Job is thankful, if you're motivated enough. Be that labour or a poet, if their routine is to follow Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, their work wouldn't be left unremarkable.” Atrus adjusts his glasses as he finishes.

Seth Calith: “And Eistalyn. Do speak your mind on the same question.” He asked the elfess after Atrus did his animu move.

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr seemed to beam at the question, shuffling through her paperwork to retrieve her notes! “Most certainly! I believe it is necessary to distribute knowledge evenly amongst the Citizenry of Haelun’or. The classes held within the library are a perfect example of such a distribution - however they are infrequent and lack variety. As a result, I would like to create a structured system for classes that allow the Citizenry and Guests alike to vote on topics they would like to discuss during their next class - they will be offered three subjects to choose from that shall rotate for each class. These classes will include written knowledge, as they currently do, such as: Alchemy, Magic, History and Law. However, I would also like to add additional classes that focus on smithing, carpentry painting and other forms of crafting - as well as physical activities such as dance. Afterall our purity does not stop at our mind but extends to our bodies as well. Finally! I am also of the belief that our blessed Citizenry are deprived of leisurely activity, and notably do not tend to their mental health as they do their physical health. Thus, I would like to provide public events ranging in aesthetic and subject to encourage Mali’thill to not only converse with each other but also to nurture their minds just as they strengthen them.”

Seth Calith: “And as a final question from me, Atrus. What experience do you have with leadership?”

Atrus: “As for government work, I have been serving the Silver State as a councilor for almost ten years. That's nothing, to the age of Mali. But that is much longer than some Mali ever stayed in their position due their inactivity or burnouts.  But as for the Leadership…” he would face the stone machine. “Fi'lareh, occupy the very center of this room and define the most goal of every Mali'thill.”
Atrus would nod shortly “Which is the Most Important Unit?”
Atrus: “Right. What will you, Golem, do for the benefit of Motherland and elMali'thilln?” He perks his brow.
Atrus: “Mhm… And I expect the same expression from every Patriot of our great Nation” he'd finish his turn with a firm nod.
Atrus: “Return to previous command, Larry, thank you.”
Fi'lareh: “TI '' the golem sat down on the bench again with a bang.

Seth Calith sighed loudly as the golem removed itself from the floor, relaxing a little at distance. “Eistalyn- And please don't make someone step upon the floor behind me..”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr inhaled sharply, discarding her paperwork before her and looking to face the audience with a pleasant smile - evidently anxious. “Admittedly, I am the least experienced of all the candidates… That is something I am well aware of, and also something I do not wish to conceal. I am simply the head of my household, and a Tilruir’tir, that is all. However, my initial intention was never to take the position of Sohaer.I intended to provoke thought amongst my kin, in hopes that the position of Sohaer may finally be filled and the current issues of our state, like those discussed today, may be resolved. I took the initiative of my own accord, regardless of my lack of experience. I shall always severe Haelun’or whether that be as a Citizen, Tilruir, Okarir or Sohaer. I shall always serve Haelun’or as it is my sanctuary, my home and I care for it dearly. Should my kin deem me worthy of this honour then I shall work tirelessly, learning from my experiences and my kin alike.” concluded, nodding her head respectfully.

Atrus nods approvingly of her commentary.

Seth Calith bobbed his head. “And Luthien?”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “I return to elCihi in the cusps of liberation from the Fennic occupation. The moment we regained control of our home, I took a position as Tilruir under an elOkarir'nor, and not long after did I gain a seat in the council under that very same position. For about 35 years, I served the council as Okarir'nor. When the position was first granted to me, there were many things to do. All forms of paperwork were gone; and so I had to reform everything from the bottom. The citizenship policies and the form you all likely filled to join our citizenry. I reformed our ledgers and taxes, and did so again when we transitioned into the land we call home today. I named the streets you see today, and for a time maintained the very same position. For a short period thereafter, I served as Okarir'mali, though made no notable advancements before stepping down to create a family,” She nodded to her daughter, Ahtalara, “This is something I have long deliberated, that is why I stand upon this podium today after much time.”

Seth Calith: “Ahernan. I do believe we have some time for questions- Please raise a hand and you will be able to ask one question, be it to one candidate or all.”

Seth Calith: “This includes you, citizenry.”

Stelios Kekenomos Hyptos Raises his hand.

Seth Calith: “Stelios!”

Stelios Kekenomos Hyptos: “Ahernan. This is a question for Eistalyn, as she has a heightened sense of purity.” He stood, addressing her. “How will your deeds and aims seek to not just have those blessed of our cihi recognized, but also celebrated? I ask you how you intend to spread our ways to the unfortunate numbers of impure, cursed to their fate by mere ignorance. Do you have plan to reach them?”

Atrus frowns upon Stelios, clicking his tongue quietly.

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr hummed softly, leaning forward on her podium. “I believe those who have proven their purity to the state should be honoured with public social gatherings, as well as perhaps a trinket and as mentioned in my missive non-substantial titles. For recognition and nothing more. As for impures… whilst I do not believe it to be my place to involve myself in the affairs of foreign impures, for those who previously resided in Haelun'or and intend to redeem themselves I believe they should be given the chance to do so - as that is the purpose of banishment over death, it signals they are not past redemption.”

Finding the answer suitable, Stelios sits down quietly. “Ahernan.”

Anara Elervathar would raise her right hand, the elfess still writing notes with her left, patiently waiting to be called upon.

Seth Calith nodded. “I see Anara has a question as well.”

Anara Elervathar: “Ahernan, Seth” she'd nod, pausing briefly in her writing to turn to the dias “I would like to extend a question similar in nature to all of the candidates,” she'd look first at Atrus, her eyes trailing down the line “For simplicity sake, you may answer in descending order, or pass if you have nothing to add on the subject.” She'd pause, taking a breath, glancing at Stelios before she looked back to the front “How would you like to maintain our longstanding traditions of purity? For example, we've long had cultural rules pertaining to exposing one's limbs and torso in dress, aside for when deemed necessary. I wonder if you consider it an issue that some people ignore this standard? And what you might do to amend this affront to decency?”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr glances at the other two.

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “Ahernan for the question, Anara,” she nodded, “I believe this issue is as simple as a lack of education, how can one be audacious enough to expose unnecessary amounts of flesh and still call themselves pure? I believe making our standing on fashion clear and going out of our way to educate these poor souls in proper wear is the only approach we reasonably need. Should this aid be denied, then…well, that is telling of their purity, and we all know what route is to be taken from there. This would be one of the many subjects addressed during the introductory lecture I mentioned prior. Namely, the introduction of new citizens into elCihi.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr furrowed her brows, considering the topic extensively. “I believe so long as the individual does not break the laws there is no need to enforce how they dress… our purity is not to be used as a means of control….”

Atrus: “If you please, as an elf of modern fashion I am against body-modifications and against exposing the body parts. I understand some may follow their own culture, but as for standards, every well built structure has a uniform. Like elSillumiran,for example. Every of them could've been an individual, but for the greater view of their discipline, they all look akin. As for citizenry, why barely hide your flesh and bones, when you may decorate yourself with the best silk garms around the silver state. There's inner beauty within all of us, but the appearance must be consistent with the content. And again, we've had incidents of sexual harassment including the nudity. The answer is obvious.” He'd adjust his stylish beret made by his llir Elarhil.

Seth Calith: “Any other questions?”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr rose her hand. “I had a few, two I believe.”

Seth Calith: “I believe we can have time for that with no others raising hands.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “Should anyone else like to ask questions?”

Seth Calith: “I hope that wasn't one of the two-.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “No, it was not.” She laughs light-heartedly. Then she turned her attention to Luthien. “You raised many great points, llir. Both my questions are intended for you should you like to answer them. The first, if you are to absolve two councilor positions and move them under one, how will that reduce the work and stress on that councilor? Further more will their Tillruir receive any reimbursement for the excess work they are completing? And Finally, If you choose to abolish taxes, how will you financially support Haelun'or?”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “With pleasure,” she noted, her head turned to Eistalyn to offer a nod. Thereafter, she would address the gathering, “To address your first question,” Luthien began, “It is simple. Currently, elOkarir'hiylun and elOkarir'maehr are not entrusted with nearly as many responsibilities as the other seats of the council. Their duties would be no different than any other Tilruir. For instance, why is the Tilruir who runs our parlour not compensated?” She proceeded, “My goal is to establish the distribution of work beneath elOkarir'mali, he would have no further burden beyond serving as an overseer to these positions. If our Okarir'mali is doing their job properly, of ensuring their Tilruirs are fulfilling their duties and of ensuring these positions are filled, then the change will not prove to be any more weight upon their shoulders,” After a moment, Luthien would then address the following topic, “As for the next question,” she clasped her hands, “I believe we already have other forms of income. For instance the Casino, and Alchemy. Nonetheless, the very subject of the project would be to work towards the abolition of taxes. They would not be absolved prematurely or without preparation.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “But you have no current preparations? It is merely a concept, correct?”

Seth Calith: “The casino almost matches the income from taxes.” He noted.

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “Ne, I do. First I intend to establish donations, with which incentive will be provided. I will expand on foreign trade, as I made note of earlier, and with this will find other sources of income in selling products from within our wall. We have no short supply of alchemists and mages to fulfill this. Nonetheless, for centuries prior to the taxation system, Haelun'or has thrived without it. I seek to return to those roots.”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “Understood, thank you for your elaboration, llir!”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “Itone, your questions are more than welcome,” she nodded.

Seth Calith: “I believe that was all?”

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr: “Ti.”

Luthien Maeyr'onn: “I have nothing to add on my end” she confirmed.

Seth Calith: “In that case. I will disband this debate! Two missives will be posted within a hour! One of which explains the voting process, which will be guarded with two Sillumiran. The other a transcript. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya!!”




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