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[✗] [World Lore] - Greywood Trees / Silver wood


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Grey Wood (Raw form)

The Greywood tree is a tree found near frozen seas in the far north, sprouting up where most things will not grow. Usually being planted within the freezing water itself. sporting long branches with gentle blue grey leaves, the area around the tree usually sprouts soft white grass that is frozen and cold to the touch- enough to give one minor frostbite should they not cover their skin, though losing such heat when picked and becoming mundane. The trunk of the tree usually sits around -200f taking in the essence from the frozen area around it, making it hard as rock and almost impossible to cut. If one touched the trunk unprepared they would be subject to intense frostbite almost immediately


Applications (Raw Form)

The raw form of Greywood does not have much use besides being very cold and heavy to lug around- being very cold to hold and being double the weight of a normal branch. The branch itself is flame resistant and not of much use without proper refining.


Red Lines (Raw Form)

  • Slightly stronger than any normal wood before refinement as the bark is still on.
  • The material can not be used in raw form.
  • Extremely heavy due to the bark being on it, about double that of normal wood. Sits at around -75f Heat resistant and can not be burned by heats lower than 1000f in this form


Harvesting Method

When harvesting from a Greywood tree one must be very careful to only go for the smaller branches as the cold spreads through the tree; they are the weakest part and are possible to cut, though difficult. If one attempts to cut the trunk they would simply be unable even with a heated weapon, the frost within being too cold. The tool itself must be heated to the point of glowing orange (1000f) so it can counteract the coldness permeating from the branches. Though the most important part when harvesting from the tree is that all skin is covered so shards coming from the bark when the chopping is being done does not come in contact with skin. If contact is made it shall cut and freeze into the skin, giving major frostbite.


Desc example of a cut branch: ‘A branch of a tree from the frozen north, extremely heavy to hold with deep grey hues run throughout the bark, such very cold to the touch. The inner part of the wood would be a gentle silver color with spots of light blue veins looking like they are made of ice.’


Harvesting Red Lines

  • One must cut off the branches of the tree as that is where the cold is least prevalent.
  • A heated weapon must be used, though simply being on fire would not be enough as the tree is resistant to such things- a proper heated weapon to the point of an almost bright orange hue is needed
  • The harvesting of Greywood trees must be taught through roleplay and is not common knowledge, though this is possible to learn through trial and error
  • One can not harvest more than 2 branches per person due to the weight
  • If one attempts to gather from the tree not using this method then they shall simply be unable to cut the tree with a non-heated tool, continued attempts would brittle and break the tool.


Silver Wood (Refined Form)

When properly refined and skinned, the bark taken off, the wood itself shall have a gentle silver color with light blue veins going all throughout it, looking like ice.


Applications (Refined Form)

When refined the wood takes on a much lighter weight, the heavy bark removed so it can be used with ease. Along with this when properly refined the wood shall be resistant to heat up to 1000f, be it mundane or magical. The wood itself will keep much of the same properties it had when attached to the tree, being extremely cold to the touch and giving frostbite to skin exposed, thanks to this it is able to make normal weapons brittle and possibly break with constant contact.


Red Lines (Refined Form)

  • It is impossible to make this into armor as it would give frostbite to the wearer even through insulation given enough time.
  • Not any stronger than regular wood
  • If metal is placed on the wood it shall become cold and brittle, breaking apart on contact. (Thanium is able to be placed on it as it is cold resistant though it would add no additional effects to either.)
  • Once refined the Silver Wood creation loses some of its strength due to the loss of the bark and removal from the tree, being the strength of regular wood and being able to be cut or destroyed as any wooden tool could.
  • The refined creation is able to withstand heats up to 1000f
  • To hold anything made of Silver Wood the skin must be covered in the contacted area and the gloves or coat be insulated heavily to avoid frostbite. (Athin Treating also works). Frostbite is given after 2 emotes of direct skin contact.
  • Metals will slowly become brittle as they come in contact with the wood, should one be in contact for more than 3 emotes in a row or 6 over an encounter, the weapon being used may break. If the silver wood is made into a shield it will break like any other wooden shield with enough force put on it


Refining Technique

To refine Silver wood properly one must use a heated tool of at least 1000f to slowly skin the bark from the wood, shaping it or carving it as desired, when the bark is removed it will reveal sap underneath that must be stored for later- throughout the process it should be done in a room kept cold or at room temperature to keep the essence of the frost within the wood- once finished carving into the shape wished for it will be dunked and left to rest for 1 OOC day in freezing water before being able to properly be heat resistant against magical or mundane fire. Should this not be done the creation will lose its essence of frost and become like normal wood after 1 OOC day. It must be noted that when removing the wood from the freezing water it should be done with tongs as placing your hand within the cold water will lead to frostbite. When the soaked wood is taken out it should be covered in the sap taken from under the bark, coating it and letting it sit for 1 more OOC day- this will finalize the process in keeping the frost in and the ability to withstand heated temperatures when away from the cold temperatures.


Refining Red Lines

  • If the material is not carved in a room that is cold or at room temperature the essence of frost will not stay within and the material is ruined and must be trashed
  • If the material is not left to rest for 1 OOC day in freezing water the material will be ruined even if in a freezing room and must be trashed
  • If the final covering in the sap is not completed than the material will not be properly treated be as useless as normal wood.
  • If the carving is done with a non-heated tool the metal will simply be unable to properly scratch the wood and the metal would become cold and brittle
  • The bark becomes like regular bark and loses its strength when removed from the main tree
  • One must be covered as the process is done or risk being harmed by shards of bark hitting exposed skin and causing frostbite
  • Gloves must be worn when working with the wood
  • The refining of Greywood trees must be taught through roleplay and is not common knowledge


Purpose (OOC)


The reason for this specific lore piece is because I see many different materials that are metal or ‘act like metal’ when refined (I.E Ironwood). There are not many wooden materials that can be used in a special way while still being a non-metal or metal mimicking material. I believe it will add another element for crafting rp outside of smithing rp and hopefully add more woodworking and the like into the server. Along with this I hope for this to be a catalyst to add more interesting materials into the server that can be made into weapons or tools that do not come from metals or the like, giving the ability for those who rp as not using metal or unable to use metal another avenue for rp and crafting rp.


LOG haha


- Edited refining method, people said it was too close to Ironwood.


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3 minutes ago, Lhindir_ said:

The edit LOG 

I love wood

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Show a build example, if it's cool enough to cultural appropriate into my roleplay culture then +1

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Trees? I like trees +1

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wow, the lore writing diversity and unique concepts, from you? we luv to see it! 



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Hey there, thanks for making this great lore! A few questions:

1. How does this interact with Daemonsteel, either in raw or refined form, given the temperature based properties of both. Could imbued grey/silverwood in a weapon permanently chill the daemonsteel? Would heated daemonsteel be easier to harvest grey wood with?

2. Is the two branch limit due to standard descendant strength? Or would orcs, golems, etc; be able to harvest more?


3. Could arrows of Silver Wood for the body (and possily the arrowhead as well) be made, if so how, how many, with what limits, and would they have the same effect as the standard silver wood redlines?

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1 hour ago, Mannamannaa said:

Hey there, thanks for making this great lore! A few questions:

1. How does this interact with Daemonsteel, either in raw or refined form, given the temperature based properties of both. Could imbued grey/silverwood in a weapon permanently chill the daemonsteel? Would heated daemonsteel be easier to harvest grey wood with?

2. Is the two branch limit due to standard descendant strength? Or would orcs, golems, etc; be able to harvest more?


3. Could arrows of Silver Wood for the body (and possily the arrowhead as well) be made, if so how, how many, with what limits, and would they have the same effect as the standard silver wood redlines?

Hey there! Thanks for the questions:


1. It could indeed chop it easier when heated, in terms of daemon steel it could be used though depending on how applicable it is I would think about adding redlines to avoid a 'permanent chill' simply for balancing purposes. Though it could make it cold to the touch, it would not give the steel the same effect as the wood itself.


2. The limit is there simply to make sure there is not a mass over saturation- it would also be harder for the ST as this is planned as a nodded material to base it off race. 


3. It is possible though it would be terribly inefficent as the weight difference with the arrows would make them quite wild unless properly weighed- though in short, yes it is possible and would be more applicable to bolts from crossbows if anything. It would also follow current rules on # of arrows made from other metals

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pog material for my ghost to work with, i would 100% make a bow from this if its accepted [and yes, more fancy wood, give me reason to do wood working ghost rp] +1

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On 2/23/2023 at 6:49 PM, Puglord said:

pog material for my ghost to work with, i would 100% make a bow from this if its accepted [and yes, more fancy wood, give me reason to do wood working ghost rp] +1

That's the plan! I hope if this goes well to work on more funny wood (haha) that can be used for mundane things aswell!

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