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On the Role of Blah in Orc Society


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On the Role of Blah in Orc Society

A study by Gharak, for San'Velku Library of Theruz, year 115 of the Second Age

A work based on books studied in the libraries of Minitz and Lurin


This is a translation of the book bearing the same name, and will also serve as an OOC-saved version of the book. Still, I strongly advise you try and read the book ingame and, if you dare, in Blah.





Blah is a staple of orc culture. Yet, some question its use, and advocate for use of common even among orcs.

This book, written in defence of the Blah, will try to answer the simple question:

What is the role of Blah in orc society?


I] On Language


A simple and naive approach to language would be to say: its use is to communicate!

Sure, language in all its forms is intended to  "communicate with [one's] peers and loved ones"¹.

Here, people are expected to tell the truth.

Yet, with speech comes a choice:

To speak the truth or to speak lies.

Some religions² deem truth to be morally better, and describe speech as a way "to share the Truth".
Yet, they can also allow lies "when the Lie protects [a] Life".


So, are not all lies bad?

Stories are another common lies. Nobody thinks them to be truth, and the further they are from reality, the more we like them.

In fact, good lies, or deceptions, can even be a source of pride³.


Good lies are a proof that speech has not one, but many uses.

¹The Basics of Sign Language: Book I by Juniper Rose
²Sannleikurinn by Haeshakomeu
³The Silly Art of Speech by Lanre


II] To Speak Blah


The understanding of the origin of Blah is often as follows:
Because of tusks, which "impeeds their ability to speak common", orcs "have developed their own Dialect for Common".

Though rooted in some truth, this theory is rather inaccurate.


Yes, orc tusks shaped the Blah. But the Blah is not a modified common.

It is not a modified yet identical language, like how we may make a small, but otherwise perfectly normal sword for a child.

Az Quaz noted themselves in the same book, "there are words in [orc] vocabulary which are unique".

This fact alone proves that Blah doesn't exist solely for the sake of the pronounciation.


In fact, there is another hypothesis to explain the apparition of Blah.


Another theory suggests that gods gave races "different tongues to speak, so they might never communicate".

This, of course, is at the opposite of the expected function of language. Could language be a tool to prevent discussion andcommunication?


This may feel like a betrayal, but I think the true function of the Blah lies here.

A Study of the Orcs of Mau'Madur by Quaz the Explorer
The Grand Story by Shaanti


III] Social Tribes


To understand this function of Blah, one must understand the concept of Tribes.

Descendants are, in their core, social animals. This means we require social interactions to stay healthy.
Everyone needs to belong to live.


Belong to what? Depending on context and culture, it may be family, land, religion… Usually a mix of those.

Any group of people bound by something they share is a Tribe.

Tribes create feelings of friendship and camaraderie between its members.


So, how does one strengthen the feeling of tribe, of belonging?
A method to define us, is to define them.
Who are we? Not them!

So, who are we? Who are the orcs?
We are the orcs, who speak the Blah and are closer to the spirits!


The blah, as a marker of identity, creates an identity of pride, a family, camaraderie.
Being united is being stronger, so Blah makes orcs stronger.

Blah is close to Old Blah, the language of spirits.




Language has uses people do not expect.
Speech is ambiguous, and it can serve one purpose and it's opposite.

Among those uses is that of dividing descendants into groups that speak the same language.


Those small groups then become tribes, and orcs are no exception with Blah.
This is not to say orcs would not be united without Blah.
But it makes them more united.

It is no secret that unity gives strength, as such Blah makes orcs stronger.


Edited by Gomoore
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Wonderful post, will reply IRPly soon! Also I am crying because my IC Blah post wasn't referenced but that's all good XD


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