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The Viscounty Of Pavia Invites You With Open Arms


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*A Crow Lands next to you holding a letter... You take the letter and read:* "Hello! You have been sought after by the viscounty of pavia so we could give you a formal invite! *The letter would continue* "We have seen your skills and abilities and think you would be a great fit for our great little town! We can grant clothing, shelter, food, and a kind gathering of others like your self! We welcome all religions and races to our town with open arms and equal rights to all citizens! *Under the letter in bolded all capital red ink was written* "Unless you are of voidal connection in religion or magic or anything of the sort" *You look up from the letter to the area around you... you think about it tossing the letter to the side as you begin to think and make a decision*


Hey forum! Just wanted to put some more information on pavia out there. For all those who move to pavia we are offering free skins, cheaper taxes, large housing for citizens, show and tell shop areas, etc. We need all the activity we can get as a new area in Urguan so any and all people who came are appreciated and highly valued! We would love to see you there!

if you have questions you can message me on discord or join the official discord of Pavia.

My discord: ItsSeth#1332

Pavia Discord: https://discord.gg/shTtqUeJyV


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Markward Orino picks up a letter and stuffs it into his pockets, not giving it a read of the lack of such skill, although he finds pleasure in gently tickling the feathers of a crow creature, and lightly stroking its beak with a smile.

Very nice seeing Pavia getting a real introduction to the masses! Best wishes to the team behind the city, you make spectacular things.

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Gregorius Roa, Viscount of Pavia picks up the letter from Perseus' table "Oh this is quite the good thing you have done today" chuckles looking at his son, proud of him

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