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Death Comes to Life (PK)


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Ullruthir Kriswynn scanned  over the missive with her blue hues that slowly became cloudy, simply shaking her head. Though there were no tears spilt no visible sign of being upset . “I wasted all my tears for you when you were alive for it to come to this. You truly are an idiot Acanthus, though you were a idiot I once loved.” - “I wish you’d been honest with your feelings and intentions maybe we would’ve been together in this life time, see you in the forest old friend.” The woman said as she tossed the missive into the roaring fire going over to her now daughter Mariana hugging her. “Lets go to the clinic my dear.”

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The druid grasped at her chest as her body went stiff, gaze panning up to the sky "Why is it always the young ones to be taken- what is to come of this generation?" her breath caught in her throat "we had so much more to talk about"

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Upon hearing the news, an elderly woman placed down her medicine cup and closed her golden eyes, remembering the little boy's face who did all in his power to assist others. "Nephew, may you rest in peace."

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From deep into the frigidity of the biolumenescent domain, an ivory-haired elf with strange proportions would come to greet the newly arrived druid, in the never-fading realm of green and life, followed by polar bears, while at first intimidating, it was clear the creatures and the druid meant no harm.
"Welcome home, brother."

The boreal druid spoke out in warm yet solenm tone..

"You have eternety to rest." 


In the vale, a much younger druid spoke felt the cold grief wash over them, with a lack of understanding on what had happened, they ran out of their home with measured confusion, and upon being explained what the silence meant, they felt their chest tighten.

They then sprint towards their forge, unable to allow themselves to be alone with their own thoughts.

Edited by DistantCryprid
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Despite it all...

She wept.
Alaesia Ithelanen sat on the stone floor of her home there in the city, her knees pulled up to her chest which heaved as she sobbed. He was not loyal to her; he did not stay with her through the worst of it as most married men and women swear to. He had brought her the most pain she had ever felt, and before his death he had left her alone. 

Despite all he had done to her,
she still loved him. With every new woman she heard about, she still loved him. With the time she spent alone in her house raising their son, she still loved him. 

She remembered many years ago, sitting in the basement of her Amaethean home in the cold quiet of that empty city. The Ithelanen had nobody; No idea where her mother was, no family, no Agis, but she did meet Acanthus. Acanthus, the young prince who offered her his hand for one reason or another, and he had saved her from herself. He had given her what she needed to grow; Love, and her son. He was gone now, and even before his death he had never truly been how he was when they first met..  She had changed as well, she liked to think, but that did not stop her from the grief and loneliness that fell over her and for the first time in nearly fourty years, she sat in that hole once more like she did before he had entered in her life. 

The only thing she could stare at from the corner where she sat and cried was the lunarite crown he had given her after they wed, never to be worn again. 


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"Well shit" An earthy skinned proto-dark elf would mumble as she cleans her sword. Running through her heads would be the memories of her oldest and best friends, not to mention one of the few. This was a feeling she was unaccutsomed to, and not one she liked. She walked to the corner of her room, attempting to sit and consol herself with meditation as she activated something to calm her nerves, but no such luck. She was dealing with something she hadn't dealt with since childhood- grief.

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The young elfess rested within the manor she had been so graciously granted a room. It had been days, reading through the various books upon the shelves. When was her kin to return? She had much to discuss with him - new opportunities and realisations. When two more days passed, she finally decided to descend upon the city in search. The whispers. The rumours. The wet eyes and hushed, dour ambience.


Alas, she felt very little. The wasted potential of a friendship she had very little time to develop. A man who welcomed her back among her kin despite all of her sins and grievances. She would mourn his loss, though her mourning was for the loss of a kinship with little time to form.

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Elenora Zytiaear heard the silence alone within her brewery, the glass she held slipping from her grasp and shattering to the floor. Every time it occurred she wondered...


"Who could it be. Who have we lost? Is it someone I know? Someone I love?"


She was not left to wonder long, soon finding out it was Acanthus who had entered the forest. A young druid who had barely started, yet was willing to give his all for his duties. It felt only yesterday he came to her seeking aid in his dedicancy. Only a moment ago she had seen him as a druid for the first time. He had so much to learn still, so much yet to do. Yet it was cut short.


Who had caused it? Surely such was unjust in nature. Though he surely had gone out with honor, just as he spoke of to her before.


"Blessed be Brother Life. May you rest in the Forest."

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