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The Waldenian Dialect


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The Waldenian Dialect



The ‘th’ replacement is interchangeable with a ‘z’ sound or a ‘d’ sound. It depends on the person, most Waldenian peoples prefer the ‘z’ or ‘zh’ sound. As for the suffixes of words, ones that end with a ‘d’, will usually be replaced with the much harder sound of a ‘t’. Consonants like these are typically made much harsher by a native Waldenian speaker.

Sound Transformations:
w -> v or vh
th -> z or zh
tr -> tw
sh -> sch

Keep in mind that this is a fantasy language and I want to be original whilst also using the dialect most Waldenian players already use. Only some words will be derived from the German language, some taking inspiration from the germanic language family as a whole. 


Common Words:

Hello - Hallo

Goodbye (formal) - Auf Wiedersehen

Goodbye (informal) - Tschüss

Thank You - Danke

Please - Bitte

Yes - Ja

No - Nein

Not - Nicht

Okay - Oke

Sure - Gewiss

I’m Sorry - Tut mir leid

I - Ich

Me - Mich

My - Mein

You - Du

Your - Ihr

It - Das


Common Colours:

Red - Rot

Orange - Orange

Yellow - Gelb

Green -Grun

Blue - Blau

Purple - Lila

Pink - Rosa

White - Weiss

Grey - Grau

Black - Schwarz

Brown - Braun


Peerage and Titles:

Emperor; Empress - Kaiser; Kaiserin 

King; Queen - König; Königins

Prince; Princess - Prinz; Prinzessin

Duke; Duchess - Herzog; Herzogin

Margrave; Margravine - Markgraf; Markgräfin

Count; Countess - Graf; Gräfin

Landgrave; Landgravine - Landgraf; Landgräfin

Viscount; Viscountess -Vicomte; Vicomtesse

Baron; Baroness - Freiherr; Freiherrin

Knight; Dame  - Ritter; Dame



Father - Vater

Mother - Mutter

Brother - Brudder; Brutter

Husband - Husbent

Uncle - Onkle

Aunt - Tante

Nephew - Neffe

Niece - Nichte


Miss(es) - Frau

Mister - Meister
Girl - Maedchen
Boy - Junge


Sentence Structure:

A; An - Ein

Is - Ist

Of - Uff 

With - Vitt

And - Und



Lord - Herr

Young Lord - Junker

Noble - Edle; Edler

Morning - Morgen

Noon - Mittag

Evening - Abend

Night - Nacht

Good - Gut; Gutte

Love - Liebe

Idiot - Horst

Helpless - Dulli

Cute - Putzig

Please - Bitte

House - Haus

Cat - Katze

Dog - Hund

Puppy - Welpe

Coffee - Kafe

Awkward - Awkwert

Soldier - Soldaten

Church - DOM

Wonderful - Vunderbar

Mouse - Maus

Bird - Vogle

Rabbit - Kaninchen

Chicken - Huhn

Cow - Kuh

Pig - Schwein

Sheep - Schaf

Lamb - Lamm

Frog - Frosch

I’m hungry - Ich habe hunger

Tired - müde

To hurt physically - Verletzen

To hurt mentally - Kränken

Injured - Verwundet

Excuse Me (getting one’s attention) - Entschuldigung

Excuse Me (leaving a room) - Entschuldigt

Library - Bibliothek
Castle - Town




Thank you for reading! I will constantly be expanding this as words always change and I find better ideas. If you have anything you believe I need to add or change, people shoot me a dm on discord. I would love to talk about it!


Changelog 4.16.2023
added castle, library, boy, and girl


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"Vat? Vhy are zey accusing me of having a akzent? I am writing ze autoah wizout delay myself zereovah zu complain."

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