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A Selection of Poetry from Borris Iver Kortrevich - Vol. 24


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Selection of Poetry - Volume Twenty-Four

Published the 7th of VYZMEY AG HYFF, 466 E.S.



Ships of Brilliance


Ahoy! A massive, master-crafted galleon,
Celestially sailing the seas of time,
Befittingly captained by a legion,
Of stalwart souls, so brave and so fine.


Its grandiose hull, fashioned with cedarwood,
Varnished with care and precision,
Its sails, a canvas of tapestry,
Colors a-blazing with fiery ambition.


And its decks, with such ostentatious decor,
A wonderment of sights to behold,
Laden with cannons of thunderous roar,
Forever at the ready to unfold.


The wind howls and the waves swell,
O'er the grand galleon, a force of might,
The ship, a marvel of naval craftsmanship,
A titan of the seas, a timeless delight.



Find Joy


Musing on the panoply of life's vast array,
The simplest of pleasures oft go astray.

But when viewed with fresh eyes, in the morning's dawn,
The minutest of joys can be found in a song.


The air is alive, the birds a-singing,
A cacophony of sound, like a joyous ringing.

The wind whispers secrets, the sun its bliss,
In these small moments, joy abounds in a kiss.


The wonder of a blade of grass, a butterfly's flight,
The beauty of a single star in the midnight sky so bright.

The miracle of a single drop of dew,
The majesty of a single snowflake, ah, what a view.


In the grand scheme of life, joy is ever present,
In the smallest of things, contentment can be found in an instant.

Amid all the chaos, a tranquil peace awaits,
In the most mundane of moments, joy can be embraced.



Terror Lurks Inbetween the Spaces of Our Thoughts


Fear of the unknown, dread of the unseen
A demon of the mind, a fiend of the void
The breath of uncertainty, the angst of the unknown
Anxiety lurks, a monster that roams.


The terror so deep, it's a chasm so wide
A paralyzing burden, a shadow in tide
A cloud of darkness, a specter of dread
A festering unease, no hope ahead.


The air thick in the depths, cold chill
The mind in a fog, but yet will
Soul in a prison, the agony of doubt
A thought of despair, to be driven out.


The phobia that lingers, entrapped that stays
A fear of the unknown, that never will fade.

A dark visage so deep, nothing shall budge
It looms, lingers, a ecasended by vile sludge.





Careless, the thoughtless man may be,
Who thinks he'll gain without a fee,

For when the price of heedless haste,
Is paid, he'll find it was a waste.


The shallow path can seem so fair
With sun and sky and gentle air,

But when too late he's come to learn,
That short cuts often cause concern.


The careful man will take his time,
With no thought of a future climb;

He'll take the road that leads to peace,
Away from selfishness and cease.



Young and Spry


Ah, to be wild, so free and full of glee,
To roam and wander, with no cares to be,
The days are long and golden, the night is ours to seize,
The future is ours to make, we don't need to appease.

Our hearts are brave and strong, our minds so full of hope,
We can make a change, no matter how we cope,
We'll climb the highest mountains, reach the furthest seas,
Our dreams can be achieved, our will is our key.


We can laugh and learn, be brave and be bold,
Our lives are a journey, we must take the road,
The days may be fleeting, but we won't forget,
The memories we make, our youthful debt.

Our days may be numbered, but we'll make time stand still,
Our youthful moments, we'll cherish and fill.



Where have you gone?
The daylight fades,
Bringing sight to stars unseen.
My eyelids grow heavy.


I cannot find where the time went,
For when I looked out, it was morning,
Yet as I blinked, when I opened my eyes,
The sun had fled, conceding ground to the moon.


Why have you gone by?
Do you wish to deplete my life?
You strain with every passing second,
Till I am naught but exhausted.



Hollowed Goodbye


So long, my beloved.
Loft of emotions to thy heart.
A baleful requiem,

Wounded desires,
A dirge for a love that may never start.


A guttural outcry of a heaving breath,
The emotionally drained.
Farewell then, my sweet loving death,
An elegy of love ever constrained.


Goodbye my light,
A penitence of forever denied,
A requiem for that never-ending love.

Forlorn, we were never to part.
A somber and melancholic crescendo,
Yet the night sets, bringing upon the downcasted.



Jokes on You


You wished to force me out,
But you have just drawn me closer,
Pulling me to the goal I wished to accomplish.


Why do you cackle as if you have won?
Do you not see your foolishness,
That your schemes have failed you?


For what you thought was the greatest strike,
A blow to hinder my pride and future,
Allows the pendulum to swing.


For I am now everything that I wanted to be,
Sustained by the knowledge of my failures,
So that I might learn and reform.



HIS LORDSHIP, Borris Iver Kortrevich, KML

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Sterling would read each poem fervently

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