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[✗] [Invention] - Halfling Crossbow


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Halfling Crossbow

This weapon is much smaller than the basic Hand Drawn Crossbow but still technically falls under the same category because it can be drawn by hand without the need for mechanical assistance. The Halfling Crossbow is usually about the length of an average man’s forearm, though there is a great variety of sizes in this subcategory of Crossbows. The bow portion is often 2/3 that length when strung. It was originally created to be a one handed ranged weapon that could be concealed. Due to the simple design, many versions were created including some very light draw weight crossbows that are toys for children. The unique feature that sets this class of crossbow apart from the rest is a bolt retention device and a release mechanism that utilizes a spring to hold the string in place before firing. This allows the crossbow to be stored loaded for quick deployment and use. Another feature is a guard or cover for the release mechanism to prevent accidental discharge when the crossbow is stored loaded.

The over all design varies based on the craftsman who makes it but some come with a shortened stock having a downward turned handle portion at the back that incorporates a release mechanism. Others have the stock straight and thin all the way back so it sits flat against the body under the user’s garbs. Smaller ones have been mounted onto gauntlets or bracers but those have such weak draw weight they are hardly useful.


Halfling Crossbow


-2 emotes to use. One to draw the weapon from concealment and one to aim and shoot.


-Can be reloaded and shot in another 2 emotes.


- 5-50lb draw weight.

  • There are 3 classes of Halfling Crossbows. Toy, Lite, and Standard.

  • Toy draw weight: 5-15lbs

    • Can not cause any harm.

  • Lite draw weight: 16-30lbs

    • Can only penetrate light clothing and cause non-lethal injuries though if it hits soft tissue, eyes or throat may be life threatening.

  • Standard draw weight: 31-50lbs

    • Can penetrate multiple layers of clothing and at the highest draw weight can pierce leather.


- Materials for the stock are most often wood but can be made from other equally sturdy material if so desired. The bow for Toy and Light class can be made from a strong and flexible wood or metal but the Standard class must be made from metal.


- The mechanism used to hold and release the string must include a spring to help prevent accidental release when stored loaded.


- 15 block range.


- Usable on horseback.



Red Lines


- The design of the Crossbow is up to the craftsman. These are not mass produced items and therefore left open to creativity. The only features they must have is a bolt retention device (spring, wooden flap, ect.) so that it can be stored loaded, a trigger guard or something of the sort and a spring in the release mechanism that prevents it from discharging wile stored.


- Halfling Crossbows can not penetrate armor of any kind.


- The Crossbow must have listed in the description the length of bolt it uses as there is no standard bolt size for these unique Crossbows. The bolt size is allowed to vary depending on the designer. Use a named crossbow for the final product.



- To use a Halfling Crossbow you must have the proper size bolts in your inventory. They require 8 sticks, 8 feathers, and 1 ingot of Iron for 8 bolts. They then must be named with a description specifying their length. Use named arrows for the final product.


- This weapon is for crp and rp only because PvP use would be more powerful than the rp version.


- At the end of the description the craftsman must put a standard list of attributes using this format for ease of use in rp. Class: [toy, lite, standard] [draw weight], bolt: [length of bolt in cm]




Purpose (OOC)


My inspiration for this device was the Derringer pistol. It is a small two shot pistol that the wealthy and well to do gamblers carried on themselves discreetly. It gave them comfort knowing they had a way to defend themselves if necessary without the need to carry the usual heavier armament. This is not a pistol, it is a heavily nerfed crossbow. The idea was for nobility and those with means to be able to carry them because they will be costly to buy and the bolts must all be custom made. They could also be used by bandits or ne’er-do-wells.








Edited by Danjahb29
Newest draft
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Isn't this this just, I don't know, a hand crossbow? 

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Yes. Basically. But no one makes it or sells it soooo…..

Halflinh Crossbow!


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Wonderful lore! I love this idea, and have a few questions...


-Would bolts made with alternate heads than iron/steel be possible? Such as gold tipped/slayersteel to harm certain undead, or maybe if someone really wanted ST mats?


-can additives like Frost Salt/Flame Salve be put on these bolts?


-Are there any specific strings/parts needed to make a design this introcate, such as springs?


-How would one repair the more intricate parts if the weapon is damaged?


Ok that's all I can think of for now, I love this and appreciate the Invention posting! +1!

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Thought this was a device for utilizing halflings as angry projectiles, how dare you play with my emotions like this

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15 minutes ago, Danjahb29 said:


OOHHH! Missed opportunity!!

That would be the Halfling cannon. 


 I need to create a halfling war-force prepared to be shot out of specialized cannons

Edited by Qctho
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5 hours ago, Mannamannaa said:

Wonderful lore! I love this idea, and have a few questions...


-Would bolts made with alternate heads than iron/steel be possible? Such as gold tipped/slayersteel to harm certain undead, or maybe if someone really wanted ST mats?


-can additives like Frost Salt/Flame Salve be put on these bolts?


-Are there any specific strings/parts needed to make a design this introcate, such as springs?


-How would one repair the more intricate parts if the weapon is damaged?


Ok that's all I can think of for now, I love this and appreciate the Invention posting! +1!

I was thinking whatever you can do to a normal crossbow bolt you can do to the custom bolts. 

As far as design I thought I would leave that open for creative designs. As long as it doesn’t exceed the limits listed.  

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With some refinement, this could be a really funny and productive addition to our current lineup. I like the vibes you've got going here. 

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