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How a Ker Almost Caused a War - Act II


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Act II - The Fudgelling Rex



Act I - Dark Beginnings - 



A fudgel is defined as

'To pretend to work in reality one is not doing anything'

As a living breathing thing above a certain level of intelligence you will always want to feel like you are doing better. The Rex that leads you today is a mortal, although he sees others around him as lessers he is the same as the rest of us. 

Relations between Nor’asath and The Iron Horde looked like they were steadily improving, more finding Darkspawn & Voidal Mages meant the two nations had to work together to do everything they can to destroy these blights.


I joined Borok & Qudlia on a spirit walk where we ended up in the realm of Scorthuz, the Greater Immortal Spirit of Cleansing, Purity & Purging in a land of sand and glass. Dûthsharkû, the Lesser Immortal Spirit of Orkish Purity met with us. Borok tried to pact with this spirit to get more strength and power to fight against darkspawn. After much back and forth, deliberating and denial the rex finally seemingly learnt the errors of his ways of using the spirits as a weapon for his greatness instead of what they should be, worshipped and respected. Dûthsharkû's statement which stood out to me the most was:

“You come before me with a thirst for power. A quest to add another weapon to your collection. You lie, you use, you cheat.”

Seeking redemption and a change in his ways, Borok left the Jusmia clan hall a new Uruk on his quest to reformation. The Ker saw that unfortunately this was not to be the case very quickly.

Act III is where it all unfolds.

Edited by Muppet
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A goblin looks upon this missive, quirking a brow at the apparent eventual THIRD act, "Quit rep farming agh juz releaze da zkahin' hole ting."

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5 minutes ago, Privet said:

A goblin looks upon this missive, quirking a brow at the apparent eventual THIRD act, "Quit rep farming agh juz releaze da zkahin' hole ting."



I was actually recommended against posting a 1200 word post and cut it up to make it more digestable by a few different people. Who cares about rep?


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